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nwxp 893 fi. [nS^p] n.f. cassia. & powdered bark, like cinnamon (hence Gk. Katria, Lat. casta, Lewy Fremdw - 37 );— pi. niVVi? (ni^)Nl lb) ^45" (Che now pXVI are shed, v. in -* DW - Blb - ° A88IA ' "). fit. TOTJJp n.pr.f . (cassia, fr. fragrance) ; — Job's second daughter Jb42 14 , K<nr((r)iav (ace). T[n3>!»p?3] n.[f.] scraping tool, used in fashioning idols; — pi. niVVp133 IS44 15 . tll.^Xp (-/of foil.; cf. Aram. VOP, ■*£* cut off, also Ar. »V»< break off (if for «Ji.S, jjg jphii. x?i. ,4^ Aj A place where something is cut off or ends abruptly US 1 ""-; Sab. yip appar. cut off, or the like, Sab Denkm 91 ). &PQ n.m. place of corner-struc- ture, (inner) corner-buttress (as (place of) cutting off of an inner angle if -/rightly expl.; v. JJS 1 -"- 71 - 81 );— abs. 'D Ne 3 19 + , Jftf- Ne 3 20 -!- ; cstr. p'S- Ez 46 2 '- 21 ; pi. abs. njntpo Ex 2 6 24 3 6 29 , cstr.niV- Ez 46 22 , •'Jrixptt v 21 , also n'yspl? Ex 26 23 36 s8 Di (not Pu. Pt. fr. VXiJ Thes Buhl 1 "" al.), but rd. prob. ttiftfr, so SS Baen; sf. Vnty'xpD Ez 41 22 ; — corner-post of altar Ez 41 s2 , tabern. Ex 26 23 - 24 =36 S8 - 29 ; (inner) buttress-j)lace of court, where the small corner-courts were, Ez 46 212 2IM ; of inner (rock- V) buttress at NE. corner of wall of Jerus., 'tan, nearly =n.pr., Ne 3 19 - 20 - 25 , also (disting. fr. nsa) v 24 2Ch 26 s . VSp r vb. denom. Hoph. Pt. ntyxpno (e w »ma 01 T 5 78c Ges' 5 "') Ez 46^ corneredl set in corners 1 del. with M (cf. 01) © <S93 Hi Kb' 1 - 204 Co Berthol Toy Krae.— Ex 26 s3 36 s9 v. y'Sp». fi. ^p vb. be wroth (NH id., Hiph. make wrathful (rare); Syr. *-£ be virathful, also 6e anxious, fearful); — Qal Pf. 3 ms. 'p Gn 41'°+, etc.; Impf. 3 ms. IVp? Lv io 6 -f , etc.; Inf. cstr. I'Sp Is 54 9 ; Pt. *|Xp Zc i 15 ;— be wroth: . of God;' abs. Dt i 34 Is 57"'™ 6 4 48 Zc i 15 ; c. by against, Lv io 8 Nu 16 22 (P), Dt 9" Is 47 s 54 9 Las 22 Zci 215 EC5 5 ; c. b« Jos22 ,8 (P). . of man; abs. Esti 12 2 21 2K5 11 ; c. by Gn 4O 2 4 i 10 (E), Exi6 20 Lvio 16 Nu3i ,4 (P),Je37 15 iS 20/ 2K13" 9 . Hiph. Pf. 2 ms.WSSpn Dtp 7 ; 2 mpl. tWSSpn v 8 ; Impf. 3 mpl. W^JC^ io6 : ' 2 ; Inf. cstr. <Hfl! Zc 8' 4 ; P<. pi. D"SSpp Dtp 22 ;— provoke to wrath, c. ace. ** Dt 9 7,822 Zc8 14 ; so (ace. om.) iff 106 32 . Hitlip. put oneself in a rage : Pf. 3 ms. consec. ISpnni Is 8 21 , of hard- pressed people. VP fi. P|Sj| n.m. 2Ki2T wrath;— abs/p Nu i M -f-; ^P Jos2 2 20 +; cstr. f|Xp Je5o" + ; sf. "3Sp Is oo' ; ^Byp. ^ 3 8 2 , ISSp 102", te?i? Je io 10 ;— 1. of God:' abs. Nui7"(P), Dt 29 s7 Is 6o' Je io 10 21 5 32 s7 50 13 f 38 s 102" Zc 7 12 ; c. by against Nu i" 1 8 s Jos 9 20 2 2 20 (P), 2 K 3 s7 1CI127 24 2Chi 9 210 2 4 18 29" 32 s5 - 26 IS34 2 Zci 2IS ; T «1SB*3 Is 54 8 . 2. of man (late), Est I 18 Ec5 18 .— Hoio 7 v. 11. «]Sp. II.*lSp(-v/offoll.; Ar.i_i_ii&rai&, snap off). T nD2{p n.f . a snapping or splintering (on abstr. formation v. Ba NB97 ); — Jo I 7 (of fig-tree; II n W). fll. r|^p n.[m.] prob. splinter ; — only?! D^p-^a-^y Ho io 7 (sim. of helpless king). |T^p] vb. out off (NH id., also Y2 end; As. kasdsu, hew off, cut off, kissatu, boundary- stone, Be'lser 8 * 8 "- 120 ' 189 , cf. Hilpr A " ir " c * M2 ; Ar. ^J> cut, clip, cut off; Aram. (*Sp, . _o cut off, NJPp, Jio end); — Qal Pf. 2 ms. consec. nnafjl Dt 25 12 (ace. HB3); P(. pass. pi. cstr. HNS <2fttp Je 9 s5 2 5 s3 49 s2 (v. DK3 1). Pi. Pf 3 ms. r»p V' 129 4 , V consec. Ex 39 s ty 46 10 , )*Xp 2 K i8 ,s ; Impf. }*!fp)l i6 17 + , etc.; — cut or Aeto off, thumbs, toes, Ju i 6 , hands and feet 2 S 4 12 ; cut in two, spear (fV?n) ^ 46'°, threads Ex 39 3 (P), cords ifr 129 4 (fig-); cm< i«, pieces, vessels (of gold) 2 K24 13 2Ch28 24 ; bases (ni33Qn) 2K16 17 (so Kit Benz, transposing DilSDBn), doors 2K 1 8' 6 (both, for the sake of metal sheathing). Pu. Pt. pi. D'SXpO Ju i 7 Ileum off (as v 6 supr.). YP ^ n.m. Kz '• 6 end ;— 'p abs. Am 8 2 + , cstr. Gn 4 3 + , Ty Dn 8 17 ; sf. i»P Is 3 7 24 + , risp || 2 K 1 9 s3 , etc.; — 1. end, usu. of time, esp. in phr. J*iS9 at the end of a. definite time Gn 8 6 (J), 41 1 (E), i6 3 (P)+i5 t., +rt*Tj fi» Est2 12 ; indef. Gn 4 3 (J) 1 K 17 7 Je 13 6 ; so (late) rp!>of indef. time 2 Ch 18 2 Nei3 6 Dnn 613 ; defin. riKS nj?3 D2f> Dn?£ 'pn 2 Ch 21"; end of life, of a people Am 8 2 Ez 7 2 2 - 3 - 6 - 6 Je 5 1 13 La 4 1818 , cf. (of all flesh) Gn 6 13 (P); of individ. Jb 6" ^ 39 s (|| TpJ mv), Dn9 2 "n 45 ; in eschatol. sense, f*P. PS ty time of final punishment (Toy) Ez 21 3034 35°; J*i?? Hb2 3 to the end; esp. Dn, of time of Antiochus' persecution, foil, by A.'s death, fp flj) time of the end 8 17 1 i nM 1 2 49 ,'p IjiD 8"; cf. pojn ^ 1 2 13 , 'p alone 9 2f,b 12 13 ; end, cessation, abs. "tjrto? 'p 11 27 ; nisben 'p 1 2 6 , of words Jb 1 6 3 , darkness 2 8 3 ,