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ran pert, also (T orn.) =z relax, refrain Ex 4" (rdg. 1 »5 > v - Q**) > acc - re *> =: abandon, forsake, Ne 6 3 , so (subj. '») ijr 1 38 s ; subj. '», c. ace. pers., Dt 4 31 3 1" Jos i 6 (D), 1 Ch 28 20 . 2. let go, sf. pers., Ct 3* (opp. in«) ; fig., ace. (om.) ">piO , Pr 4 13 (opp. pnnn), njriX Jb 27 s (opp. id.). 3. refrain, c. fO pers., =Ut one aZow« Ju n 37 Dtp", |t? of anger ^ 37 s ; c. 7 pers. iSn 1 2 K 4 s7 ; ace. pers. Jb 7"; abs. lei alone, i.e. do nothing, be quiet, 1 S 15" Vm6" (cf. Weir in Dr 18 *").— Je 3 M Jb 5' 9 + 60 4 v. KB"}. Hithp. Pf. 2 ms. JVB"yin Pr24 ,0 /ia«< shewn thyself slack ; Pt. nSTTID 1 8 9 one sliewing himself slack, pi. D'S^nt? Jos 18 s .— Vid. also KB"} heal. tnD"1 adj. slack; — abs. '"I, of people, Nu I3*(J); ettr.Bn! nfcr) 2 S 17 s , i.e. weak (||$>£); fpl. HiB") D?T, fig. of discouragement and fear Is 3 5 3 Jb 4 3 . CfVQal2. t[jY»B") Ges» Mu , or )VD-) Sta 4296d cf.Ko"- 1M ] n.[m.] sinking ; — cstr. BFV jVb") Je 47 s sinking of hands, fig. of helpless terror. tn. nD"V 11. ND~1 as n.pr.m., alw. c. art. T T' T T Ha-Rapha (perh. der. fr. n.pr.gent. 11. E*NB"1, q.v.);— n?1f? zSji'"', c. prep. 'ni> v 20!2 = Kfinb , Ch 20 e - 9 ;— only as parent, "W "T^'a

S 2i"- ,B (=D , NBnn *y?nj 1 Ch 20 4 ); *wp n^> 

v 2022 || 1 Ch 20 6 ' 8 .— 1. HB-l v. sub KB"J. fi. O^NEn n-m." 28 ' 5 pi. shades, ghosts (by most connected with above </, as sunken, powerless, ones, Sta 01,420 ; Ph. DNBl); — Wisd. Lit. and late, name of dead in Sh e '61, c. art. 'in Jb26 5 , elsewhere nearly = n.pr.: 'l Is i4 9 (in She'61), 26 4 (|| tfno), *88"(|| td.),Pr2 18 (|| niD), 9" (in 7m '0$), D'KEH ^>np a i M ; of righteous Isr. Is 26 19 earth shall cast forth '1 (|| T$?)- f 11. Q^ND") n.pr.gent. old race of giants (perh. = 1. 'i, as extinct and powerless; v. esp. WRS in Dr Dtin ; or as shadowy, vaguely known , Schwally ZA w ""' (1898) - ,27ff - v. also Sta'- c ) ;— ancient inhab. of Canaan [W. of Jordan ?], Gn 1 5 20 Jos 1 7 15 (JE), cf. 1 Ch 20 4 (v. 11. nan 8 upr.) ; hence '"> pop, plain S. of Jerus. 2S5 1822 23 13 iChii"i 4 'l8i7 5 Josi5 8 i8 16 (P);'nE.of Jordan Dt 2" (|| D-pjj; ; tall, cf. v 10 ), v 20 (|| id.; tall ;= Zamzummim); in Bashan, Gn 14 5 , Og the last of them Dt 3" (of huge size), Jos 1 2 4 1 3" (D); "1 H? Dt 2 20 3". © Pa^af W [ M ]; oi yiyavrts Gn 14'+ 4 t.; ritv Tirai/o)* 2 S 5 l8!!2 + (® L) 23". ]"V1D"} v. nfin gub t)'-|.


t npl n.pr.m. in Ephr., 1 Ch 7 s , Pa^ij[o]. !"PB"1 n.pr.m. v. sub NB1. p* 1 ?'^ v. HB"). t DS"), ^3^ ▼*»• stamp, tread, foul by stamping, treading (NH DBT tread, Syr.«ma»; cf. Ar. JLjJ kick) ; — Qal Impf. 2 ms. D3"ini Ez 3 2 2 , c. ace. rivers; 2 mpl. K^ 3 "! 1 ! 1 34 11 *. Niph. P<. fc»B"iJ r:V» Pr 25 M a "fountain befouled. Hithp. (stamp oneself down, then fig.), Imv. ms. DBinn p r 6 3 humble thyself, become a sup- pliant (RV m Toy bestir thyself, as conject.) ; Pt. ^95 '- -? DB "y?° f 68 31 stamjring, trampling, down pieces of silver (V), obscure and prob. crpt., see conjjj. in Bae al. and DirtB supr., ad fin. t[t2)EnQ?] n. [m.] (water) befouled (by trampling);— cstr. Dyj}'] &Wp Ez 34 19 . t [nibp - )] n.[f.]raft(etym. dub.; NHonce . JI^^DBT bench or stool on which feet rest); — pi. rrhbffl 2 Ch 2" (late || for nhaM 1 K 5 21 ). t [*"|2"1] ▼»■ Po. shake, rook (Aram. W[ , ,9» wwye gently; Ar. i_IT quiver, flash, throb; also NH TIB"! flutter, Ar. «-jJjJ" flutter, flap wings) ; —Impf. 3 mpl. *Jfh) D?DE> *TWj Jb 2 6". t[p3"l] vb. Hithp. support oneself, lean (Eth. S.A.'!': reclinare, accumbere ad men- sam ; cf. Ar. JfiJ be gentle, bind camel's arm to prevent going quickly ; jyj-*, NH pB"ip,JAram. NiJB-ip, elbow);— Pt. f. npjirjp Ct8 5 (c.?y])ers.). iCDI v. DB1. VfSll (-/of foil.; NH^BT = BH; Schult- hess 7 "' cp. Ar. ci+jj talk or act obscenely, and a Syr. J^9» #Zagr, r«/ws« (not in PS Brock al.)). tttfcn n.[m.] mire;— Is57 20 ( + t3»L5). t [DC")] n. [m.] appar. stable, stall (NH id.; -/dub.; Thes fr. t|B"l, cf. Ar. i__>J enclosure for sheep and goats, but no satisfactory meaning of tpn known);— pi. DVIBn Hb 3 17 (for cattle). Y")v. pn. [yi] v. }»VT. I" [KJJl] vb. si vera 1., || form of pT run, Inf. o6«.W} Ezi 14 , but rd. Ki^ ^Mf) Hi-Sm Co Toy, cf. Krae Berthol al. ; © om. verse and most mod. think interpol. — Vid. also HVT. t [1^1] vb. Pi. watch stealthily, or with envious hostility (Ar. j^ watch or wait (oft. lie