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Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/93

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JOSH Pharaoh), by false proph. Dt 13" (||nix); usually ||niN Dt 4 s4 6* 7" 26 s 2 9 2 34 11 + 78" 105 27 135 9 3e 3 2 WM Ne 9 10 ; applied to effect of Yahweh's curse Dt 28 46 (||nix); to one pro- tected by '* ^ 7 1 7 . 2. sijro or <o£e»i of future event (cf. ni«) 1X13'" 2Ch 3 2 24 - 31 ; symbolic act Is 20 3 (||niN); as such the term is applied to persons Is 8 19 (||niK) Ez I2 6 - 11 24 24,27 ; cf. 'O 'BOX Zc 3 8 men who serve as a symbol or sign. — Vb. used, of divine act, is J)"U Ex 7 9 etc., D'ty Je 32 20 ; D^'B* also of entrusting to human power Ex 4 21 , cf. IS" 5 ! 1 K 13 3 ; of human agency n'tyy Ex 4 21 n 10 , }r» i K 13". t|^3SM n.pr.m. 1. faSK asonof Gad(Sam. |W3SM, ®e«NN») Gn46 16 ="?}« Nu 26 16 (© 'Af«i/«, 'Afai/), this shorter form less probable. 2. fi3XS a grandson of Benjamin 1 Ch f (® 'Aoefliov, 'Eo-(re/3a>i/). V22N v. II. Jfi» [7^J^] prob. i.q. Jij to join (cf. on the X ■yysG7i I < . , Is'N subst. conjunction, proximity ; V *• 61 with sf. ^St?, i?VS etc.; only used as a prep, a. (as an implicit accus.) in proximity to (as though Jjj Lag BS68 ), beside: Gn 3 9 1015 4i 3 and stood nhan bin* beside the kine, 1 S 5 2 |fc^ b«  imck Dagon, '1 K 1 3 24 * 2 1 ' Pr 8 30 Ez 1 15 " 33 30 39 ,s ; oft. in phrase (* 'd) nattpn bxs Lv i 16 6 3 Dt 1 6 21 1 K 2 29 Am 2 8 + ; of a locality (cf. II. "K 2) Dt 1 1 30 beside the terebinths of Moreh, 1 K 1 9 4 12 Je 4 1 17 . After a vb. of motion (late) Dn 8 717 ; cf. 2 Ch 2 8 16b . b. with ft?, bwn from prroximity to, from beside (cf. HSD, Dyt?): f 1 S 20 41 (read with @ 33-]Sn ^SXO/rom 6es?'d« the mound) ; Ez 40' contiguous to, beside (ft? 3 c) ; with suff. 1 S 17 30 i^?» 3DM and he turned about from beside him, 1 K 3 20 20 36 Ez io 16 . t[71'N] vb. denom. lay aside, reserve, withdraw, withhold — Qal Pf Flj«fK Gn2 7 36 ; 'nisSN Ec2 10 ; V§t$ cons. Nu 11 l7 ;— reserve, ry)i"h Gn2 7 36 ; '{withdraw), set apart nnrrft? Nun 17 ; withhold Drro Ec 2 10 . Niph. P/. ?HJ3 Ez 42 s be withdrawn, i.e. shortened or narrowed. Hiph. /m;>/. ^f«*l Nu 1 1 25 (Ko '• 390 ) = QalNuii 17 . til. hp* in n.pr.[m.] 5>X*?rrn'3 Mi i», ace. to Hi Ew Ca Ke=i'SK Zc 14 5 , but dub.;

cf. 11. ^SK infr. fi. ^>2N, in pause !*K (Ge c ) n.pr.m. (perh. noMe, cf. P'XN 2) a descendant of Jona- than 1 Ch8 37 - 38 =9 43 - 44 . II. [T2«], in pause &N Zc 14', ace. to © X Thes Ew al., n.pr.loc. near Jerusalem; but no site found, & identification with PXKiTTVa uncertain ; hence Symm 33 Kbh Wr make subst., ?ii}~bii =very near, hard by (?XX being the supposed abs. form of 1. ^SK; cf. 01» 1,,rb ). t[7" , 2N] n.[m.] side, corner, chief — pi. cstr. ^XN Ex 24 11 ; sf. IT^SK Is ' 4 i»;— 1. sides (borders) of earth IS41 9 (||mYp); cf. 'n to* Je 6 22 etc. 2. fig. nobles (perh. as sides, sup- ports, cf. sub 11133; soEwDi: but perh. = J-~«l noble — from J-^l be rooted, J^l root, met. origin, stock — prop, a man having a (known) origin, sprung from an ancient and famous stock; so Ges, cf. Lag BN68 ) Ex 24". tjVsN] n.[f.] joining, joint (cf. JLjI elbow)— -pi. cstr. ["]T tyfQ Ez i 3 18 (on T cf. Sm Co); — joint of hand, i.e. elbow Ez 13"; fJJ ni^SS Je 38 12 arm-joints.— '. H^XK Ez 41 9 is obscure; perh. 'k is here a technical archi- tectural term to the joining (cf. Sm Ke). tirT ,, 72W n.pr.m. (Yahweh hath reserved, or set apart) father of Shaphan the scribe 2K22 3 2CI134 9 . D)m (meaning dub., cf. Ar. '-* be angry). tD^N n.pr.m. 1. elder brother of David 1 Ch 2". 2. a descendant of Judah 1 Ch2*. ma a tH v. nvs. t t : v ["l^i*?] vb. lay up, store up (Mish. id., Aram. IXK, j'^*, Ar.J^I confine, restrict) — Qal Pf 3 pi. *Vffl 2 K 20 17 Is 39 6 ; Pt. Wffa Am 3 10 ; — store up treasure 2 K 20 17 = Is 39"; obj. ifen DOT Am 3 10 , i.e. treasure gained by violence and robbery. Niph. Impf "fin** be stored up, of the merchandise of Tyre Is 23 18 . Hiph. Impf m T SitO (cf. Ko 1391 ) (denom. from IXiK) Ne 13 13 and I appointed treasurer, sq. ace. pers. "h"N n.pr.m. (treasure; or covenant Ar.*>) a chief of the Hoiites Gn 3 6™*> 1 Ch i 3842 .' tll'i^ n.m. rrl5 "treasure, store, treasury, storehouse (so Aram., also l^o/") — ">XiK Pri5 16 + ; cstr. yfi* Jos6 19 + ; sf. ff» Dt

13 +2t.; pl.niixiNJoi 17 + ; nhxt<Pr2i e +;