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in” Sin, “st letter (with W', :11).

win (Jot £011.; vb. unknown; cf. NH may, 1889-, JAram. lamp, all haven).

limp n.m.""“leaven ;—ahs. ’w Ex :37 (J), Di: 16‘ (1)), Ex 12"" LV 2“ (all P). nxgip v. m. :‘g v. w.

13‘!” (Jot £011.; iwtz'rwenve; NH 339, der. spec, hair-mt, em; Ar. insert, WWW; Syr. ’5‘: rush in, adhere, embrace, be mixed wiui, 15$... vdum mmuJamm; cm. iabikd, headdress, D1 m A“).

1’ 'iv n.[m.] mtwcrk of houghs ;—cstr. Him ’9 2 S 18'.

Tnggip n.f. lattice-work, network ;—abs. "i 1 K7“+, p1. v“+, '3‘??? v‘7;—1. prob. window-[attics 2 Kx’. 2. net-ornament on pillars, 1 K 7'7-"(om. (an KitBenz),v‘“‘ (crpL, cf. Kit Benz), v‘"‘“’ 2 Ch 4mm 2 K 25‘7-‘7 || Je 52"”. 3. udwork,tails, for catching animals (65-) Jb '8‘ (Hm. "E. D‘s!)-

nnam v.

“Ill? nylon. Nu 32‘, v’B Jos 13" Is 1 6‘” e 48"; in Moab (Reuben), near Heshbon (cf. also Jerome" "' '); 2.3a,“

[larva] 3232;)“ VII. be mad, named, mn-feioad (NH (tier. spec.)=BH; so As. W, Ar. 7 , Am. 1:39, ‘5», Palm. saw; the Eth. VI; of same meaning is 9.70:)3—911" Pf. 3 ms. val? I Ch 23', consec. DI. 31’"; 3 pl. iv??? Is 9", ’M consec. De :4” 25", em; Imyf. 3 ms. YEW: Priz"+, 3 mp1. F1130" 1: 104”, am; Inn/p.173? Pr 20"; Inf. abs. 233.“? Jo 2m 2011 31'“; catr. gala? Ex 16‘ La 5-, nyg‘yf) Hg r“;—1. be rated (with food), esp. human sub}: a. ma, after Eats, Ho 4'" Isg" Dts’“, Ex .66 (P),+1| s, of. 1344" (1| 5:25); exposing men to arrogance Dt 6" 8" 31’“, cf. Ho :3“ (Isr. under fig. of mttle),Je50“ (id; c. :1 100.; || “2': graze); =liave (or get) enough to eat ‘1' 37“ 59“, enough to drink Am ‘5, fig. of sword Je 46‘“, of wins Hb 2’. b. c. we. of food Je 44" La 5“ Ex 16"(P),+6 L, of. F1 39'“ (of beasts, in 135.), ofeaflh, sated with water (rain)l’r30",

so of trees (soc. Um.) \[I 104“, fig. of requital P. 18’“. (no.1? of food Jb 193(k); fig.oi earth having its fill (of rain) 4' 104", and (fig. of requital) Fr 18"“; good sense 12" (del. Jib. so Toy), bad sense ["14“; c. 11,3 of source In 66“ (fig). 2. more gen., be rated, have desire satisfied : I. abs. Ex 16"“ (Le. with harlotry), Je 50‘”$with plunder), 1353" (with a given re: sult); 0 ayes Pr27‘", of She'él andAbmldén v”, cf. 30"; =have abundance Pr 30'(exposure to arrogance) b. it. man. be satisfied wilh, have om': of: Je 31", cf. #11“ 63', Pr 5'“Ec 5“, of: (eye aubj.) 4‘, non. of sons w [1" (si Vera 1., but text duh. v. Ol Du, cf. BaeWe), days of life, ie. reacll the mu limit (+ nag) 1 Ch 231 2 Ch :4". c. c. :i of goodness 1165‘, c. 1’? id. E0 6'. a. c. 5 ins, nun? m: virgth Ec :- (u 3. have in ma, be mifiiled with : I. lit., with honey (um) Pr 25“. 'I1. fig—be weary of, c. ace. of offerings Is 1“ (subj. ")y tossing: Jb 7‘, poverty Pr 28", shame Hb z", contempt 4: 123“, c. ace. pen. Pr :8". 1:. id., 1:. 3 of troubles 4, 88‘, of repth La 3”. +Niph. Pt. vain: sated Jb 3:". iri. satisfy. E: 7" they shall not satisfy their appetite (we; ; u «59); Imu.masf.,subj.", '1 irgo“(z we. . TKiph.Pf 3 ms. _ 4,107“, «1; consec.Is58“; 2 fst‘ gram; Imyf: 3111s. af.‘!¥3l§t J by“, zms. $312451 Is 58'", x s. Je 57, . “HMS w 81” van d. 11., fig‘ilé’! Baer Gi, etc.,‘ 17:15 am. r 29,551. 38‘7;Pt. _ 1:103‘"5“;—1.n.satiafy(esp. will: material blessings), subj.", c. ace. pars. Je 57(exposing men to arrogance), Is58“(iwc. of refreshment in drought, : loc. fig. oi'belp and blessing . worm v22; 11 N. .). at my (: instr., on snowflfl); (Limo. of ground J l) 38‘7(i.e. with rain); human subj.,c.acc.!;§g Is58‘" b. c. we. of food + perm, '~ sub}, 4.8;" (u 5 ), 105‘“ 132“ 147“; mace. pers.+ D‘m 91“. c. " subj., ME. rei + 5 perm, Ill") “V9 4’ 145". d. " subj., c. ace. of beam+flgp (of Pharaoh, in prophetic Ez 32‘. 2. enrich, subj. Tyre, c. act. gent. E: 27" 'l I _ . 3. auto, ylul (with the undesired), sub ‘, c. we. pers- +3 rei La 3", we. pers.+ rei Jh 9“.

n.[m.] satiety, abundance;-——abs.

’3'? Ex l6‘+, cstr. DEN]; i6“,’W’? Pr [3“; “XE-“v” Dt 23", Ru 2‘“;—1. misty. as to