rrytth 958 TniW") n.f. wickedness ; — abs.'n Is 9+; cstr. nS(h Dt9 4 +; sf. inyfl Dt25 J + ;— 1. wickedness in civil relations, Dt 25* Pr 13 s Is 9 17 ; ))?} *?& inVfl? ^ > l5 - 2. wickedness of enemies, "1 ^»? Mai I 4 (Edom); 'in TINT Zc 5 9 (personif.); nj?ehi> Ez5 6 (del.Co); D'lan njJBh Dt 9*-'. 3. wickedness, ethical and religious,
- i nfcv Mai 3 IS ", invfio aw Ez 18 27 33";
yen(n) njfh 18 20 33". t]->JNlh»p n.f. wickedness ; — abs.'Bn 2 Ch 24' Athaliah the (embodied) wickedness. D^nycn v. i jtfo P . 4 6 9 . t W") (./of foil.; Sam. ^*m° irritavit, incendit; NH 1SH yfajne, Ecclus 43 irc f)Bh liglUning-fiame (? si vera 1.) ; J Aram. NBKn flame; tw as n. pr. div. in OAram. and Ph. Lzb 154 - 370 Pietschm mn - 150ff - EMey zl,G " xl < 18ro - 71 ' N „ id. .m dm <n Spiegelberg ZAl " 1(,898 >' 121 Lzb 1 "' 328 WMM **• u - " a - ma - GACooke 1 "*" 66 '). j-i. *1©7! n.m. ubs 6 flame, fire-bolt;— abs. '- Dt32' 24 +; pi. D'BCH fj8 is , cstr.'SBh 7 6 4 , ♦8fl Ct 8 6 ; sf. fVBBh V ; _l. / aTOe .. E>K 'l 'l Ct 8" its flames (sc. of '"OnK, n ¥?i?) are flames of fire; '1 '33 Jb5' = s;«ir'A«; 'T = pointed_/2awie of lightning f 78" (|| TJ3) ; T&% '1 7 6 4 sharp flames of the bow, fig. for arrows. 2. fire-bolt of '», bringing pestilence and death, Dt 32 s4 (cf. Dr; ||nno3ei3),Hb3 5 (||-i31I). ■J- II. *]©") n.pr.m. inEphr., 1CI17 25 ; 2apa<t>, A Pao-f<£, ©L ?aari<f>.
[l£^H] vb. Po'el beat down, shatter
(Syr. *.» bruise, grind}; — /ny/. 3 ms. &P~ Je 5 17 one shall beat down thy fortified cities. Pn. Pf. 1 pi. UK'iS'T Mai i 4 we are beaten down. fittTl net, v. eh t[nj"n] vb. boil (NH ttf.; Ecclns4 3 3 Hiph. »na£e Ao<; Aram. nrn, „.}.'» 6oi7); — Pi. Imv. ms. npn causat. Ez 24 s cause to boil, bring to boiling, c. ace. rei. Pu. Pf. 3 pi. WW"! Jb 30 57 my bowels have been made to boil without quiet (fig. of violent emotion). Hiph. Impf.
ms. r$Mflp Tf| mirr Jb 41 23 A« (the crocod.)
maketh the depth boil like the pot. t[nrn] n.[m.] boiling; — pi. sf. nWr] Ez 24 s , as ace. cogn. cause its boilings to boil, make it boil vigorously ; but rd. iVnro Hi-Sm CoDa(poss.) and all mod. (cf. v 46 ; || D^DXV). t[D-Tl"1] vb. bind, attach (cf. Ar. LLs~ thread bound to finger as reminder); — Qal Imv. ms. Vfai? n 33"!f EJ Oftl Mi I 13 . tanS n.m. 1
a kind of broom-shrub,
broom-plant, retem (NH id.; Ar. If J (on form Lag™ 162 ); X iqpPP"!, all = BH);— abs.nriK *|
K 19 5 , nnx '-1 v 4 Kt pnx Q r ) ; P i. B^arj &p
DDni" Jb30 4 (on text v. Bu Che"* r ); DW] bri2 V' 120 4 , Rob 8 " 1 - 84 - 203 - 205 ' 500 Low* 0313 Post H " t ""< 8 ' DB, 'Juniper' Q n „Ency. Bib. 'Juniper' T nori") n.pr.loc. station in wilderness, Nu 33 18 ' 9 ; Pa6 al ia, ®L Papa6a. t [pJTI] vb. bind (Ar. JjJ close up and repair, sew up; Talm. Kjjl^l fenced en- closure);— Pu. Pf. 3 pi. D'isn Iprn Na3 10 her great ones were bound with fetters. Niph. Impf. 3 ms. PTW Ec i2 6 Qr (pn"V Kt), from context = be snapped, broken ; read prob. PDJ! (Pfannkuche Thes and mod.). t[nj5n")] ■.[«.] chain (?);— pi. cstr.niprp
- 1D3 18 40'V
ti^rn n.fm .1 chain (on form Lag BN89 );— abs. 'in nbjf Ez 7 2 - 1 , i.e. for captives, but very dub.; Co pVpsl niv, Krae pin?? <& ('2= As. butdku, obstruction); hence perh. also pi. cstr. anj nipvn 1 k 6 21 Qr (Kt ropwi), <*««« o/>ta before the "' , 3' ! j in temple. nip*in"], rtlffyn v. foregoing. y Jim (/of foil.; NH nn-j, Aram, nnn, Li, all tremble; cf. BBt). TJTTn n.[m.] trembling (on form Lag BS .76 Ba ,7'bJ .__A, Hq j gl ( gi yera L J wAm ^^ spoke trembling (AV Che al.) ; Ew al. spoke terror ; Hi Ke EV spoke, there was trembling; text dub. (v. Now).