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Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/926

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PJ3 |i8' (of as deliverer); others sub 3 or 4; esp. as lifted up (DY as of a lordly animal, cf. Dr lsal ), denoting increase of might, dignity i S2 U0 La2 17 ^75 11 89 ,8 - 25 92 11 112 , so perh. 1 Ch 25 s (v. Kau ; >Be blow loudly [cf. 1 c]), 4- toy? i//i48 M (sul>j. ' , ); also haughtiness, ar- rogance 75 56 ; opp. T ina Jiew off horns, i.e. reduce, humiliate, La 2 3 1//- 75*', pass. Je 48 s , so 7)2 "«sy3 'npbyi jb i6 15 ; 't^ nnb 9 nnay«  Ez 29 21 is appar. of restoration of might (as + 148 14 supr., c. D-JJ1), but "Vf$ T? 'XK f 132" of raising up individual ruler of Davidic line. 3. of altar, horn-like projections at corners (26 t.), Am 3 14 Je 17 1 Ez 43'"° + 1 18 27 Ex 27 s * + 8 t. Ex, Lv 4' 19 + 6 1. Lv (all P) ; as sanctuary, refuge iK i 5051 2 2> . t4. hill (so in Ar.,peak,iso- lated hill, cf. Ges) Is 5'. 1 5. ft 1"W? Dff]E Hb 3 4 rays at his side{s) had he (of lightning-flashes in theoph., cf. Now Da). — Am 6 13 v. D??"]P n.pr.loc. tpp vb. Qal denom. of fjij 5, send out rays;— P/. 3 ms. VJB niV Hi? Ex 3 4 29 - 30 - 3S (P). Hiph. denom. of fjp 1 a, display (grow) horns (be fully developed), Pt. D^sp ni?P "»| * 69 32 . TlpEn Typ n.pr.f. (/jotm of antimony, i.e. beautifier, v.^pS) ; — Job's third daughter Jb 4 2 H . t □ , 5"^p n.pr.loc. conquered by Isr. Am 6 13 (so GrWeNow GASm, cf. also "O"] K? p. 520 supr.; © and most sub pi? 2); prob. in Bashan, =5 Kapvaiv i Mace S 43 ' 44 , Kapviov 2Macc 1 2 21 ; also in 'p ni"Wfy Gn 14 5 (v. in. ninn^y p . 800 supr.). f[Dnp] vb. bend down, stoop, crouch (intrans.) (cf. perh. Ar. u^S disc, round cake; cp. NH blDTj?, ftr$, X *tycP&, *fy>F& all ankle);— Qal Pf 3 pi. W$ Is 4 6 a ; / J <. Dip v 1 (both + V12); of vanquished gods of Babylon. T [D">p] n. [m.] hook, on edge of curtains of tabern., matching the loops (IN??, v. [yv 1 ]); pi. D"t?-ip Ex 26«- ,1 = 36 B -" ) 26 33 ; cstr. ant 'W. v«=36 13 ; Tvm 'p 2 6 n =36' 8 ; sf.VCnp 35 n =3g h t[^b")j3] n.[f. Albr ZAW " ,(,896) '"] ankle (cf. 33 2S22 37 ; =^ + Dn.i? v. Ko" m ; pi. sf. ^PT 2S22 37 = f i8 :i "). tDhp n.pr.m. post-ex., Ezr2 44 ,Kafir/s, AK17- paos; =DTp Ne7 47 , K<ipa(s), ®L (both) Kopts. j/*lp vb. tear (NH id.,' Ar. cy> strike head, bell, etc., 6«a< drum, box ear, gnash teeth (Frey Dozy) ; also impugn, censure); — Qal Pf. 3 ms.'p 1 S 1 5 18 + , etc.; Impf. 3 ms. IMP?! Gn 37 M -r ; is. sf. najnpK 1 K 1 1 12 , etc.; Imv. mpl. «r# 2 S 3 31 Jo 2 13 ; Inf. abs. 5)ip T 1 K 1 1 11 ; cstr. y^-ip? Ec 3 7 , sf. *¥!£ Ezr 9 5 ; Pt. act. T)P 1K11"; pass, yip 2S15 32 , etc.; — ieor, re/uf : 1. a. usu. (39 t.) of rending garment in (1) sign of grief, distress: 13? (29 t.) Gn 37 MM 44" 2Si3 ,, + ; D'JPp Bg0 '3 ? 2 K 2 12 , '3 bsi D33a? 'p J02 13 ; pt. pass, 'p 1H33 2 S i ! ; cstr.' 'a' f}? <om 0/ garments (pers. tCTift <orw garments) 2 S 1 3 31 (but read 'a liTip ® 33 Th We al.), 2 K i8 37 =Is 36 s2 , Je4i s ; i"Vtp fJbi 20 2 12 Ezr 9 3 ( + 1$), nana 2 S 13 19 , in?J?a 8*lg 2 S 15 32 (Ges* 12 " 1 ); nWtGn37 34 44 ,3 Jos7 6 ; pt. pass, t D^np V T?

S 4 12 ; t(2)as symbolic act, ifV Bf>tf note 'p 

D'jnp 1 K 11 30 ; t(3) abs.iianb nyi yinp? ny Ec 3 7 . b. tear away or out : veils Ez 1 3 21 , fillets from (?¥®) arms v 20 , mark of leprosy out of (IP) garment Lv 13 56 . t2. tear away sovereignty (under fig. of garment), subj. by? pers. 1 S 15 28 1 K 11 11 , also 1!P i S 28 17 1K11 1231 , IP 14 s , abs. 11 13 ; c. ace. ty + ^>yp

K 17 21 . t3. tear, rend asunder : a. book 

with (3) knife Je 36 s3 . b. = mafe wide, large, eyes, with (3) stibium Je 4 30 ; windows, i? 'pi [Ij'Jifin 22". c.rend open heavens, and descend, of '», Is 63". +4. tear, rend, of wild beasts: r i as fierce bear Ho 13 s (obj. Dap "top); fig. of human foes ^ 35 15 (ace. pers. om.), so Hup al., but (fr. context) 01 BaeAVe al. malign, rail (cf. Ar. supr.); > Gr al. W)p. t Niph. be rent, of gar- ment (WP), Impf. 3 ms.ini5>l 1 S 15 27 , J3R Ex 28 32 39 s ; be rent, split asunder, of altar iK 13 35 . t[SHp] n.m. 1K,1,30 torn piece of garment, rag ; — pi. D'yip 1 K 1 1 30 he tore it into twelve pieces^ 2K2' 2 ; ra^«Pr23 31 (sign of poverty). f [r*]p] vb. nip, pinch (NRY~$cut dough, compress lips, Y^p piece of bread; As. kardsu, nip off ', gnaw, Ar. Jojj pinch; Eth.+^R: incise; Syr. )Llo nail [v. also BAram]; cf. Fra 35 .');— Qal Impf 3 mpl. fyWJp! if 35 19 ^ et ^ iem no ^ P' nc h the eye, i.e. wink maliciously, so Pt. act. "S TV Pr io 10 , i^ya 'P 6 13 ; also WOP 'p 16 30 pinching his lips (i.e. compressing, as NH, or biting, gnawing, cf. As.). Pn. Pf. 1 s. ^flP ipno Jb 33 e from clay I was nipped off (ci. As. [i{a iklaris, lie nipped off clay, to form Eabani).