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jrcp Gr Now conj. f^iq. Pi. /«/. cs<r. 3 niifpb 2 K io B lo cut off in Israel; read prob. ^iXpp to 6« anj/ry with, X Hi Che C^ "•"• I, "■ 8(ln Con, ™- ) Kmp^" Kit Benz, 25 Gr ^ J P*. &£p ™P-? Pr 2 6 6 (fig.). Hiph. Pf. 3 pi. «pn Lv 14 41 , ace. dust; Inf. cstr. nixpn v 43 , ace. /touse, in both appar. := 5K £ scrape, scrape off (q.v., v 4 ' 11 ), and so prob. read, viz. ISNpn, y'Xpn, RS" 1 "'- "' < 1888 >' 72 Dr -Wh Di-Ry Bae'n. rap o n. [m.] end, extremity, only sg. : abs. 'p T Gni 9 4 + 3 t. ; cstr. nxp Ju6 21 + ; sf. 3 ™p T Gn 4 7 2I + 4 t.; 0™p(») Ez 33 2 (sg.; Ges ,98 "); P 1 - ( cstr -) supplied by nixp , v. foil.;— 1. end, of staff Ju6 21 , rod 1 S 14 2743 , curtains Ex26 s = 3 6 12 (P; cf. nsp T ); of conduit Is 7 s , river, =mouth v 18 (prob.), Jos 15" 18 19 ; of field Gn 23', valley Jos 15 8 , tribe v 21 , sea v 2 Nu 34 s (all P); of territory (5*0}) Nu 20 16 (JE; just without), 22 s6 (E; just within), cf. Ez 25° (al. sub 3); insp T "iyi D?!3fO-S«D! 'po Gn 4 7 21 (J); cf. 'pn-^K 'pn-fD Ex 26 i8 = 36 s3 (of side of tabern.); nJiBX nspo Ez 48 1 a« <Ae nortliern extremity, cf. JO'n 'pD Josi5'(P); of earth, H?(n) 'pe Is 5 26 43 6 Dt.28 49 (all || P^mD), Is 4 2 10 + 4 t.; + phr. H¥7 V-IV) H?(?) 1"? Dt i3 8 28" Je 25 s3 , of land 12 12 (cf. Is 26 15 ); of earth, abbrev. tW 'p"iy 25" IS48 20 49 6 ^46'°, 'p^K tW Is62 n ; of earth, HJ*"'?? Pri7 24 , ^3PI 'p3 yj, i 9 5 ; tf»e>n 'po is i 3 5 "(|| prno jhkid), ^ i 9 ? (II nnisp-i??), 't?n 'pa Dt 3 o 4 =Ne i 9 ; '^n.'ptsb 'tfn T>-TJ1 Dt4 32 . 2. ftorrfer, outskirts, of city iS9 27 i4 2 Jos4 19 i8 15 , camp Nu n'(JE); esp. to one approaching Ju 7 1719 2 K 7 58 , so of armed force Ju 7 11 , people Nu 22 41 (E), 23" (JE ; emphat. 'p DSS , pp. fe), mt. Ex 1 9 12 (E), Josi8 16 (JE); see'also 3 s (D), v ,5 (JE), Ex 13 20 =Nu 3 3 6 , Ex 16 35 Nu 33 37 Jos 13 27 (all P), RU3 7 . +3. condensed term for what is included within extremities, = the whole: VnN'po Gn47 2 (J),cf. Ez 33 2 ; abs. nxi5» Gmg 4 (J)=in (its) entirety; =on all sides, Je5i 31 +5o 26 (nXj3D for fl&, Gie); so VV^a Is 5 6» Di, but om. 'p» © Du Che Marti. 4. HSpO at the end of a certain time Jos9 ,6 (JE), 2S'2 4 8 + 8t. tnSg n.f. et (pi.) m. El25 - 18 end (pi. 4 t.f. [c. num.masc.], Albr ZAW J,i <1898) ' 93 changes gender of num. in all, or regards as irregular agree- ment in gender (Ges"" c ); otherwiseKo"- M1,,7li ); —abs. 'p Ex25 19 +; pi. cstr. nisp ; 1 Ki2 al +; sf. VTrixp Ex 27 4 + (so also Ex 3 7 8 3 9 4 Qr; Kt innxp, cf. nxp s infr.), etc.;— 1. end, sg. of nn.33 in tabern. Ex 25 1919 = 37 s - 8 ; of curtain 26 4 =36"; elsewh. pi., rnbsn 'p 2 5 18 =37 7 , cf. 25 19 = 37 8 ; of ephod 28 7 = 39 4 , breast-plate 28 23 - 24 - 26 =39 16 - 17 - 19 , chains 28®= 39 18 , grating 2 7 4 (appar. = corre«rs); <tps of wings 1 K 6 24,24 ; of vine Ezis 4 ; psn 'p«M<fs of the earth IS40 28 41 59 Jb 28 24 ; ttfffQ ? V3-1S Je 4 9 36 , cf. + 19 7 ; V3"l' : j 'p Jb 26 14 , i.e. the mere edge, minute part, of his doings. 2. DJ?n HiSpO =from the whole of (fr. among) </(e people, 1K12" 1 3 s3 , cf. Ju 18 2 2 K i7 32 (v. also Ecclus i6 17 , and nxp r 3). tn2jP(Baernsp v )n.[m.]end(on-^Ba NB S 12 *, and [on n] Ko"- 1 ' 65 ); — only 'p fN, usu. + i>,rao end to (of), Is 2" Na 2 10 3 3 ; abs. nxp. f% v 9 . TL^i^] n.[m.] end, boundary (on form Ko"- 1 - 6 ');— only pi. cstr. fyf*^Q ends of the earth ^48" 65"; boundaries of the land Is26 15 . +mp n.f. end (Lag BS1 ° Ges }95n );— cstr. 'p Ne 7 69 (Gi Baer, v 70 van d. H.) + ; sf. DTOp Dm 5 ; pi. abs. niXp Ex 38 s V' 65 s ( + peril. WWSp Ex 37 8 39 4 Kt. v. nxp T ; Ko"- 61 der. these pi. forms fr. [^P T ]); — 1. end, of corners of grating Ex 38 s (II WW> 27 4 ), cf. Ex 37 8 39 4 supr. (all P); ends of earth ^ 65 s . 2. OXpO (some) from tlie end of, some o/(f» 3 b) Ne 7 69 (so NH), Dn i 2 . 3. 'pO at the end of a. certain time Dn i 515 - ls . II. tVHp (/of foil. (01 i216h Ko"' 1 - 405 ); cf. Ar. ^15 decide judicially, decree, ^U Kadi. tp^3 n.m. Dn11 ' 18 chief, ruler (prop. decider, cf. Dr Dn "- 8 );— abs. 'p Ju 1 1 6 + ; cstr. |"Xp Is 3 7 ; pi. cstr. T?p Isi 40 + ; sf. WW Is22 3 ;— 1. chief, commander in war Jos io 24 (JE), Ju 1 1 611 (|| Wl), Dnn 18 . 2. dictator, Is 3 67 . 3. more gen., rWer, man in authority, Is I 10 22 3 Mi 3 19 ; of ants, 'P HJ Pr 6 7 (+nt2fe>, i'K'D).— Pr 25 15 read probably *1?P„ (Toy). rii^p v. nxp. t' : T ■ TOp (/of foil; mng. unknown; NH nxp v = BH; Ar. »-}5, ^Ij seeds used for seasoning). trap n.m. 1828 " black cumin (Nigella sativa Linn. ; © pe<'iv6t.ov 7 35 gr^A, 1'd. ; cf. rp r NHB4M; Smith DB 2nd ed. FlTCHIB p Qg (. Hutlngs DB Id.. plant with small black acrid seeds, used as condiment : abs. 'p Is 2 8 25 - 27 - 27 . I. >/2sp vb. scrape, scrape off (NH id., also n^xp=BH, X KnjTXp , Ar. pOi/ne i M «<); —Hiph. t'tZ. 7»»p/ 3 ms. 5?xp: n^n-riK Lv 14 41 .