tn , tpn.m. +1<M ' 34 oomplaint, musing; — abs. / B'iKi8 27 Pr23 ::9 ; sf. 'itf? i Si ,6 + , "ip Jb23 2 , irVB' 2K9"| 102 1 ; — 1. plaint, complaint : Jb 7 13 9 s7 io 1 (|| atei no), 21 4 23* Pr 23 M V'SS 3 (|| nccnN); W^a ^ip 64-'; *3sb 's? t]bb> 102 1 '. Foil, are dub.: 2. musing, 1 K i8 2 '(E) of a god, || £ 3<fe>, (so RV; SS ' wacWewAm '; Buhl ' beschaftigt sein'; AV talk) ; ^ 104 34 of man (Buhl SS. Bae 'Rede, oder Gesang'). — Vid. also [nb] infr. 3. anxiety, trouble: , rPE> 3np 1 Si' 6 (defined in MT by DJB, ef. HPS ; so Buhl SS, but perh.=l). 4. toft; Vrfc> 2 K 9" (so RV SS, but meaning obscure in context). tnrPte n.f. id.; — abs. r B> f 119 99 Jb 15 4 ; sf. -nir'B' f 1 19 97 ;— 1. complaint : hn$ * Jb 1 5 4 (so Bu al., cf. D^ 1 De al. meditation, cf. [JH3]). 2. (obj. of) musing, study: rniPI tn -1 ^ muse, complain, poet, talk (of) ;— Qal Imp/. 3 ms. D^ ^ 1 19 23 ; 3 fs. sf.^rwn Pr6 22 ; 1 s. ntttf U9 78 +, etc.; 7m^. ms.Wjbi2 8 , mpl. WE'Ju5 10 + ; Inf. cstr. 0^ i/f 1 19 143 ; — 1. complain : ^ 55 18 77* (both || ran), Jb7" (^£53103), + ^ 6 r (rd.prob.nn^N for nnb'S). 2. muse: ^"DV f 77'; c . 3, meditate upon, study, God's rviTpJJ v 13 (||™n); DHIpB ii 9 1M8 ; DMin v 53 - 18 ; nit6w v 27 ; iTIOX v 148 ; c. ace. V&fil *Sfl 145 5 . 3. a. talk (about), si'ngr(of): abs.Ju5 10 (ode); c.3rei, i/'ios 2 = 1 Ch 1 6 9 ( || •Vtf , lt?t ; so SS Gerber, but poss. = 2, so Dr), ^(H)™ (3 pers. against; || ni3 , 33 l of mocking words), b. c. sf. pers. talk (with) Pr 6*> (del. Toy) ; c. b speak to Jb 1 2 8 (Di 'sprich sinnend'; HiBurd. H2>; Kau l"l*n (so Bu as altera.), Bo al. sub II. WW). P61'el meditate, consider : Impf. 3 ms. nnifc^ Is 53 s (abs.); 1 s. nnibK f 1 43 s (3 rei ; || njn).— Gn 24 ra v. I. WT. [ntr] n.[m.] thought;— sf. "TO tn*6 Tap SnW Am 4 13 ; read prob. 'ms? (against Ba^ 79 ' 80 ) unless otherwise corrupt. II. FPU' (-/of foil.; cf. perh. As. sdhu, grow, grow up (of trees), iihtu, appar. a shoot, sprout; NH = BH ; Pun. nt? ; Syr. | g l» m artemisia Judaica, cf.Wetz8t™" b " ,ch ' 4 • 41 L6w' , ■ 78 , so Ar.
- ^ Lane ,<,;8 (cf. Lag BN '*>)).
t Hifej n. [m.] bush, shrub, plant; — 'B> abs. coll. Jb 3 o 4 , cstr. rn£n 'V Gn 2 5 (J); pi. WjHp Jb 30 7 , on%n inx Gn 2i ,3 (E). I, 11. Ufa, niD^tp etc., v. I, II. Biff. Tjfc, n3to v. IV. T>B». Ijto v. II. T3fe HDl^ ( /of foil.; NH H3D Zoo^ owi, Aram. N3D look out, hope, HKJ3D watchman, NJTOD (for Heb. nssp) outlook-point; Aeo Pa. hope for; Ar. DO (., (^) is complain (i.e. disclose grief?), »lx-iL« lamp-niche, Eth. ffoftji^f; window). T ,, '13ty n.[m.] perh. a celestial appearance, phenomenon(Rabb.ThesminaVDe(afterTalm.) coc& (cf. NH , 1?B' cocA, ■'W3B' J len , t foreign words ace. Dalm), Di ' Wolkengebilde ') ; — abs. 'fc> perh. of clouds (cf. || rrtnti) Jb 38 s6 (RV m meteor). t[lT^j] n.f. very dub., only pi. cstr. Mw nnonn Is 2 16 : perh. gen. term, 93 quod visupul- chrum est, Ges Comm ' kbstliche Anblicke,' cf. De ; others refer to imagery (cf. IVS^P; as attract- ing the gaze) Che 0on "° RV Du ; watchtowers (v. Aram.) Ew Di RV m ; standards (as con- spicuous) Thes; ships (id.) (Bennett [private letter], and now Gunk Schl " >f,,ne50 Che H, ' , Marti, cf. || rfMN; SS Bu Jb40S1 prop. nVS^= , D shijjs). tn^Sffip n.f. show-piece, figure, ima- gination;— abs. 'd LV26 1 , sf. in-?"^p EZ8 12 , in?W Pr 18 11 ; pi. cstr. ni> 3^p Pr 25 11 f73 7 , sf. Dn s 3E>p Nu 33 s2 ; — 1. show-piece, specif, carved figure, of idolatrous'symbols, Nu 33 s2 (P; J*^| DnbBD), 'O J3N Lv26' (II H3S0 etc.), 'O ^D Ez8 12 (>del. Co); elsewhere ^P? 'D Pr 25" «7wr carvings. 2. imagination, conceit, Pri8", 33.S'Df 73'. tn^Dtt) (so Baer Gi ; var. N^t? j van d. H. rV3E>; Kit""' dub.) in Benj. 1 Ch 8 10 ; So^Jia, Sf^ia, ©L 2«x'« ! ® 33 Sechia. tpston-fm.] knife (NH pip; prob. loan- word (Lewy Freradw - ,;6 ) fr. Aram. W^p, [Ls^> id., whence also Ar. ^JL No H123 Fra 84 ; Vdub.); — abs. fy Pr 23 s . TIDip (si vera 1.) near Bamah (=ouilook, Ko" 161 );— 1S19 22 ; WMM**"- ■""•"* cp. T-ku in Eg. inscr. ; but © 2«t>(c )i ; read 'BE> ThWeDrKitBuHPS. I. [TTDlf] vb. cover, lay over, so as to screen (cf. || Vl. T3D) ; -Qal Pf. 1 s. "M *$&) T^Ex 33 ^(JE).