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ncjp t [Ht^p] vb. Hiph. 1. make hard. 2. treat hardly (Ar. 3 6« hard, firm, tough; Sab. nDj5 hardness, severity, cruelty, SabDenkm ); — 1. make hard,stubbom, Impf. 2 ms. O'B'pFI (subj. "»), c. ace. 3^ Is 6 3 17 ( + 'pri'D). 2. <rea< hardly, roughly (of ostrich), P/. 3 ms. DTP? Jb 39 16 (c. ace. rm ; r d. 3 fs. nrPB'pn Hi Siegf Du) ; < (Di) Inf. abs. (Ges 1 »") rwpn Ew, or /mp/. 3 fs. O'B'ipFI Hirz Bae**" Bu. ' ttjajp a.[m. ?] bow ; — ^ 60 6 , Aram, form of n#>, q.v. (B for n after p). Dt#'p (-/of foil.; cf. Palm, avp succeed; Aram. BWp, tiQfP right, truth; Syr. )fj^.a!o id., ChrPalAram. frrnM true, Mand. BBO be true, v. Schwally Id ' otM ; Ar. Aj—jj equity, justice is loan-word (v. Fra 206 )). tptt?p n.m. truth;— Pr 22 21 (ace. to Toy Aram, gloss to foil. no$ n.OK).

  • tip, pO?P , v. I. nvp.

I"*")t£^p vb. bind, league together, con- spire (NH id., bind, join, ~&p knot; % "iBp, Syr. 4* oind (t3 for n after' p) Nb ZMOll - 7M , who cp.also ('perh.') Ar. llji/orce to do a thing, Eth. *JU: bind);— Qal Pf. 3 ms.i^ Am 7 10 1 K 16 16 ; 2 ms. sf. DIJTgp consec. Dt 6 s , etc.; /»»/>/. 3 ms. "*$•) iKi5 i; +, -iBfcl 2 K is 30 , etc. ; /»»». ms. sf. D"?B'p Pr 3 s + ; Pt. act. pi. Dntyp 2 Si 5 ]1 +; pass. fs. PTJ*^ Gn 44 30 Pr 22 1 *; pi. B*W|y Gn 3 o 42 ; — 1. bind: a. lit., c. ace. rei + 7g Gn 3s 28 (J), Je 51 63 , + 3, Jos 2 is.2i (JE); bind, confine, c. ace. DTI Jb 39" ( + D?ri3), ace. of crocod. 40 29 . b. fig., c. ace. + /$? Dt 6 8 1 1 18 Pr 3 3 6 21 f (all of religious and moral precepts); c. 3, ^333 iTWB'P iE>D3 G1144 30 fe's life is bound up with his [viz. the boy's] life (J; of strong affection); *$£$% 'p nS.K Pr 22". C. pt. pass, vigorous (prop, ■well-knit; opp. D'BDy) Gn 30" (J). 2. league together, conspire : c. 7V pers. against 1 S 22 s -' 3 Am 7 10

Ki5 27 i6 9 2Kio 9 i5 10!!5 , 2i 2 
2Ch 33 2 '
Ch 24 21 ; c. ace. cogn. "f^, 1 K 16 20 2 K 12 21 

i5 13 , + ^3? pers. i4 19 =2 Ch 25 s , 2 K 15 30 ; abs. 1 K i6' 6 Ne 4 2 ( + inf. purpose); c. DV , together with, 2 S 1 5 31 . Miph. P/. 3 fs. n-jf'p 3 1 S 1 8 1 </*« Zi/i of Jonathan was bound up with the life of J). (Qal 1 b); Impf. 3 fs. noinrrb -ie>i?rn Ne 3 s8 aW the wall was joined together (the circuit complete). Pi. Imjf. 1. bind on (as ornament), 2 fs. sf. D'IB'pni Is 49 18 (fig.; || ftyf?). 8. fc«d /<**', 2 ms. TWXO) nD'3 hiSTJjO Jb 38" cams* thou bind fast the bands of the Pleiades ? Pn. Pt. fXSn ni-fptpn Gn 30 41 (J), = Qal 1 c. Hithp. conspire : Pf. 3 pi. 'by Vitfpnn 2 Ch 24" (|| 2 K 12 51 Qal 2); Impf. 3 ms. "iw itfpJVI

K 9 14 ; Pt. pi. vSy D'-i^pnan 2 ch 2 4 26 . 

t"Wtfp n.m.

conspiracy ;— abs. 'p 2 S 

i 5 " + , T^ 2 K n" + ; cstr. yfy Ez 2 2 25 (but v. infr.); *sf. ilfp iKi6 M 2 K 15"; — con- spiracy 2 S 15 12 ; as ace. cogn. c. "Wfi> 1 K 16 20 2 K 12 2 ' I4 19 =2 Ch 25 w , 2 K i5 16S0 ; KSD?1 'p yttfna 2 K 17 4 , '131 b»N3 'p KXD3 J e h 9 ; as exclam. 2 K 1 1 ,414 = 2 Ch 23' 3 ■", Is8 1212 (Gr Lag Che Comm. Gu K. UaL {^p or gqpj. Rt^m T ^j Ez

2 25 , < rd. rpff^P? "f^S Co Toy Krae al. (after ®). 

T G^EJp n.[m.] pi. bands, sashes, or other woman's ornament that is bound on : — abs. 'p IS3 20 ; sf. n^tfp Je 2 32 (|| HHV ; cfVPi. IS49 18 ). I. ttf'ttfp (Vo{ foil.; cf. ZW&Qbeold (orig. be driedupl), Syr. «s 6e old; JAram. B^p oW ; Palm. NB"B>p name of office, perh. elder; NH tPp s<«We, s<raw> (Low"- 160 ), so Syr. U», J K$>p (Ex 15' Is 40 24 ); Ar. ^^Ji is loan-word Fra 137 ). tttjp n.m. N,11 ° stubble, chaff; — abs. 'p Ex 5 12 +, B^iJ. 15 7 ; — lit. as ace. cogn. 'P B>^p!> 151?? Ex 5 12 (J); in sim., as inflammable, 15' Is 5 M 47 14 Na i 10 Jo 2 s , so in metaph. Is 33 11 Ob l8 Mai 3 19 ; in sim., as driven by wind Is 40 24 4 1 2 Je 1 3 24 f 83 14 ; fig. of the worthless Jb 13 25 , of harmless trifles 41 2021 . T[ttJtt>p]vb.deiioin.P6'. gather stubble; — Pf. 3 pi. consec. Wfpl Ex 5 7 ; Inf. cstr. £ i :??i' v 1J ; Pt. tfvpo Nu 15** f. ne'e'PD 1 k 17 1012 ; — gather stubble, c. ace. cogn. E^P Ex 5 12 (I^PI?); also c. ace. ??n v 7 (both J) ; c. ace. D'SJJ as firewood Nu 15"* (P), i K 17"" 2 . tH. [tf'l^'p] doubtful vb., only Qal Imv. + Hithpo'./«i«., ! itsnpi WBnpnn z P 2'; AV RV gather yourselves together, yea gather together, from foregoing (cf. Vrss), but this only denom. in specif, mng. gather stubble, sticks, etc.; read prob.with GrBu 8K18n396 al. WU1 WB»i3Tin. tn©)3 n.f.°° 9 -" (appar. m. 2 S i 22 but v. Albr 2Aw«i(is»»«ij !;„„ ^ orig y per h. ^ mng . unknown; NH id.; As. kastu; Eth. •fft'T':