- >
n teacher, ace. of people, as flock, 2 S 5 2 = 1 Ch n 2 , 2 S 7 7 =i Ch i7 6 , V78" Je 3" 23 ! -« Ez 34 s.3.8.io.23.a ZcII 4.7.7.. . of teaching, PTJ 1^? D'31 W^ Pr 10"; c. 3 of people V78 71 ; abs. Mi 5 3 ; c. ace. pers. reflex, pastured (fed, en- riched) themselves Ez 34 s * 10 . d. esp. pt. Hjp, ete.as subst. = shepherd, herdsman: (1) lit., njn JNX Gn 4- 4 6 :,2: ' 4 47 3 (all J), 'S3 njn 37 J (E), 1 S 16" 17 s4 ; njpp «jp Gni3"(J); 'i(n) alone, eg. Am 3 12 + 7 t. (all in sim.); njn shepherdess, Gn 2 9 9 (J); ^ n JH ^ 3 Zcn 15 (v.^3 2 c), as symbol ; pi. DT>(") Am l2 Ex 2 ' 7 ' 19 (J). r S 2 18 pn "V3K; Gr Dr Bu Kit Lbhr ETfin 'K; ® Lag BN4 » HPS iTTJUJ ^3N,but cf.We) + 8t. + Is3i 4 (sim.), 38 12 (rd. D'jn for *jf Perles* Du Che Hpt cf. Di), cf. (sf.) Gn I3 M (J); &£«} ^? 1 S 17 40 (v. ^s 3);— D'jnn iprn'?, v. p. 1 1 2. (2) fig. of ruler (as oft. As. ; cf. Gk. (Homer) noifj.iva Xair), abs. sg. Je 17 16 Zc 10 s n" i3 7b +8 t. Je Ez j sf. of ' *S*I Is 44 s8 (of Cyrus), Zc 13 7 " 7 (rd. '•^185 'JH We Now GASm); abs. pi. Is 56 11 Je2 8 3 u "Mi5 4 Zcio 3 ii 6 - 8 +i8t.JeEz 3 4, + (of Assyrian leaders) Na 3 19 ; '^ tfl Ez 34 2 ; ^ iJNX Is 63 11 (but rd. njn [of Moses] © X Di Du al.). (3) epith. of '1 : 'p '< + 23', "^ nj)i 80 2 , r ]2» njn Gn 49 s4 (poem in J; rd. cstr. tt#, cf. Comm.); "inK njntp Ec 12 11 DeWild,< president of assembly of sages SiegfSS. 2. intrans. feed, graze : a. lit. of cows, sheep, etc. : c. 3 loc. Gn4i 2 "'(E), iCh27™; c. ace. of pasture Is 30 23 ; c. by loc. Zp 2 7 (D»n "bjj for MT Dff^, v. Now);
- >«ri>K be. Ex 34 3 (J); abs. Is 5 17 n 7 (|| y2~ ;
butv.'ll. njn infr.) 2f(id.), 65 25 Jon 3 7 Jbi 14 . h. fig. of idolater, Is 44 20 he feedeth on ashes (ace.) ; cf. Ho 1 2 2 Ephr. feedeth on wind (ace); rb)tt *T ttfaa *■ Pr 15 14 (so Vrss Qr; Kt <jb for *S) the mouth of fools feeds on folly (Toy; Buhl V II. njn, Gerber 162 sub III. njn); in Ct, c. 3 loc, fig. of lover Ct 2" 6 2S ; of breasts (like gazelles) 4 5 . c. fig., of Isr. as flock Is 14 s0 (|| JO"!), rd. ('— )n 33 in my pasture(s), for MT »nb|, Koppe Evv Di Du (otherwise Che Bp, ) cf. Marti); Zp 3 13 (|| id.)) c. VTryby Is 49 9 ; c . ace. of pasture-land Je 50" Mi 7 14 Ez 3 4 14b ( + ^ loc), v 1919 ; hence crop, strip, i.e. devastate, of conqueror, c. ace. of land Mi 5 s , cf. ^T^? «Je6 3 ; so "VTE VST}! 2 16 ; ace of Isr. under fig. of vine (subj. foes, as beasts) ^ 80 14 . d. subj. wind, c.acc. pers. Je 2 2 22 , i.e. drive them away ; subj. fire, c. ace rei, in.'. Jb 20 26 , but read perh. P, Niph. (01 Di Hoffin Siegf Bu ; otherwise Du). — «55J np 24 21 is difficult; Bu jnn for'l; more radical conj. in Du. Niph. poss. Jb 20 26 , v. 2 dsupr. Hipli./'78 72 vand.H.,v.l csupr. nyh shepherd, TO?^ shepherdess, v. V 1 d. t ^n n. [m.] pasture ;— 1 1|>3 Dnfe^ j K 5 3 twenty cattle (fr.) pasture (v. Ges tl31c ; Kit"ii2|). •qfl Is 38 12 Zc 1 1 17 , v. ■/ 1 d (1), (2). T njHft n.m. El **' " pasturage, pasture ; — abs.'DGn47 4 -r; cstr. njni? Is 34 14 ; sf. Wf?? Jb 39 s , DS'jnO Ez 34 19 ;— pasturage, |NX^ Gn 47 4 (J), cf. 1 Ch 4 M - 41 , also Is 32"; 3i»J R# 'O v 40 , cf. (fig.) Ez 34 1414 18 *; of cattle Jo i 19 , stag La i 6 ; =pasture, of wild ass Jb 39 s ; of Dn'BS Na 2 12 (but read fTlJJD cave, for njHD, "We Now, ||ft»); D? , PO->n;Ez34' 9B (fig.). TfrPSHO] n.f. pasturing, shepherding, pasturage (alw. fig.); — sf. WJTO Je23' Ez'34 31 , IJVJTp ^74' 79 13 , etc.; — 1. pasturing, shep- herding, "IVjnD fit, of Isr. as flock of Je2 3 l Ez 34 31 , cf.^74 1 79 ,3 ioo s + 95 7 (rd.iTDyi , D% cf. Hup-Now Che). 2. pasturage, Ho 13 s (Now Btytrp), Is 49 9 Je 25 M . 3. by meton. =flock Je io 21 . til. [rrj/H] vb. prob. associate with (cf. Schulthess 69 "- T but also No ZMG1 " nM< »' 154f -; As. ru'a,rutlu, neighbour , fellow (m. et f.; cf. Jiiger ba8 i.483,4S6^. g0 g e( j el" Lj-^^ master, owner, Wallin ZMOva861) ' 9 Jaya'kar^" 1 - 851 ; Eth. tn>C?; marriage; Ar. i^cjl , Eth. AC(Hf: yoA-e/ NH W3 friendship is fr. BH jn); — Qal Imv. ms. njlON nj?*!' ^•37 3 cherish faithfulness (Hup-Now RV Che Du Dr); >feed securely (Bae ; 1. njn ; feed on (his) faithfulness Am RV); Pt. Tip D'TDS Pr 1 3 20 one associating with fools, so '"1 D^f 28 7 , nfcrft 'I 29 3 (Thes al. think these fig. fr. I. njn, v. 2 b). Hithp. 2 ms. jnrirr^K f)S ?J)3"nX Pr 2 2 24 do not make companionship with a bad-tempered man; perhaps also 3 fpl. n^r!™ Is 1 1 7 (Lag 0r '• a ' D " !e " ed w,fe 81 " er - m Brd Du Che Hpt ) cow and bear shall be each other's companions; + Inf. cstr. ri'innn Pr 18 24 (Toy, for MT yjnnn) there are [B* for t^K] friends (merely) to be companions (v. II. J!J?T ad fin.). . 5?~1 n.m. Prnn friend, companion, - •■ 187 fellow; — 'l abs. 2 S I3 3 + , cstr. 1 Ch 27 s0 ; sf. "jn Jb 3 1 9 + , W. Dt 5 17 + , IJH Ex 2 13 + , also TJH. 2 S 12" (sg.; Ges' 93 "), Wjn (Ges» Mo1 ) Gn 1 1 3 + 1 1 4 1., iin Je 6 21 , njn 3 s0 ; pi- D, ?H Je 3 1 + , cstr. "in Jb 2"; sf. vjn 3 2 3 , wjn (Ges' 91k ) 42'