[2li^p] vb. incline, attend, of ears; — tQal Impf. 3 fpl. ™3e>pn I S 32 ! (subj. D^TN). Hiph. P/. 3 ms. 3'B>pn Je23 ,8 f66 19 , etc.; img/! 3 ms. 3B>pI Is 42 s3 , etc.; Imv. ms. 3B/pn Jb33 21 , esp. nans'ipri ^5* + , etc.; Inf. cstr. ^tfpn 1 S 1 5 K + ; Pt. yVfyQ Pr i 24 + , pi. D'^pp Ct8 13 ; — jwe attention (sts. + VP?'); abs. Ho 5 1 iSi5* , Isio ao 28 !a 34 1 49 1 Mii J +i2 t.; +b« pers. Je 18" Zc I 4 Is 51 4 (|| "VKH), b pers. ^ 55 s ; + b« rei Je 18 18 Ne g u + 142 7 , '^S rei Je6" Pr 17 4 29 12 , !> rei Je 6 17 Is 4 8 18 Pr 4 20 5 1 7" ^5" Ct 8 13 , 3 rei ^ 66" 86 6 ; also c. ace. rei Je 23 18 Jb 13 6 ijr 17 1 61 2 ; acc. cogn. Is 2 1"; appar.= cause to attend, c. acc^IX Pr 2 2 ( + ? rei), ty 1 o 17 , but usage would be so late and rare that *[£fM is prob. subj. rei (Ges» I44m Da 8 ' nt -' ,0, - BS ). T2tTp n.m. attentiveness; — 32/p^ as sign of life 2 K4 sl , of a living deity 1 K 18 29 ; as acc. cogn. ^ip! 3B»p 3"? ! prn Is2i 7 he shall attend an attentiveness (give close attention), — abundance of attentiveness (cf. 63' yjf I45 T ). t[aa?j5] adj. attentive;— fs.^W M ^nri TOBfe Ne i 6 , + W rei v 11 . t[l©j5] adj. id.;— fpl. rfatfp, of 0*}}$, 2 Ch 6 40 7 1S 1// 130 2 , all + i> rei. I. [nti^p] vb. be hard, severe, fierce (NH nB>15 J g severe; Ar. Lis (15) 6e /tarrf, dry, 111. endure, struggle against, severity; Aram. NB'p, Us 6« Aarrf, difficult; J Aram. TP, rvt?p adj.' hard); — Qal P/ 3 fs. nrn?|3 1 S 5 nnj£ Gn 40 7 ; Impf. 3 ms. nB>£ Dt 1 17 is 18 , B>ph 2 S 19 44 ; — 1. be hard, difficult Dt i 17 (of a legal case ; }P compar.). 2. 6e Aarrf, severe, rJJ 'p «^ 1 S5 7 (of', in judgment); ^JD ?? Dt 15 18 it shall not be hard in thine eyes (seem a severe trial, an injustice); of wrath Gn 49/ (poem in J; || T5?); of fierce words 2 S 19 44 . Miph. Pt. Hw'pJ Is 8 21 hardly bestead, hard pressed. Pi. Impf 3 fs. nPn^3 «%«! Gn 35 16 (E) she made luird in her bearing (had severe labour). Hiph. Pf. 3 ms. ntPpn Exi3 15 + , etc.; Impf. 3 ms. B'pjl 2 Ch 36" 3 mpl. V^p.'l Je7 M + , etc.; Inf. cstr. sf. nn'B'pna Gn 35 17 ; P<. n^pp p r 28" 29 1 ; —1. make difficult, difficulty: «D^ nE/pn Ex 13" Pharaoh made difficulty about sending us away; of travail Gn35 17 (E; as Pi.); PVP? 5iNE>p 2K2" <Aow Aa»< made /(arc? to ask, asked a hard thing. 2. make severe, burdensome, rvrpv yoke imposed by king 1 K 1 2 4 = 2 Ch 1 o 4 . 3. a. make hard, stiff, stubborn, fig. of obstinacy : DE-ljrnK Wfe 2 K 1 7" they stiffened, their neck, so Je 7 26 1 7 s3 1 9" Dt io' 6 2 Ch 30 8 36 13 Neg 161729 Pr 29 1 ; D3:nb ^pri-^S f 95 s , cf. Pr 28 14 ; subj.
- », 'B 3.b-nK HB'PK Ex7 3 (P), acc. "im-l-TlS Dt2 30 .
T>. shew stubbornness Jb 9 4 (c. 7K pers. ['»]).
ntTp adj. hard, aevere; — abs. 'p Ex
i8 26 + ;'cstr. 32'+; fs. nB>p Dt 26" + ; cstr.n^p 1 S i 16 ; mpl. D'E'P 2 S 3*5 cstr. ^P Ez 2 4 3 7 ; fpl. niE'p Gn 42 730 ;— 1 . hard, difficult, of a legal question ("O^) Ex 18 26 (E). 2. a. severe, of battle 2S2", wind Is 27 s , servitude (f13J|) 1 K I2 4 =2 Ch io 4 , Dt 26 6 Isi 4 3 Ex i 14 6 9 (both P); as n.coll. nB»p y&y tpffU yr 60 5 thou hast made thy people see severe things; OV DK'p Jb 30 20 i.e. one whose time (life) is hard, so 1S1" (reading Di' nB>p for TVn 'p, ® Th We Dr al.); severe, rough, of lord ( D, ?'"l^) Is 1 9 4 , cf. 2 S 3 s9 (c. )p comp. [WfPJ v. HPS]); "^? "#>] $n Ju 4" the hand of the sons of Israel went on being more and more severe upon Jabin ; fierce, relentless, of '*'s sword Is 27 1 (in fig.); rough, rude 1 S 25 s ; severe things, of language Gn 42 730 (E; Oa^), 1 S 2o 10 1 K i2 ,3 =2 Ch io 13 (all c. n;v); nE'p rp^x rvby »?S$ i k 14 6 / am com/missioned with a severe {message) unto thee (Ges smd ' N - 2 Da 8i " rt -" 75(d) - 80 ); ne>p ran I s2 i 2 . b. fierce, intense, vehement, of n ^P Ct 8 6 (|| njy ; cf. Gn 49 9 ). 3. in.irnB*p-Dy a people stiff of neck, stubborn, Ex 3 2 9 33" 34 s (all JE), Dt 9 6 13 ; na'isn ^s-iy 3 1 27 ; c f. n^i?n Bf$ Ju 2"; D'oa '^p Ez2 4 ( + 3.^p.|n), 3^p 3 V( + nsp-'<p]n) T ; 'p alone = stubborn IS48 4 . t^ttjp n.[m.] stubbornness ; — cstr. Dt 9"'. TlVttJp n.pr.loc. Levit. city in Issachar, Jos l<j*> 21™ (in || I Ch6 57 BHp q.v.); Knavv, ©L Ke(7iQ)i', A Kf<r , K«r . II. nti'p (-/of foil. mng. dub.; Thes decor- ticavit,=^kv. LlS; then tornavit, but jji = B" ?). t nQJpQ n. [m.] an artistic hair arrange- ment ; 1 turner's work, Is 3 24 , so most. f 1. nttjpft n.f. perhaps hammered work, only of metals (orig. turner's workl); — abs. 'D, of cherubim in tabern. Ex 25 18 37 7 , lamp- stand 25 31M 37 17 - 22 Nu8 4 - 4 , clarions io 2 .— ii.'d v. NK>p.