Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/968

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24 13 =2K4 38 6 23 + ; ^{nyif Gn4i 27 - 30S6 , / 1 nif v*°, but also "1 D'3E> [WB>] ins> 2 S 24 13 (on gender v. Albr ZAW "" 188,i >- 103 )=i Ch 21 12 ; c. ptn (be) severe Gn 47 s " 7 1 K 18 2 25'= Je 52 s , by ptn Gn47 M ; c.naa i2 ,0 4 7 413 ; biia 2K6 25 ; "lrtB^ Las 10 ; '"> ?Dt 3 2 M +Is5 13 (v. [mo]), "l 'wbrw Je 14V 1 %! La5 10 , 1 "DCt< Ez' 3 4 ! »; "HJ Wl 5"; as scourge of '» ( + ann, "i:n, etc.; esp. Je Ez), Je 5" 1 I 22 14" 2 1 7 » Ez 5 2 6"" + , etc.; fig. of lack of (Symbol missingHebrew characters)'s word Am 8". 2. hunger, of individual Je 32' Dt 28 48 ( + «?*, etc.), 2 Ch

  • u (+«.>

p-l 944

2. sf. ^D"? ?D3 41 s <A« double of his jaw, his double jaws (of croc.), si vera 1.; connexion of mngs. strange, P&&? 'SB, whence GHB Wright Du conj. fc*"!?.

■f 11. ]DT in Assyria, near Nineveh Gn io 12 ; Aa<T(p (prob.=res ini, head of spring; cf d1 p» m C0 T G ° >».'»).

fl. [Dp^] vb. moisten (so Aram. Dp"), •aoi; Ar. JifJ (^ !) a/wm&Ze); — Qal Inf. cstr. n^brrns Dnb ;ds> Ez 46". fi. [C'pl] n.[m.] drop (of dew); — pi. cstr. nb-b W) ct 5 2 (|| bo). II. DD"1 (•of foil.; NH Dp") Pi. break, crush; so Mand. DD1 Norberg 1 "" 1 - 232 , JAram. DDT ; cf. Ar. JLl well stopped up with stones Hoffm z * wll,(1893) ' lli ).

fn. (Symbol missingHebrew characters)] n. [m.] fragment;— pl.(Symbol missingHebrew characters), of houses destroyed Am 611 ((Symbol missingHebrew characters)).

jn, jh v.i. »jn. Ljriv jni. 11, in. jn v. II. njn.

†{ {hebrew missing}} vb. be hungry (NH id. Hiph. and deriv. ; As. rûbatu, hunger; Ar. (Symbol missingArabic characters) be roomy, voracious, (Symbol missingArabic characters) desire vehemently; Eth. (Symbol missinglanguage characters) be hungry); — Qal pf. 3 ms. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Is 919 4412; 3 pl. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) ψ 3411; Impf., 3 ms. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Is 821 , 1 pl. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Je 4214, etc.;— be hungry Is 821 Gn4155 (E; of land, = have famine), Je 4214 ((Symbol missingHebrew characters)), Is4910 ((Symbol missingHebrew characters)), 6513 ((Symbol missingsymbol characters) id. & ; opp. (Symbol missingHebrew characters)), ψ 5012 if I should be hungry (of (Symbol missingHebrew characters)), Pr 630 1915 . Hiph. allow one to hunger, subj. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) : Impf. 3 ms. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Dt 83 (opp. (Symbol missingHebrew characters)), (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Pr 103.

T1 n.m. Gn ■* ' famine, hunger ;— abs. 'n T T101 ' Gn 1 2 10 + ; sf. Day") Ne 9 15 ; 1. famine (in land, nation or city), Gn'12 10 26 l 4i 30 ' 31 Ex 16 3 2S21 1 run tlyn adj. hungry; — abs. '"I 2Si7 M +j fs. najn lo f Pr 27 7 ; mpl. &&) 1 S 2' + ;— hungry (sts. + NOX, ^y), 2 S 17 29 2 K 7 12 Is 8 21 Pr25 21 f 107 6 ; najn Bte3 v »Pr27 7 ; as subst. sg. a hungry man Is 29 s 32 s 58 7 - 10 Ez 1 8' 18 Jbs' (Bev jrh "- ="•»« prop. Sft, cf. Ez 7 1S ) 2 2 7 , pi. iS2 5 (op P . nnb D'v?f), Jb24 ,0 (|| ony), ^ 107*

4 6 7 ; tifc aypiT Jb 1 8 l2 (fig.) Ma *<rm ? «A, grows 

hungry, i.e. fails (33 Ew Di al.); @ De Bu Du (reading JIN) al. his trouble grows hungry (i.e. ravenous for him), but '"l never elsewhere in this sense. t |i3JH n. [m.] hunger, lack of food, famine;— cstr. D3^3 JlajP Gn 4 2 1 »- 35 (E); abs. jiay-i ^a f 37 s9 . ' tfTJH] vb. tremble, quake (NH id., Hiph. shake (rare), iTiyi a trembling, shaking; Ar. xe thunder (said of sky), vm. tremble, quiver; Eth. CO A tremble; JAram. iy] trem- ble, shake);— Qal Impf. 3 fs."lJnPn ^104^ and it (the earth) trembleth at the gaze of in theoph. Hiph. Pt. TyiS WTOy Dn 10" 7" I stood trembling; pl. (Symbol missingHebrew characters), c. 3B*.

(Symbol missingHebrew characters). n.m. trembling;—(Symbol missingHebrew characters) ψ 556; (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Ex 1515.

+niy-| n.f. id.; subj. of ninx Is 33 14 ^48 7 ; II n ?T 2"; II ""O? Jb 4". I. n^™) vb. pasture, tend, graze (As. re 4, vb. pasture, n. rw/er, Tel Am. rtt/tt (as Canaanism) Wkl No181 ' 11 ; Ar. J.], Eth." CO?: Aram. Kyi, ULi, all = BH);— Qal Pf. 3 ms. consec. nyil Mi5 3 + , 1 s. sf. consec. DWyW Ez 3 4 13 , 3 pi. sf. consec. ENS'}) Je 2 3*, etc. ; Impf. 3 ms. nyjj is27 20 + , juss. jnf Jb 20 26 , sf. najn^ f 80", B5?in ^ 78" p3 Hiph. van d. H.), etc.; Imv. ms.' njn Mi 7" + , sf. Dy-l f 2 8 9 ; fs. "yi Ct I 8 ; mpl. VT Gn 29 7 ; Inf. cstr. nijnb 37 12 + , etc.; Pt. np' 3 o M +, sf.'jn f 23'4-; ft. nyn Gn29 9 Pr 25 19 , etc.; — 1. trans, a. pasture, tend (pas- cere), lit., c. ace. ftfx Gn 3 o 31 M 37" (all J), Ex 3 l (E), iSi7 15 25 16 Is 6 1 6 , ace. of asses Gn 3 6" (P), kids Ct i 8 ; ace. (jtlX) om. Gn 29 7 37 13 (3 loc.) v 16 (all J), Ct 1 7 (|| T a T), Jb 2 4 2 (© Me Siegf Bu ^jni);— metaph. DJTV t6 ^J J-j'a Ho 9 2 , but rd. DyT ® We Now GASm ; Dy^ niO ^ 49 > b. fig. of f ace. i)ers., Gn 48 15 (E) God, who sliep- Jierded me ; c. ace. of people, as flock Ho 4 16 Is 40" Mi 7" Cigala), Ez 3 4 13 (pregn., c. b« loc), v 1416 ( + P a T j, ' v" f 28 9 . c. fig. of ruler, and