Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/992

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-pto tn. nDV] vb. weave (cf. || a/II.^d); Po'lel Impf. 2 ms. sf. ^33li>n Jb io 11 with bones and sinews thou weavest me together. t[Tjto] n.[m.] booth, pavilion ('e> peril. errou., cf. ljb, H3D sub II. -x) ;— sf. W(f La 2 C Aw [V B ] pavilion^ (|| Vl^S). III."pttf (-/of foil.; cf. I.Tft», II.-J1D). t[H|to] n.f. hedge ;— sf. tasfctp Is 5 S (if 3 right) ; perhaps rd. '"'ab'D v. sub I. "pfe>. IV.'lDt^ (-/of foil.; cf. Ar. dH fierce, transfix (Lane J582c ), ixi weapons; akin also to csJyi, Eth. J**h: thorn, spine; As. sikkatu, peg, Syr. J&u£ nai7 do not belong here, cf. Dl Pro1 - 1% ). t[7|tr] n.[m.] thorn;— pi. D'3fe>Nu33 55 t[j"T3^] n.f. barb, spear;— pl.rri3b , Jb 4 o : ".

1- /Dl£^ vb. be prudent (Gerber * denom. 

fr. b&, but vb. early ; NH &D, Hithp. sJww oneself attentive (to), look; Aram. ??D (rare) understand, Ithpa. look (at), consider, Aph. instruct; ?3B' only Aph.(forHeb.7 , 3E'n) ) ?mc2er- stand, make wise; "%,rt m Pa. teacA, Ethpa. understand, etc.; Sam. ZiS^k Ithpa. Joo& (for Heb. D'SH); As. «&£w, clever, iiklAtu, cleverness, Meissn 8 "" 1 "- ^ ;— Qal Pf. 3 ms. 1? 1 S 1 8 30 bepru .- rfeni, circumspect (SS HPS); Kit Buhl Gerber al. prosper. Hiph. />/. 3 ms. ^Sfe'n Je 2 3 s 1 Ch 2819; {{asc|IS.} (Symbol missingHebrew characters) ψ 11999; 3 mpl. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Jb3427+; Impf. ^3'f: 1 Si 8 s + ; 2 ms.juss. hzfyn Dn 9 s5 , etc.; 7m». mpl. I^Sfn ,/, 2 10 ; /n/. a6s. Slfn Je 9 s3 + ; ^3*fn (Ges i53k ) Je 3 15 Jb34 35 ; cstr. Vty Gn 3 6 +, etc.; Ft. TfyQ 1 S i8 14 +, f. H^J Pr 19 14 ; pi. D'TS'^O Dn n 35 + , etc.; meanings hard to classify: scholars differ greatly; — 1. look at: b*fyrfy ftfn "10n3 Gn3 6 (J) was desirable to look upon (so © Ges De ; AV, RV to make one wise; Ew Di Buhl SS Dr al. sub 3). 2. give attention to, consider, ponder: Is4i 20 44 18 EH32 29 ^64'° io6'Jb34 s7 ; c. !>Pr2i 12 ; c. ?K f 41 2 Ne 8 13 ; c. ^5? Pr 16 20 ; c. 3 V '©I 2 Dn 9 13 - 3. have in- siglu, comprehension: Je9°(|p JHJ), ^94* (HP?), I i9 w ,Dni 4 9 M (||»T); ty)3bnassubst.==tn«srA«, understanding: as (Symbol missingHebrew characters)'s gift to ruler and teacher, II n V1! Je 3 15 ; || nyi Jb 34 s5 ; || 5HD Dn I 17 ; (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Pr 13; (Symbol missingHebrew characters) 2116. 4. cause to consider, give insight, teach: (Symbol missingHebrew characters) subj., ace. rei, 1 Ch


", ace. pers. V'S 2 " Ne 9 20 ; Gabriel subj., 2 ace. Dn9 K ; D?n 3p subj., ace. rei Pr 16' 3 ; c. ?, Pr2i n ; "9 alB ^b- D^sV'sn 2 Ch 30 s2 (but Be Ke Benz etc. who shewed good skill, sc. in music, v 2lb ); D'p"3B>p(n) Dn n 3335 12 310 the teachers (so Ew Hi Bev ; Thes Ke Behrm al. the wise). 5. act circumspectly, prudently: abs. Am5 13 ^ 2 10 36 4 ; WfO as subst. ■f 1 4 2 = 53 3 ,Pno 519 i4 35 i5 24 i7 2 Jb2 2 2 ; n^pVlffe Pri9 14 .— Je50 9 has fc^ ""3? ace? to Mas. (van d. H. Baer Gi), cf. 93, i.e. a child-slaying warrior ; but 'e> Hiph. elsewhere only Ho 9 14 , of miscarriage ; ® @ Ew and most mod. (Gf Gie Rothst) read ??^D, either skilful or fortunate. 6. prosper, have success (cf. Dr IS "- 5 ): abs. 1 S 18 15 Is 52" Je io 21 20" 23 s Jos i 8 (D); c. 3, v 7 (D) 1 S 18 514 (rd. "^33 for "5$ VrssThHPS al.), cf. 2 K 18 7 ; c. !>K, Prif. 7. cause to prosper : Dt 29 s 1 K 2 3 (D). !?, /D& n.m. prudence, insight; — *P abs.'f in 10 +,cstr. Pri9 11 + ; '& abs. iS 25 3 + ; i>3K> Jb 17 4 ; sf. &?b> Pr 12 8 Dn 8 25 ;— 1. pru- dence, good sense: 'V 113112 woman of good sense 1 S 25 s . 2. insight, understanding: n:P3

Ch 22 12 2 Ch 2 11 , cf. Jb 17 4 ; 31D r V Pr 3 4 1 3 15 

ty 1 1 1 ,0 2 Ch 30 22 ; t? B»N Ezr 8 18 ; 'B-3 J'JJV 1 Ch 2 6' 4 ; l^PS'b' D^n lipo Pr 16 22 ; restrains from anger 1 9 11 , wins praise 1 2 8 , fool despises W? 1 ® V 23'; 1? Dib» Ne 8 8 (|| C3Q) se< forth (the) wncZer- slanding (i.e. the meaning). 3. bad sense, cunning, craft, Dn 8 s5 .

7 , 325Q n.m.contemplativepoem(Hiph. 

2. De al.); — in titles of ^32, 42, 44, 45, 52, 53. 54, 55,74>78,88,89, 1 42; also 47 8 'Dr>B7: >Ges al. didactic poem (a/4); EwRiPe al. skilful, artistic song (/3); Vi alone fits all cases. . f II. [7DI^] vb. Pi. lay crosswise (so, and not Vl. fy, ® @ 33 S! Jo ° and mod., cf. Ar. jXi 6t'nd legs of beast, plait locks of hair); —Pf. 3 ms. VT-riS b'B> Gn 48 14 (J); Thes Dr, however, prudentes fecit, fr. vl. '{}'. n^rtoEci ,7 v.mb3p. flDtC vb. hire (NH^.; Sab. T3W1 Aire on«*e?/oM<(?), recompense^) DHM Hofmu,u ; Eth. ^"h-Ci hired; Ar. Ixi, reward, thank, mod. Pal. ii.l5Ci. hired, of land ploughed by hire, Bergheim rKQ1894 ' 198 ; Palm. Nn3B» perh. reward- ing Lzb 376 );— Qal Pf. 3 ms. 'V Dt 23' 2 K ? 6 ,