ypyp 89i ypPp (^of foil.; NH^Vi? Utu. putt, tear (or cut) down, off, Levy NHWB Ecclus io 15 (cf. FrgiAw^iMBui^. a]g0> ag to Lyig « incige> appar. reduplicated fr. a -/yip (Thes) or yyp). ' ^E??.£ n - [■*•] incision, imprintment, tattoo; Lvi9 !8 (H),v. n3/l3(RS Sem - l - 3Iai2 ' ul<,d - 324 ). TTp (-/of foil.; cf. Ar.jii 6e oeep, of well, Jm come to bottom of well, vessel, also make well dee]); n. AoZZoio om< (Dozy);^xl deep, of well, bowl ; Nab.iyp Jwllow or carve ou« (Sachau SB Ak, 1896, 1057. Q.,„ !)'«»/ ,, ), & yr. Jttijs, cafya:, acorn-cup, well; Bondi 60 cp. Egypt, rnaqaar, bottom part of oven). rrWjp ]7 n.f. dish, platter (P) (NH id.);— abs. 'p Nu 7 s5 ; cstr. *|D3-rnyj3 Nu 7"+ n t. 7 ; pi. cstr. t)D3 nijjp 7 s4 , all of dedication gifts ; as utensils in tabern. pi. abs. flijJp a s f. vniyp rran Ex2 5 29 37'« t[n^11^©] n.f. depression, hollow (on format.v.Ges* 651 );— pi. n'lViJjpi?' Lv 14 37 in wall. 'L^SpJ vb. thicken, condense, congeal (cf. Syr. lajj lieap up, collect);— Qpl Pf 3 pi. nb'nn m^Exi5 s (s<mg)thedeepswere condensed, became firm walls ; Impf. pxap^ Zc 14 6 Kt(i.e. !**$?. [poss. is also fMfBj£ Niph.]) Thes al. glorious(?) ones [stars] shall contract (dwindle), but rd. Qr nxspi v . foil. Ft. orr-intr^y D'KBpri Zp 1 12 the men who are thickening on their lees (easy-going men, under figure of undisturbed wine). Hiph. Impf. 2 ms. sf. WBpn Jb io 10 didst thou not curdle me like cheese (of formation of foetus)? tpNSp n.[m.] congelation;— Zc 1 4 6 Qr [ > Kt v. ^Qal Impf.}, so @ @ Symm We Now (with other change, but see GASm), v.TjJJ. t [ ISp] vb. Pi. gather together, roll up (Ar. Ijji wind turban snugly; Aram.ISp, JLo, Ithpe. be drawn in, together; also KlSIp, )ift<ua porcupine; so Ar. (j) ilii (cf. Lag BN 182 ), Eth. •KJlfH;) ,—/>/. 1 s. *ngp Is 38 12 1 have rolled up, like a weaver, my life (i.e. finished it ■ Buhl^' 3 J?- [of V|, but 3 ms. foil, of '<). T*TBJ3 n.[m.] porcupine (fr. rolling itself together; © ^01 ( a lw. pi.), 33 ericius Bo Hlerol -" L O.P.36 p ost Ha,„„ 8!D BB,r IEB! ,. > (from context) Ut _ tern Tr ™ B » Hi Che Gu K *» ; v. discussion by MTeim-Shipley*"*"*-*™);-^ as haunting desolate places, Is 14 23 Zp 2 14 ,1i3p Is 34 11 . ^ [""H??] »•[*-. Albr ZAW " l < M ">-™ cf. Sta* 308 *] shuddering (cf. .JLo, of skin, = "TOD ^ 119 20 , v. Thes);— abs. *9""nsp Ez 7 2i (read n«3 Co Krae, and on tone v. Ges !29e ). Tflp (-/of foil.; cf. Ar.jii leap, spring; so X lfip (rare), v. Syr. )qj> id., ]]<£o weasel). TliBp n.f. arrow-snake (Ar. ijUj, so Bo B,erozP '" pos '-'"- c * Ik,I (citingAvicenna"^' 6 ',cf.Thes Lag BV89 ), and most moderns; cf. Dozy"- 383 PS WoadAn.j = aKo>-riarAelian HlstA '> i,,, - , ' 1 - ,8 ' vllU3 , called 'p as leaping from trees on passers-by ; but ag. this v. Houghton A«d.A P ,.M.i 8 M,« It (arrow-snake does not incubate) p 0S t,H M '-i> B «»-«3r wno conj. an owl (as AV» ; — Is 34 15 , token of desolation. t^Sp vb. draw together, shut (NH = BH; Ar. ^J^ki collect, conjoin, tie; Syr. *aJio draw togeilier, contract, withdraw (cf. N(i M47: 2MG " X "' (1 ^ 516 ); X r?P hasten (double oneself up in running), Pi. hop, spring);— Qal Pf. 3 ms. 'P V'77'Vetc; Impf. 2 DM. >4$l Dti5<; 3 mpl. «»£ IS52 15 ;— shut hand Dt 15 7 (c. JO away from, so as not to lend; opp. nns v 8 ); mouth, in astonishment Is 52 10 , in abject silence Jb s 16 ^io7 42 ; fig. verti 'p 77 >» ^ up Ms com _ passion. Nipn. Impf. 3 ms. pWBj* Jb 24 s4 si vera 1., they draw themselves together, of con- traction in death (cf. Di Bu ; 01 («»; are gathered in). Pi. Ft. nijnsrr^ J»Spj?'"ct 2 8 springing (i.e. making repeated contractions of body, in taking leaps) upon the hills (|[ aho). Ti?. v. HP- PSj5] vb. cut off, shear (?) (NH 3XP r rfm'rfe, determine, Pi. cAop meat ; Palm. K3Xp butcher, so Syr. )o|a, JAram. KJfg, and Ar. v Lls as loan-word Fra 253 ; Ar.^Ji also is cm/! o/"a branch) ;— Qal Impf 3 ms. JTaSp?! 2 K 6 6 Jte cut off a stick; Pt. pass. fpl. rrtijfjsri Tiy Ct4 3 a flock of (sheep) <Aai are shorn (1). t3|g n.m.' K ^ 1. cut, shape; 2. ex- tremity ; — 1. 'p abs., s/(ope of cherubim 1 K 6 25 ( + H&), of bases 7 37 ( + id.). 2. extremity, pi. cstr. Onn >3Sp Jon 2 7 </j« extremities (bottoms) o/(the) mountains ( = Dnn i^Vp Ecclus i6 19 ). f I. [HSp] vb. cut off (NH &, se^arafc;, Ph. HVp w< o^f, exterminate; Aram. NSp, ]lo 6rea^ ojf (e.g. bread); Ar. Ui 6« remote, Cli remote extremity) ; — Qal Inf. D'By niyp Hb 2 " cutting off many peoples; Vrss JniSp (V}^p);
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