rropo ' V^P n " m " QU b- word, appar. nipping, concr. nipper usu. interpr. (since Hi) of a nipping or stinging insect (cf. Aram. NSi"l£, Ar. J^U biting insect); e.g. gadfly (d. Thes Add,ul ), fig.'of Nebuchadr. N3 fiBSD 'p J e 46 20 a gadfly cometh from tlie north; 5i5 (Aq Symm) stimu- lator, i. e. fP ; Thes ah, more gen., excidium. fi. ^p^.p n.[m.] floor (prob. redupl. fr. a Vr-ip, or nip; NH &, ground., so £ KVP")P, ^'V^IP ; appar. = As. kakkaru, ground, earth, Av.jj 5 terra aequabilis mollisque ; cf. Kb' lu ' 9I ); — abs. 'p 1 K 6 16 f VP T - v 7b (v. infr.); cstr. SFJB Nu 5 >i + ; — floor of temple 1 K 6 ,MM "° j7«. v 7b rea) j prob nhipn rafters (cf. 6 15 and fflV) @ 33 Th Sta Kmp K ' u Benz; (earth)-floor of tabern. Nu s' 7 ; DJn ypnp Am o 3 the floor, bottom of the sea. f n.yplp a.pr.loc. (yfoor); — c. art. + n loc, ^pn.gn Jos 15", on extreme S. border of Judah ; Trjv Kara 8vcrpias KaSrjs.
- t1S n -P r -!oc- E. of Jordan, Ju 8 10 , site
unknown ; Kapieap. "^R")B ^ u 2 4 17 rea< ^ *^T? 1 -v -
1. [Tip] ▼&■ be cold (Ar.j5 oe cota, so
Eth. <fcd<J: Syr. J>; X Ithpa. is coo? oneself (rare); Levy cp. also NH Nithp. T!i? n ? #row caZm [i.e. cool]); — Hiph. make or keep cool : Pf. 3 fs. ITlpn, fig., Je6 7b Jerus, keepeth her wickedness coo/, fresh ; Inf. cstr. metaph 1'pn (6es te ") v 7 *, of "112 keeping water cool (sim.). tlf? adj. cool;— cstr. (fig.) nmpi p r x fr (Kt) cooZ of spirit, i.e. calm, self-possessed (Qr "¥}) ; pi. &$> of water Je i8 H Pr Z5 25 . tip n.[m.] cold;— abs. G11 8 M (Dh). trnj? n.f. id.;— abs. 'P Di<| Na 3 17 a day of coldness, cold day, so Pr 25 20 ; 'p alone, coW of night Jb 24"; in gen., due to winds 37 s (DnTBO v. mr Pi. ; yet Voigt Bu, attractively, D'lJBD ( c f. f 1 4 a") out of storehouses [|| Tin]); Tog; '» in-;^?B!)^i47 17 ,+pl.Zci4 6 (rd.n'inpv TrPpTp n.f. coolness; — abs. 'e of cham- ber: 'Bn ivby. Ju 3 20 ='Bn Tin v 24 . tH- [Tip] vb. Pilp. tear down (?) (NH ">i?]i? tear down wall) ;— only P«. "ip np"]pO Is 22 5 usu. (men are) tearing down wall(s), but v. 1. f1> 3 ad fin. ttftp (-/of foil.; cf. NH enp, 6e(come) ./Srw, solid, BHp 6oard (rare)). Bhj? n.ln. ,:,au, board, boards ;— abs. 'p Ex26 ,9 '+, Bhj> v^ + j sf. iJBhp Ez2 7 «; pL Dnrip v ,5 + ; cstr. "Bhp v<* + ; sf. VBnp 35" + ; — tl. coll. boards, of deck Ez 27" (of Tyre under fig. of ship). 2. ioard of tabern. Ex 2 6 lbM - ,6 + 45 t. 2.6-40 ; Nu 3 M 4" (all P). < rpj? v. mp. ItJup (-/offoll., meaning dub.; cf.Ar. ttli basket of palm-leaves ; Eth. ^v*^; urn, jar; NH n)Dp_=BH rrtpp, cf. $ NnijDp, r ninDP; Talm. BDp, NBD'p a measure, Syr. §aJ> jar, (D after p), N6s' BAk - 1882 -" 79 Fra 63206 Brock'"). t[™ty£> Ko"- 1 - 1 "] n.f. a kind of jug, jar, utensil of tabern. and (Ch) temple ; — pi. Hi'trp Ex 37 16 1 Ch 28"; cstr. TJDSn nibp Nu 4 7 ^'ars oftlie drink-offering; sf. (of table) Ex 25 s9 . tnDj? (for niyp) n .[f.] pot (for ink), ink- horn ;— cstr. ^bn 'p Ez 9 s - 3 , abs. riDisn v ". Dttfp (-/offoll.; meaning dub.). Tntfl^top n.f. unit of (unknown) value, perh. weight: Gn3 3 19 || Jos2 4 32 (both E), Jb42". ti^p (-/of following; NH nE^'fp « C a'e; cf. Ar. Jhi gfttm off fat, iv. scaZe q^" (Berggren), ^/Jil be healed from small-pox, etc. (Muhifc; i.e. scale off), cf. JL» #e< weZZ from leanness, Frey (KamGolius); also sweep (up debris) Dozy" 347 ). t<. nCplTp n.f. scale offish, etc.; — of water- animals having 'p ^SiDfln and scale Dti4 9 -' = Lv II 91012 ; pi. CWP'fp, of scale-armour 1 S 1 7 5 ; pi. sf. Tntypbp Ez 2 9 4A (of Pharaoh under fig. of crocodile). ©p v. B'E'p. Kt^'p (-/of foil.; cf. Ar. li~3, Eth.'l^rti't: NH rutfp, Pun. Kiuaov Low p - 408 , all cucumber(s) (Low"- 330 ), so prob. As. kissA ; cf. Syr. JL'o^i id. (Lexx), S Jerl - Nu 1 1 4 pi. ttyp_ (n for n after p); Gk.o-<<evo t ,<r«ur; Lag Arm - s,ud ' » 1975 ! ""■ K6 Lewy Fremdw.30 t[n«©p, Lbw"- 330 ] n.f. cucumber;— pi. D^pNu'n 5 . fn. Httjpp n.f. place, field, of cucumbers, Is i 8 ; so Je io 5 Gf Gie al. (cf. Baruch 6 70 ).