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nbiyv t V 2p n.m. oinnamon (prob. foreign wd., coming with the thing from remote E., cf. M*Lean-ThDyer K, " !^ • E,b •*■*•; cp. with Malay kai- namanis by Bod Ths - Add ' '", kayii manSsLewy Fremdw.37^ k ut 011 ]y fcayu, wood, given by Scott"* ■ Words 111 Eng. JA08»»II, XVHH1896. 1897). Q]j Ktma/imV from Heb. (against Lag BN '"));— fragrant bark used as spice: abs. 'p Pr?" Ct 4 "; cstr. ttopofi Ex 30 53 (P) cinnamon of sweet odour. — Vid. also Hougbton-Tr 8mllh DB,T - Post""""" DB s ;'-. Pp (-/of foll.jmng.l ~SK]2nest,Ae.kinnu, kannu, nest, family ; Aram. N3p, ±o nest). p n.m. 1 " 22 ' 6 nest;— abs. 'p Is io ,4 + ; cstr. "i2 Dt2 2 6 ; sf. ty 32" + . etc -; P 1 - D )*5 Gn 6"; — 1. nest, of bird Dt22 6 Jb39 27 ; in eim. Isio 14 Pr2 7 8 ,of«e*<Zmf7sDt32" Isi6*(r^9 IP), perhaps also '3p-Dy Jb 29 18 , but difficult, Che jqjuIj. ism. 578 pro p jpj or ypja ( c f. ©) ; nest on high, of rock-dwellings Nu 24 21 (JE) Je 49 16 Ob 4 ; fig. of Chaldeans' secure abode Hb 2 9 ; temple as secure home for Isr. ^ 84 4 (fig. of swallow). 2. cells, like nests, in Noah's ark Gn 6" (P ; read prob. D"?i? &»&, so Lag 01 Bu Cr " B5 DiHolzGunk). t[l2p] vb. denom. Pi. make a nest, nest ;— Pf. 3 fs. nj|p Is 34"; 3 pi. tiJP Ez 31 6 (in fig.); Impf. 3 ms. M»PJ ^ 104 17 ; 3 fs. BG>? Je 48 s8 (sim.). Pu. P<. fs". *n»PD (Ges S901 ) Je 22 n Kt (Qr flJIPO ; cf. Ges t80d ) (thou) who art nested in the cedars (fig.). Y2p (/of foil., si vera 1.; cf. Ar. ylfj catch, capture, ensnare J. T[Wj3] n.[m.] snare, net (si vera 1.); — pi. cstr. (Ges> ,3 °*) fa) "^i? f*ty} niN-iy Jb l8 2 how long will ye lay snares for words (catch at words, talk without knowledge)? so Castle JDMich and most, but sense strange; Vrss transl. end, so Thes al. (expl. iV3p [very dub.] as Aram.),rd. then )'p (with sg. vb., after ©),Me Bi Siegf Du, and del. njK-IJ) Du. t Ptip n.pr.loc. Kaa6, Ka{a)va8, E. of Jordan Nu 32 42 (JE) 1 Ch 2 a ; perh. Kanawat on W. slope of Hauran mountains (Buhl """- 252 ). DDp (-/of foil.; appar. orig. divide, assign (deity), Ar. "JZs divide, distribute, x. get a part allotted to oneself, especially by drawing lots [with headless arrows] at a sanctuary (cf. esp. Ez2i M27 ); iv. lUl swear; v. also Eth. 4>(at>: iv. use divination, so % DPP, Syr. «jj; NED'P ,. . .. „„„„„„ PQJFhll.liil (1885). 276 fl. TJT Sklzie. divination; see esp. lib > »ve . 1271167: Hold. 2. 132 ff. TJj.Dt 18,10 tODp n.[m.] divination; — abs. 'p Nu 2 3 23 + ^DDP T Ez 2 1 26 ; cstr. Dp£ 13 6 ; pi. DT?pp Dti8 10 + ;— 1. of the nations: Balaam, Nu 2 3 23 (poem in JE ; || t?n3 • c . 3 against; as ace. cogn. 'p~Dpp? Ez 2 1 26 ; 'p as instr. of divination ta*W? v 27 ;' so of elders of Moab and Midian, DT3 D'opp, Nu 22 7 (E).— Is 2 6 v. [Dpp,]. 2. offelse proph. 3J? 'p Ez 13 6 (but v. [Dpp]); 'P as ace. cogn. Ez 1 3™ ( < Co Berthol Krae 3J3 as v 9 2 1 34 2 2 38 ); ^ 'p (so Gf for MT W?£) Je 14 14 (all || N1B> nm or ipt?); DVppp Dpp pro- hibited Dt 18 10 2 K 17 17 ; reprobated 1 S 15 23 (poem; D'Bin). 3. in good sense 'Offe* 38 'P ^O Pr 16 10 (king's lips as oracle). t[DDp]vb.denom. practise divination; — Qal Impf. 3 mpl. lopp? 2 K17 17 , Wfc£ Mi 3 11 ; 2 fs. njeppn Ez 13 23 ; 7mv. fs. ' , J?pP T 1 S 28 s Qr(Kt*MDp); Inf cstr. Dbj? Mi 3 a (Buhl DDp), "Dpp Ez 2 1 26 - 34 "Dipp Ez 21 28 (read Dpp Co Buhl), esp. Pt. DD'p Dt i8 ,0 Is 3 2 , etc.;— 1. of diviners of the nations, Balaam, Jos 13 22 (D), Philist.

S 6 2 (|| D'ana), Bab. Is 44 26 (|| DV33n) Ez 2 1 26 

cf. Kit? 'p Ez 2 1 28 (but rd. Dpp). + Is 2 6 (ins. prob. D^ODp, >DDp, or D'ppO; v. Dip lb); of Can. necromancers 3iK3 T iS 2 8 8 ; I 0"$a? Dti8 14 ; of Ammonites 313 '? Ez 2 1 34 ( + b pers.). 2. false proph. of Isr. || ntn Mi 3 6 (1 Dpp ; || fttn), v 7 ; Is 3 2 ( + N'33; cf. v 3 ), || D»t«U Je 27 s 29 s , epaa Mi 3 11 , || iptr ntn Zc io 2 ; || nib* ntn : 'p DDp' Ez 13 23 (but v. Dpp), 3J3 'p Ez 13 9 2 2 28 , +' 1 3 6 (rd. VSPP, 1 ! , or [Co Berthol] inf. abs. DbP T ], Vrss. Toy). 3. D'»pp 'p prohibited Dt i8 t0

K 17 17 . 

t[DDpTp] n.[m.] divination; cstr. DDpo P^n Ez T i2 24 (|| N1B> ptn); 3J3 Dppr? Ez 13 7 (II nib' tmo). t[DDp] vb. Po'. strip off (so context requires; verb otherwise unknown); — Impf.

ms. Dpip? rinB-nSI Ez 17 9 and its fruit shall 

he not strip ofj'1 r©p v. nb>p. nS^^P n.pr.loc. K«iAa : in Judah, to- t •': 18 jui*iun ward Philistines, 'p 1 S 23'+ 13 t. 23 (npyp, v 3 "); Jos 1 5 44 (P), cf. 2 Ch 4 19 (geneal. scheme); post-ex. nb'VP ^3 Ne 3 1718 ; mod. Kila, c. 8 m. NW. from Hebron, GASm "" 230 Buhl 6 **" 193 ; cl. TelAm. Kilti Wkl" 0165 '" 8 '^-.