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run i S30* etc.;— 1. friend,intimate,Gn 38" *> (J), 1 S 30" 2 S 1 3 s 1 K 1 6" (© om.) ; «f M3 nefc ^JH Dti3 7 ,'njn priOPr27 9 (txt.dub.,v.Toy); Mi 7° (jltffc), Je 9 3 (|i n«), i 9 » Lai 2 ( + nur|K), * 3 5 14 (II rw) + 3 t. ff; esp. Jb 2 11 6 14 + 8 t. Jb, Pr 17" 1 8 24 + 8 t, Pr (1 2 M v. SnS infr.) , Ct 5" (|| trfM); associates Zc 3 s ; term, techn. ^Bn '"I 1 Ch 2 7 s3 (v. njn), cf. 2S16 1717 ; of lover Ct 5 16 ( IP"!"), husband Je3 M , paramours H03 1 Je3'; metaph. njjr ntai> yn jb 30 29 (|| D-sriij nx). 2. in weaker sense, fellow, fellow-citizen,eeianother person, with whom one stands in recipr. rela- tions, Ex 2 " 2 ,<i171717 (Gi v u -»-"-") = Dt 5 ,7181818 , Ex 2 1 M 2 2 7 8 - 1055 (all E), Lv 1 9 1316 ' 8 20 10 (all H), Dt 4" 15"+ 1 1 t. Dt, Jos 20 5 (D), Ju 7 14 Je 9 7 22" 29 s3 Ez i8 611 - 15 22"- B Hb 2 15 Jb 16 21 Ru 4 7

  • 15 3 28' 101 5 Pr 3*™ 6 1 (|| it !)+ 18 1. Pr ; }£#

ijni Je 6 M J 1 S 15 28 fct<A ^rom (the kingdom) to thy fellow, = another than thou, so 28 17 2S12 11 ; so also "IJTI . . , B"K a (given, certain) man over against his fellow (diff. fr. 3) Ex 21 1835 22 6913 33" (all E), Dt 19" 22 M Ju 7 13 1 K 8 31 20 36 Je 7 6 1 Ch 6 71 Ru 3 14 Ec 4 4 ; similarly Vljn."^ T^? Is 34 14 . 3. in recipr. phr. *njn . . . t^K Gn

I s they said one to another (B^K distrib.), «<xc/<. 

the speech of the other v 7 , absent <m« from the other 31 49 , cf. 43 s8 (all J), Ex 1 I 2 18 716 32 s7 (all E), Ju 6*> 7" io 18 2 S 2 1616 + 4 t. 1 S, 2 K 3 23 7 3 - 9 2CI120 23 Is3 s (|| E"K3 B^K), I3 8 I9 2 (|| VnN3 B*N), 41' Je 5 8 + 1 1 1. Je, Ez 33 s6 Zc 3 I0 + 6 t.'Zc (1 1 6 read «T> Sta ZAW1 < 188, >' 26 ), Mai 3 16 Jon i 7 ; so of things Gn i5 10 (J).— 1. JTl v . yn. tnjn n.m. friend (cf. Sta 1184 Lag EN1M Ba m *);— cstr. in term, techn. ^BTI njn (Ges 19311 Kb"- '• 78 ') 1 K 4 5 (= JTl 1 Ch 2 7 33 ), cf. TT3 "J!

S 15 s7 16"; ins. also is^cf.v 37 ) ©WeDraL; 

in simple sense Pr 27 10 Kt (Qr JTl; cf. Kb lc ). T[n5n] vb. denom. Pi. be a special friend;— Pf 3 ms. £ H^l -lB*j Vijno Ju 1 4 20 his comrade who had been ' best man' (GFM)to him. TAHITI] n.f. companion, attendant; — of maidens, pi. sf. Wjn Jun" Qr ( >Kt Wjn), n»rtnv**4 6 ».

  • L'~' , ^J n - 4 '- companion; — of beloved

bride, sf.'wyi Ct i 9U 2 21013 4 17 5 2 6 4 ; so of at- tendant maidens Ju 1 1 37 Kt, but v. foregoing. "fl. ffljn n.f. fellow (-woman); — sf. in recipr. phr. nrfijn DKD n^N Ex 1 1 2 (E) eachfrom her fellow (|| Wjri DKD B»N, c f. 11. JH 3); cf. Je

19 ; of birdsof prey (ni>' : !)Is 34 15 cf. v 16 ; people 

under fig. of sheep Zen 9 ; arW) Est i ,9 = another tlian she (cf. 1 S I5 28 II. 3T?. 2). tjYTi n.pr.f. Ruth (for rflV], i.e. friend- ship, Syr. U&.), Thes Lag BN84;,66;0r "- 41 Kb ili,«i. — Moabitess, ancestress of David, Ru j4.14.JM1 2 2.8.21.a3 3 » 4 5.10.13 . pov g T*ljn n.pr.m. (prop, name of a god, Duval zavum Mez?*"" 123 , cf. Horn AuA -"- 208 );— son of Peleg : Gn 1 1 18 - I9 - 2 °- 21 (P), 1 Ch i 25 ; Pay™. TTN^jn n.pr.m. PayovrjX: 1. Moses' father- in-law Ex 2' 8 (J; ©Llo&p), Nuio w (JE); else- where niT q.v. 2. Edomite Gn 36 410131717 (P), || 1 Ch i 35 - 37 . 3. Gadite Nu 2 14 , v. Wl p. 396. 4. Benjamite 1 Ch 9 s . t , 3n n.pr.m. (cf.Palm.n.pr. , '3jn/n'en^?y(1) Cook 109 ) ; — courtier of David (si vera 1.) 1 K i 8 ; Prjaa, @L oi iraipOL avrov. T [JH?3 J n.m. friend, companion (strange formation; orig.dub.; Wetzst 8yr - Dre,ch,,fel - ZEthno1 - 1873,289 C p_ pb_» miryd', name of bell-wether among Syr. nomads (prop, [inseparable] corn- panion), and der. fr. *$> V 1, prop, closely joined ; cf. Gerber 97 62 );— sf. *#J9 Gn 2 6 26 + , tajhp PrI 9 7 , ^P? Jui5 2 ; pl. Q, ?n? 14' 1 ;— com- panion, confidential friend, Gn26 26 (J; cf. <^y~))', of bridegroom's escort 14", ' best man ' (GFM) v 20 i5 2 - 6 ; more gen. friends (|| wm) 2 S 3 s Pr 19 7 ; ^isdub^DbdHiDeal.'nsnD; Toyconj. poss. nyno pDJ), v . further nin. III. 71J/H (Aram. NJH, )j2>, take pleasure (in), desire, =Ar.^-j. [Heb. ^S^], whence Aram. Kniy-i d««Ve, xrjfl, wri|i, Ji^J, op'»to», thought, disposition, and following late and Aram, words in Heb., cf. NoZ MQl * (M00 >' ,5! '; > De Siegf«° h - ls al. from I. njn 2 b, cf. Ho 12 2 , and Ar. ^cj watch, regard, respect (Lane) [Ba wu w '• Kau Ar,m,,smen ■ f - derive foil, from I. njn = observe, attend to, specif, tend sheep, also aim at, purpose^. fill, [jn] n.[m.] purpose, aim; — sf. 'jn f 139 2 (of man), pl. sf. TH v 17 (of El). f 11. J"W1 n.f. longing, striving; — cstr., pri 'ni ban Ec i 14 2 1117 - 26 4 4 6 9 ; D>n *n bay 4*. t^STI n.[m.] id.;— cstr., Ejn f^J/1 Ec i 17 , ran 'ii isan 4 i« ( c f. foreg.), ^b 'T3J i^Jf^a 2 22 . nvn v. 11. yj>n.