Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/955

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am is f'£of0p(v(Tfi), but sense strange, < HJ") (v. Ar. supr.), yet even this very doubtful. Niph. be made lean, Impf. 3 ms. H|V nte>3 |D^O Is 1 f. l[nri] adj. lean (on formation cf. Lag ■»•);-!& nn, Ez 24 20 (of nfc>; pp. nns), f land, = barren, NUI3 20 (JE ; 'opp. mcf). tm n.[m.] leanness, wasting; — vHQ Is 24 1616 to me, wasting ! (opp. ^V). fi. Tin n.[m.] leanness, wasting, soant- ness; — abs. '"1 : 1. leanness Is io 16 (fig.; opp. VJDK'O). 2. wasting, i.e. wasting disease, ^io6 15 (cf. Bae). 3. '1 nB'K Mi 6 10 e]>hah ofscantness, scant measure. — 11. fV} v. |P. Jin (?cry oui, cf.Talra. nno bewailed). t nnp n.m. Am6,7 ory (£ N n P ; P mourning- feast ; Ph. nno a rel. festival ( > usu. a month), cf. Palm., CIGann Littm, v. G ACooke lM "- * m ' 303 and reff.; Lzb EphemL47 '- 343t );— 1. mourning cry (or feast 1 Talm. WPP), abs. '» 1V3 Je 16 6 i.e. house of mourning (|[ nSD, TO). 2. cry 0/ revelry, cstr. D'fTVlD nno Am 6 7 . m v. nn. ■ T t [DTI] vb. wink, flash (of eyes) (transp. [text, err.?] for Ar.jIJ, Aram. TD1, juc* ; so NH TO"! (rare), TO?, ^'yra, intimation); — Qal Impf. 3 mpl. T5"V IWfpTSfl Jbi5 12 (Codd. ptO"V) why do thine eyes flash (in wrath)? but possibly read fOTfi (Pr 6 17 30 13 , etc., cf. Bu). t[|H, ? earlier |P, so Lag B!,sl ] vb. be weighty, judicious, commanding (Ar. ^ be weighty, grave, firm of judgment; NH fill = BH, so n^m Ecclus 44 4 ); — only Qal Pt. pi. as subst., rulers, potentates, || D^P : B»?fl Ju 5' Hb i'°, 'in ^ 2 s Pr 8" 31 4 , j[ H? V& Is 40 23 . f 11. nn n.m. potentate ; — abs. 'n Pr 14 28 (II ^)- — I - ^"! v - sub HP supr. t Till n. pr. m. founder of kingdom of Damascus, Solomon's time, 1K11 23 ; © (v 14 ) Eapap [Av 23 Pafa)!/]; identified with fnn I5 '8 by Th Klo (reading pitn), but cf. Kit Benz. t Iim [? also nfll , so Lag 8 " 31 ; cf. also - T L T Id lbKf ] vb. be, or grow, wide, large (NH in der. spec, (rare) and deriv.; Ar. iJU-=-j, Eth. (Symbol missinglanguage characters) Sab. in epith. dei FellZMG liv(1900), 249, and CIS'"' 110 - 1,3 etc.; As. in rebitu, open place; Aram, (Symbol missingAramaic characters) in deriv.);— Qal Pf. 3 ms. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) 1 S 21 + (Symbol missingHebrew characters) against (i.e. to devour, in fig.; cf. Hiph.) ; consec. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Is 605 be widened, enlarged, relieved, and expanded with joy (cf. Hipb. 2); 3 fs. nawi mrn Ez 41 7 prob. err., Co napiJi niirn, Toy ^pii'iirhni, Krae *C[J] Orn [V?].' ir'ipb. P<. as adj. ar/i? -13 I s 3 o 23 a broad, roomy, pasture. Hipb. Pf. 3 ms. ^rrin G1126 22 Hb 2 5 , in-in i s 30 33 ; 2 ms. rnrnn ,/, 4 etc.; Impf. 3 ms. 3'nv Dt 1 2 20 + , etc. ; /mr, ms. -3rnn ^81" (cf. also 25' 7 infr.); fs. 'yrnrj Is 54 2 , ^n-in Mi i 16 ; Inf. cstr. 3'rnn Am 1"; Pt. ytpp Dt 33 20 ; — 1. make large, c. ace. baldness Mi i 16 (sign of mourning), fun., pile IS30 33 (ace. om.; -f p'OJJn); make wide, ace. couch Is 57 s (fig.). 2. enlarge limit of territory (-"Qji) Am i 13 Ex 34 s4 (J), Dt 12 20 19 8 , so *H '•>» 33 »>, cf. l&W Dipt? nn Is 54 2 (fig.); also abs. + b pers., «!) "• in Gn 26 s2 (J), and (fig. of deliverance), >b 'in 1S3 f 4 2 ; 6 nj DTK [HD P r ^"a man'* gri/i makes room for him, gives access to patron ; of '"< 's enlarging the heart (^p) ^ 1 1 9 32 (cf.Qal) ; 'O 13'rnn <33? nilX f 25 17 rd. prob. (with most) Imv/oi aC^P (Bae WTTTI, a'arm, cf.Ct6 5 ); c. ace. nj?V my step, stride jr i8 37 = 2 S 2 2 37 (i.e. givest me firm footing and vigorous step, cf. "HBf 2); enlarge mouth, open it wide, c. 75? pers. against Is 57 4 ^35 21 (cf. Qal); without ?J?, as a young bird to receive food, fig., 1^81"; '"in pie's? bim is 5 14 (|| ITO ,-nys ; efej 5 c), cf. Hb 2 5 . t am n. [m., not f. Jb 36 16 Albr ZAW «" (1896) - 94 DiBu] breadth, broad expanse; — abs. 'l Jb 36" (opp. IV); pi. cstr. intens. njf^Ol 38 19 the broad expanse of eartlt. am breadth, width; — 'n abs. - 101 L J ' ' Ez42 2 + , cstr. 1 K 6 3 + ; sf. tarn Ex 25'°+, H3- Gn6 15 + , ? 3r J"J EZ42 11 ;— breadt7i,of land, + ^N = whole extent, expanse, Gni3 17 (J), so '"1 alone Is 8 8 ; n:P 1 Jb 37 10 ; fig. 3.!? "1 largeness of under standing (like sand of sea-shore) 1 K 5 9 ; 6read</j,=: thickness, of wall "n5 EZ42 10 ; elsewh. only in measurements width, breadth (Dt 3 11 , K 10 t., Ez 54 t., Zc 2 6 5 2 , P 23 t., Ch 6 t.; || TJ& 1 K 7 6 +6 3 t., +n^p 6 2 + 14 t., +«?! t Ez 40 42 2 Ch 3 4 ; || no^p alone ti K 7 s7 Ez 40 5 ): of buildings, etc., 1 K 6 2 - 3 - 3 - 6Ji - 6 + , Ez4i 1U5 - 7 + , altar Ex 2 7 1 = 38 1 , ark, n3Tl, Gn 6 16 , 1'ltK Ex 25 ,(1 =37', etc.; of area, the Enj/ of Og Dt 3 11 , the nonn of land Ez 45 1 -"- 6 + , of court Ex 2 7 121318 ; of city Zc 2 6 ; of roll 5"; of curtain Ex 26 2 - 8 + ,