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n«  cstr. ninsiN Mi 6'°+; ninyk Jb 38^ + ; pi. sf. . M nnsiN i)t32 w Is39 4 ; ftp*'* Dt32 34 ; T£i™ N Jei7'; DrnxiK IS30 6 ; DnTiixk Pr 8 S1 , etc.— 1. treasurers), gen. pi. (gold, silver, costly- utensils, etc.) Jos 6 19 - 24 Is 2 7 30 8 45 s rap* 1 N , i.e. concealed, hoarded) Ho 13" Je 15 13 17 3 20 5 4 8 7 49 4 51" 1 K i+* x 2 K 2 4 ,S13 , perh. also Is 39" = 2 K 20 1315 ; wealth Pr 15 16 21 620 ; gathered for temple-building (sg.) '* JV3 'N 1 Ch 29 s , --DOpn 'K Ezr 2 6 »=Ne7 70 , also v 69 (cf. 1CI126 27 ). 2. store, supply of food, drink, etc, 2 Ch 11" 1 Ch 27 s " 8 ; fig. VKH 'K Mi 6 10 Pr io 2 ; mix N'n "> J1R"1< Is 33«. 3. ">S1N n , 3 a. treasure-house Ne 1 o 39 cf. Dn 1 2 ; b. storehouse. magazine Mai 3 10 ; & without JV3 a. treasure- house or chamber, treasury 1 K 7 61 1 5 1818 2 K i2» 14" 16 8 18" Je 38 11 50 37 (1) 1 Ch 9 M 26 20 - .22.24.26 28 ,!.,S 2Ch5 , l6 J^ 32 57 cf Ez2g 4. b. storehouse Jo 1" Pr 8 21 1 Ch 27*-* Ne 13 1213 ; C. magazine of weapons, fig. of Yahweh's armoury Je 50 24 ; d. storehouses of God for rain, snow, hail, wind, sea Dt 28 12 Jb 38 s2 - 22 Jeio 13 5i"*i35 7 33 7 . rnpN v. mp. nj?N n.m. wild goat (?) only Dt 14 5 in list of clean animals lK^ l**T) <P**1 "WM^J '?« f>;K " l EP, (® V*, @£ tf«; cf. Bo H,erM ' , *' ot ,'Thes sub pJN cf. MV, with ref. to Ar. jLlc g«aiV Thes comp. also Talm. Kg'K, but NHWB MV refer this to cu£). "k v. li«, for Am 8 8 v. "*). TJON n.pr.m. (meaning unknown, Thes conject.^ , 1K lion) a descendant of Asher 1 Ch 7 38 . btnM, " , V^"!*? v - ^*i sub L niN - T J jN vb. lie in wait (Ar. i^/l be crafty, also C^l ii'e(aknot)Frey) — Qal Pf 31N1 consec. Dti 9 "Ju2i !!0 ; S^MJbai'j B^ff59 4 La

W ; Imp/ 3*Hg V I o"' 9 ; Q ^v Pr x ' 8 Mi fi 

Cr}tW Ju 9 34 16 s ; nanw Pr 1"; Imv. an.K Ju'9 32 ; 7»/"3f3{Pria*; Aa* Jos8 2 +n t.; 3"?.iK Jos8 12 +4t.; D , 3']« Jos8 4 +2t.;— lie in wait (with hostile purpose), abs. Ju g 31M + 21 20 Jbsi'V'io' Pr7 12 2 3 28 1S22 813 La 3 ,0 (of bear, cf. ^ 10 9 ); c. inf. of purpose ^ io 9 ; c. ace. 0^ 'K Pr 12 6 ; c. -'S, and pers. against whom Dt 19" JU9 34 ; usually c. i> Mi 7 2 Ju 16 2 * 5 9 4 Pr i llls 24"La4 19 cf. Jos8 2 - 4 - 14 ; Pt. as subst.=&r«- in-wait (pi.) Ju 20 29 ; usually sg. coll. ambush Jos 8 2121419 - 21 Ju 16 912 20 3336 - 37 - 3738 Ezr 8 31 ; pi. of this sing. = ambuscades Je5i is ; sg. = place of lying-in-wait, ambush (loc. sense) Jos 8 7 . Pi. Pt. pi. liers-in-wait i.q. Qal Pt. ^"WO Ju 9*(c. b), 2 Ch 20 53 (c. 5>S). I Hiph. 7»»p/ 3JJ bna (for 3^»a) 1 S 1 5 5 (cf. Dr Ko '- 390 ; Ges-Kau t 68 - 2 queries) but txt. dub.; cf. 01 !257b , & Klo, who prop, i>raa T3JM, T[l"lN] T"<N n.[m.] — 1. a lying-in-uiait Jb 38 40 .' ' 2. coiert, lair 37 s (|| niJflO). T2"^N n.pr.loc. city near Hebron Jos 15 52 (® 'Ep«/i, ©L 'E/jf/3; ace. toOnomast. 'EptfiivBa L ag On.254.2nd.d.260 EreD J d , 2nd ed. 152 tillage Ileromith in Daroma ; cf. Di Survey" 13 "). "hSHH adj.gent. 'ten 2 S 23 s5 (but cf. Dr). t[i")S] n.[xn.] ambuscade only fig. — a. i3")X D*to* Je 9 7 i.e. he planneth treachery. b. D3">N their intrigue Ho 7 6 cf. Now* 126 . t[nmN] n-f- artifice, pi. cstr. VT rfOTVf Is 25" (lit. tricks of his hands). TrQ~!N n.f. lattice, window, sluice (Mish. »tf.)_'K Ho 13 3 ; pi- "^ 2 K 7 2 + , cstr. id. Mai 3 10 ; niTiK Gn 7" 8 2 ; DWflir^j Is 60 s ;— lat- tice, latticed opening, where smoke escaped Ho 13 3 ; openings of dove-cote Is 60 8 ; metaph. of eyes Ec 1 2 3 (as latticed by lashes 1 Hi Now; only here of opening to look through); else- where of sluices in sky, opened by ' through which rain pours destructively, D?B^Q /N Gn 7" 8 2 , cf. Is 24 18 (BVlBD '«); but also fertilizing 2 K 7° 19 (D , BBa '«); fig. of blessing Mai 3 10 (D*ots>n '«). +n' i Q^« n.pr.loc. (=3"!«? cf. Klo ad loc.) 1 K 4 10 flb-iKS. +2"I^O n.m. ambush— 3"JSD Jos 8 9 + 2 t.; anxp Ju 9 s5 ; cstr. 31t<p^ io 8 ; — 1. a. ambush, place of lying-in-wait Jos 8 9 Ju 9 s5 ; b. lurking- place ^ io 8 (||DT?Dt?). 2. liers-in-wait 2 Ch i 3 1313 (cf. aiKPt.)' ?Na"?H cf. ^N3-is n'3, sub n'a. ninitf v. sub nan. S«an«, nja-iN, raaiM, d^in etc. v. yan. triTlK] vb. weave (Mish. id. cf. Ph. JIN weaver)— Qal 7mp/ 2 fs. ^"IKPI Ju 16 13 , 3 mpl. 13'^ Is 59 5 ; Pt. rfr Ex 28 32 +4 t.; pi. tfffr Is i9 9 4-5t.; ni3"ik 2 K 23 7 ; — weave cloth, etc. Is 1 9 9 (in Egypt) 2 K 23 7 , Samson's locks Ju 1 6 13 ; metaph. weave spider's web=intrigue Is 59 s ; most often Pt. used as subst. = weaver Is 38 12 ;