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I— '(«£4»» ete; of waD(TP%=*W~-.EMi< sapr.); af tamf 40- 41", «*«- I.3TP adj. wide, broad; — abs, G«34 a +; a»aLcstr. , 3m.I»33 B ;- Awm, of bad Ex3»(J), >"eo», ITT nam, e»«L, G.34 a +6 1, t.t: 3d; DT« *WL"* (ofgicatBa>orG«d > in» i1 ?«D; ! WS«  mist f- 119* m e scife, rcoatjr, spmce (fig.); ^ HI Jb 30* (sine); of «p Ex»3» (in fig.; +*^F7); of wall (=«**j) j« 5'*; V«£,™ Jervaaka* (as a.pr.) ^ nrtm Xe/ 12"; fig. aiwihr, of work, andrrtakiag, n?»7? r X«4 3 (+T*?); of '♦'• rn a r a» nda s rnt * iio» (Le. ««K— rtjhil , mhibiiIiiV 337 3m 101* Le. txtd- feai, TWyMlf (J ITTf rlJI), »»1 Pr2I* (I '•Tin); WM 3m Pr 28* Le greedy (ct 3m r6at Beda»47 a ' > in play on Dfam). fn.2m m.*r.£ kailot ia Jericho; — Joe 2 w 6 cW(an JE) ; fa^ («, Heb 3 U Jas 2*, bat ]ftl*I«ja*f). fi.2rn bX*"-» [not m. Zc8* Attr"'

  • «■•»« ctGw 1- *"] broad open place,

piaaa (Lag"* Ba™*«);— 'n abs. Gni 9 1 +, estr. J«io*+, 3TpT»282i B ; if. *3m Dt 13 C t"55 b ; pL aba. rfam Am 5"+, crtr. «f. Ze 8*+ (t. also rt3rr» apr., infr.); st vT°"l Ia i5 1 +, ete; — fcrwutf opea pface in city (m. near gate, Me 8^" 2 Ch 32* Jb 20 7 ; | p" Je 5'+8 1, TH Pr 26 13 , rrjtr Ct 3*), for Tarioas private and public uses Gn 19* (J), Jn 19""^ 1*13* 2821° Je5' Ezio 1 "* NeS""* la 59" f 55 B Jb 29/, etsential part of city Dn 9 s ; for lamentations Am 5* I« 15* Je 48", ^jn "W •*.!> X* TPn ~> Est 4' ( rf - ▼"). ct Je 9» 49* 50" La 2 ,L » f 144", assemblies 2 Cb 29* 32* Ezr io» ('«n JT3 1), Ne 8 U , pro- clamations Est 6* ", speeches Pr 1"; social life Zc P" la 4 W Pr 5» 7» ct 22° 26°, Ct 3'; '") in Na 2' i* appar. oataide city (ct As. rBnt Sind, etc.). fii. 2VT), 2TP n.pr. Poa0, P<*«S, etc.: 1. (ct Lag*"") loc: a. towards Hamath, 3frTj 2810* (®L BWpoad), 3TT) Xui3 n (P);=~> rri q.T.p.I I2(al«0ft I 8 H 17 BaA»p,CiLBatSpo^). b. srninAsher: (i)Jos io^P); (2)[perh.= (01 ▼"(*)• Ju »". L*" 4 rit X Jo » *i"(P)= 1 Cb 6*; Egypt, /.'ahu'm, N. of Kisbon, WMM M.«.aw.ua 2. m.: a. Aram, name, 3H") 2 8 8* J *. b. post-exilic Levite, tfm Ne io 1 *. tjTCiTi m.fr. loc 1. "••» rbm. Nineveh Gn io"(J), s*> P«^-«[»] «A»; Dl ""»etAa.raiilJ«a«,biitT.COT'** n . «. rtorn, name of well Ga 20° (J), Ei>ijf».i (ef. interpr. t**); Palaaer*" mm " identit with er- Rahaibrh (in Wady B.) c. 45 m. SW. of Hebron, X. of kt 31° 8. van -1, home of a king Ga 3 6*(P)=lChl* h. frJriswmpa P. tot ■■iotii" (Le. on Euphrates ! here .; eoirj.inMHolaWkl e -*- h ' L ~). ' (l)n^2rn aupr.nm. son of Eliezer and grandson of Moses : >"T3Tn j. Ch 2 3 Kt: (Paafra) =VT. 26* (P^.j^at, ©L A/Sw), appar. also 24" (Vmafim, &fra). Uiflii I ) aupr jl Behoboam (word-play on 3m Ecclus 47 '): — king of Jodah, son of Solomon; F^aa: iKn«i2 L "+i6 t. 1K12, 14, + 15*| 2Ch 9" io'^'-r 21 1. 2Chio, 11, 12, + 13"; also 1 Ch 3". T 31 1 ru a-raa. 1 broad, roomy, place; — abs. 'D, of pasture Ho 4" (in sim.); fig. of free- dom from distress and anxiety 2 S 22™=^ 18", ^ 3 1* 1 1 8* (MT estr. in ?T 3 r ™ spacious place of Yak, Le extraordinarily spacious. < 3J 3TnO ( fP being subj.of Tb.); pL estr. HTW!? ^ l% expanse* of the earth. Hill (v^of folL; mng. unknown; NH= BH ; Ar. Jl handmUl (ct Wetwt "*» m " <—>-*)■, A»in.»wr» f JL.5; Lag Dur Ba"*- 1 *). t [nrn] a.[aa.], only do. D!Tn (band-)mlll (prob. = tux> mitt-itcmcs); — *1 abs., common boosebold utensil, turned by maids, Ex 11' iF£l£} J), female slaves I847 1 (c. JT*, q-^-); 'ViTJO Nun»(J); 33TJ *1 Dt2 4 »(T.33n); 't l tfp as sound of family life Je 25". ■OSTn Ct i w Kt, v. [DTTJ] sub Dm. m (v^of foil; mng. t; ct NH bm (pi. DC rf_), Ar. ji.j, Ji,, Aram. tArn, all «tc«; ct perh. As. lahru (transp.; vid. on ^"3)). fi. *?rn nj: U!B - 7 ewe;— abs. 'n Is 53' (in sim., U 7*7); pL IT^rn Gn32 u (E; +CTT9, f^t?), Ct 6» (in'sim.); st 7^ T^ Gn 3 1" (E). . ^»rn n-pr.f. (etce, BS* 1 ");— Hachel, PaxijX, daughter of Laban and wife of Jacob : Gn 20 "-> t »-» J *»+ 36 t. Gn (JE 37 t., P 6 t).