Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/977

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nn in wait) for ; 1YV Ecclus 1 4 M observe stealthily, so once Aiaro.lX") Levy NHWBiv - 4M ); — only Imp/.

mpl. rnsnri ,/, 68 17 (fig. of mts., c. ace). 

t Mil vb. be pleased with, accept r T favourably (NH id., will, be willing ; Ar. (Symbol missingArabic characters) (orig.(Symbol missingArabic characters)) be well pleased with, Nö ZMG liv (1900), 155; Sab. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) favour CISiv, no 77,9 al., cf. Hom Südar.Chrerst 123, (Symbol missingHebrew characters) good, acceptable, CISiv, no. 73, 8 al; of a coin, good, Id 1 "" - 21 ' 5 ; Aram. NJH, U±i have pleasure in, cf. II. n^n supr.); — Qal/"/. 3 ms.

  • 1 Ecq 7 ; sf. BfJ Je 14 10 ; 1 s. ^W?! EZ43 27

consec. (metapl. Ges i75rr ; Aramaism, Krae; but Co VTty, etc. ; Impf. 3 ms. nri^ 1 47 10 + , sf. If* Mai' i 8 ; 3 fs. juss. ft? Lv 26 43 ; 3 fpl. njrin p r 23" Kt (< Qr na-ftn, y nyj, cf. Toy), etc.; 7»w. nri ,/, 4 o 14 1 1 9 ,( »; /«/. cstr. htaTj Pr 16 7 V77 8 , etc.'; i>«. nxvi i 47 » i 49 «, s f. Dfi J e 14"; pass. W Est io 3 , cstr. W] Dt33 24 ;— 1. 6e pleased with, favourable to : a. of God, c. ace. pers. Is 42 1 ifr 44 4 147" Jb 33 :6 ; c. ace. rei |> 85= 1 CI129 17 Pr 16 7 Ec9 7 ; c. 3 pers. V' I 49 4 J

rei 147 10 Hg i 8 ; abs. V'77 8 - &« °f men: c. 

ace. pers., subj. father Mai I 8 , || 3!1N Pr3 12 ; of brother Gn 33 10 (JE), monarch 2 Ch 10'; c.acc. rei |/-62 5 102 15 Jb 14 6 Pr 23 s6 (but v. supr.); c. 3 rei 1 Ch 29 s V49 14 > D? pers. Jb 34 s ■(/'So 18 ; pt. pass. *V5 favoured, acceptable to Dt 33" (poem), Est io 3 . 2. accept : of God, c. ace. pers., sacrificing, 2 S 24 23 Ho 8 13 Je 14 1012 Ez 20 404 ' 43 w ; c. ace. of sacrifice Dt 33" Mai i 1013 ^5i 18 119 108 ; c. 3 of sacrifice Mi6 7 ; abs. Am 5 m . 3. be pleased: a. determined, c. inf. V^o 14 . b. c. 3 pers. 1 Ch 28 4 . 4. make acceptable, satisfy (by paying off debt), subj. land, paying off its sabbaths (Di Dr al. accept, be satisfied with [in payment]) LV26 34 ' 43 2Ch36 21 , c.acc. of guilt incurred (J1V) Lv 2 6 4 '- 43 (< point all these as Hiph., so SS Gerber). Niph. Pf. 3 ms. nru Lv i 4 Is 40 2 ; Impf. 3 ms. nrv Lv 7 18 + , etc.; — 1. pass, of Qal 2, be accepted, of sacri- fices, c. 7 pers., Lv i 4 22"; c. b of sacrifice 22 13 - 27 ; abs. 7 18 19 7 . 2. pass, of Qal 4: rlJlJJ ns"13 Is 40 2 her punishment is accepted (as satisfactory). Pi. Impf. 3 mpl. WJJ Jb20 10 , c. ace. D' 1 ?'! seek the favour qftliepoor (but Bu SS Gerber from pn). Hiph. Pf. 3 fs. nfff (Ges' 73m ) consec. Lv 26 s4 tlve land shall pay off Iter sabbaths (ace), cf. Qal 4. Hithp. Impf. 3 ms. nSQlT 1 S 29 4 with what shall he make himself acceptable unto (?N) his lord ? + 3 mpl. WJfl Ho4 10 © We Now' (for MT «■*•) they shall not /tave delight. t|i!n n.[m.] goodwill, favour, accep- tance, will; — abs. 'n Dt 33° + ; cstr. fir) ^i45 19 + ; sf. V/HT] Is 60 19 , Jr) Dn 8 4 + , etc.;— 1. goodwill, favour : a. of God, Dt 33" Is 60 10

  • 5" 30 6 ' 8 51 20 89 18 106 4 Ft8 u i 2 s 18 22 ; '"> njJ

Is 49 8 f 69"; *i Di' Is 58 5 ; Tn?e> Is6i 3 ; || nana Dtss 23 ; opp. n3J/in Pr n 1 - 20 12" 15 8 . b. o'f men: ingen.Pr io 32 n 27 i4 9 ; of kings v 35 16 13 " i9 12 . 2. acceptance, of persons, offering sacrifice, ROT s :sb ]Vrb Ex 28 s8 (P); c. b pers. for acceptance for him before (Symbol missingHebrew characters); c. sf. pers. iJV"6 Lv i 3 ; abbrev. D3^ fiinb 22™, D33X"6 19 3

l..M ^U p^L, 22 2, -J S g67 - J e6 » ^ I9 !5 ( of 

words ; cf. Ho 1 4 3 ) ; pyi py Is 60 7 (read ?, so Codd., v. Gi, also Du), pyT Mai 2 13 . 3. will, desire, pleasure : a. of God, 'l rrtfjl do his «<n"M Ezr 10" ^ 40 9 103 21 143 10 . b. of man, nBT? 131X13 do according to his will, exactly as he pleased, Dn 8 4 1 i 3 - 16 - 36 Ne 9" Est i 8 9 s , cf. Ne 9 37 ; <Zm're ^ 145 1619 2 Ch 15 15 ; = self-will Gn 49 s (poem). t i"l2")J^ et loc. (pleasure, beautyy, — 1. f. daughter of Selophehad of Gilead Nu 26 M 27 1 36" Jos 1 7 3 ; Qtpoa. 2. loc. old Can. city Jos 1 2 24 , early cap. of N. Isr.(until Omri)iKi4 17 (nnnn), 15** 1 ««*»*""» Bapaa, usu. 6< paa ; Menahem's base of operations 2 K 15 1416 (6ap- <r(f>Xa V 14 , Euseb 0nom - 26162 ' e,iL « cp. OapaiXa, village of Samaritans in Batanea, and Buhl Geogr.24? con j p es ii^ 20 m. E. of Lake Gennesaret, but this too remote) ; in sim. of beauty (om. ©) Ct 6 4 (|| DpE^); — site not certain ; conj. are : TalUza, just N. of Mt. Ebal (Rob '"). Tayasir, c. 10 m. further NE., >et-Tire, S. of Gerizim (see, on these, GASra ™"- 355 Buhl Geogr. 203 A_jg_But M.^C t TV£1 vb. murder, slay (NH (rare, also in deriv.)=BH; cf. Ar. 'J*~ '^i. break, bruise, crush) ; — Qal Pf. 3 ms. consec. '1] Nu 35*", inini Dt22 26 ; 2ins.nn3n(n)iK2i"; 7m;.>/.3ms.nXT Nuss^Dt^ 2 ; 2ms.('n5f-)ninri Ex2o' 3 =Dt5 17 '; 7w/.a6s.DJf;Ho4 2 Je7 9 ; Pt.act.rf Dti9 3 +, 'iT 4 42 +; — murder, slay, with premeditation, Ex2o 13 (E) = Dt5 17 ,H04 2 Je7 9 iK2i ,9 (allabs.); e. ace. pers. Dt 2 2 26 , unawares Dt 4 42 ; slay as avenger Nu 35 2730 (P ; || JVOn v' 92 '); esp. pt. as &ubst.= slayer, manslayer, without intent, Dt

« I9 3.4.6. a J g0 J n p. Nu35 «.11.12.25.M.27.28 J os20 3.5.6 
1 13 - 21 - 27 - 32 - 26 (van d. H., Baer, v 38 Gi ; all P) ; mw- 

derer, with intent, Nu 3 5 w-m-W-W-»»«*«^Jmij