tTW Seir (=-i , y'c>, «7 0a <7 cf. Gray f""-"- 94 ; but note play in"»yfe>Gn 2^, -^2f lJa ; N6 2«0»l(18»).165 i K„c,.BIb.ll.llK. cp „. pr. mont.^111 (the ' hairy,' i.e. ' well-wooded,' cf. 'X*^> trees),'!jl ; Lag BN92 thinks / E> orig., but land much earlier in OT.; perh. = Tel Am. land Sen, Zim ZAv,(189 "' B7 Jastr JBLxl<18t>2), 114 WJjJ Tel Am. 181.26 g un J Edom.28 f. . J_ lr)fip : a. terr. land of Edom, S. of Dead Sea,
- nx-|t< Gn 3 2 4 (J; ||Di"TK rnb), cf. 36 30 (P);
V alone Ju5 4 (poem; id.), Nu 24 18 (JE; HDHN), Dt i 44 2 41U222M 33 2 Jos 11 19 (D), Is 21" Ch20 rab ; c. n loc. nif^ Gn 33 1416 (J), Jos 1 2 7 (D). b. specif, mont. E. of Arabah, 'VT-m Jos2 4 4 (E), Gn36 ,9 (P), Dt 1- 2 15 Ez 35 =.x;.i5 j Ch 4<2 2 Ch 20 io.».b. cf ty Q-J-in Gn
6 (home of *fv; on text v. Buhr Edon '- 28
Gunk Gn ). c. gent. Ez 25 s = Edom [van d. H. VJj but del. ® B Hi Co Berthol Toy Krae. d. personif. as m. in tf^J? (v. '"in p. 360 ; cf. Gn 14 6 ) Gn 36*=! Ch i» Gn 3 6 21 (P; + DilK )nK3) ; = Edomites 2 Ch ag 1,M (|| D'OVIK). 2. mont. in Judah, / ar-
Jos i5 10 (P), A<r<raf>,
A 2>?€ip, ®L 2t«p; Di Buhl 091 al. cp. hill-ruin Sdrls c. 9 miles W. of Jerus. (Rob B,llil - ™). f II. [ ij^lu] vb. sweep or whirl away (of storm-wind) (="iyD, q.v.; As. sdru, wind, pjHWBBo. > Thes 1334 cp. I. Tjrt^-Qal Impf. 3 ms. sf. W$fe> ? 1 58' fig. 7;e ('*) shall sweep it away. Niph. Pf. 3 fs. impers. n'ly'E'J ■fy 50 3 round about him it is tempestuous ex- ceedingly. Pi. Impf. 3 ms. sf. ^nyfe"} Jb 27 21 and it [an E. wind] shall whirl him away fr. (IP) his place. Hithp. Impf. 3 ms. iyn'^1 !y5? Dn 1 1 40 the kg. shall storm against him. .< < tn. 1JKB n.[m.] storm (=iyo); — only cstr. 3BP 'B' Is 28' a storm of destruction (in sim.; |TJ| DTJ). trpyB) n.f. id. (=rnSD) ; — of way of '1 'BOI DWD3 Na i 3 ; fig. of v s judgments; "OjMB* 'ba—lB'S Jb 9 17 . j-III. ["lj/l^] vb. perh. be acquainted with (Ar. jii perceive [Sab. "iytS> *B*. 1 Horn chr«st.i2i-j . cf Aram.iyp, ^a, , visit, inspect, Ba ES " RS in Dr m Perles' An "- 79 );-Qal Pf. 3 pi. sf. WtyW Dt 3 2 '" new gods, uiiV/t whom your fathers Aa(2 no acquaintance (® «8>7trai' ; |[ CVl}) ; usu. year, Thes revere with awe, Dr shudder before, pyfc'] denom., although not elsewh.c.acc.pers.
ncto IV. "£/{£? (assumed as -/of foil.). TO l, "V , SW n.[m.]pl.rain(-drops), si vera 1.; (so ace. to Vrss and context ; Thes cp. 11. "W ; Lag. prop. D'D'p-l); — KBH-^y 't?3 Dt 3 2 5 (pOD, bo, D , 3"3-l). n2"IEt!) Je 49 3 Mas., <mod. edd.'D v.nBD. J1DU (v^of foil.; cf. NH = BH; As. saplu, lip, edge; so Syr. ]^aj» ; Ar. juLi Kp, Cii edge. neb n.f. [m. Ex 28 32 , e<fye, cf. Albr T T 176 zaw hi (»06>. 76j f lipj speech, edge;— abs. 'V Gn n l +, cstr. nab v 7 + ; sf. insb 1 K 7 23 -r,etc; oftener du. DTl'sfc> Is 6 5 +; cstr. VIBb ^ i2 4 + ; sf. 'riD'E' J eI 7 16 + , sf. 3 mpl. iOTlDf ^, 50 '3 I4o 410 ,etc; pi. (poet, and late) cstr. ninae'Ec 1 o 12 , sf.^ , rtnD'B'etc.^//45 :, 59 s Is59 3 Ct4 3 • ,1 5 1 ■• , ;— l.lip: a. usu. (c. 108 t.) human organ of speech (oft. || ns, fi&b, rarely [only late poetry] ^0 : xo t. Jb'; 25 t. W; 45 t. Pr) : (1) Is 2 9 ' 3 Lv 5 4 (P), Jb 13 6 Mai 2 6 f i2 b Pr 5 :, + ; 1t» 7V f 141 3 (v. ^); 1? K>-fi< Jb n 2 = a talker, 1t» ^lK Pr 10 s = one talking folly, so v 10 (MT ; but v. Toy); EmBb tCOtp Is 6" cf. v 7 Dn io 16 ; 'B* VlS*. Ex 6 1 ™ (P'; unskilled in speech); 1? B^ 19 1 ;' c nn'a 2 o 19 v. [nns] p . 834; 1? ksid i.e. utterance, Dt 2 3 24 Je i7 16 Nu 30 13 (P),V89 35 , 1? PTI Is 1 1 4 (of Mess, kg.), 'fe> 13-1 ^, sg" Pr i4 2:, 4-, =mere, empty, word 2 K i8 20 =:Is 36 s ; 'K» nsian Pr iS 2 ", 1? 313 Is 57" (thanksgiving), cf. Ho 14 3 (®@ and most ^ for D^B); of flattery, *» pbn Pr 7 s1 , nipbn nDb f 12 34 ; cf. dd-io "ne'e' ^17!, npe* 1? 3 i 9 +4t., IJK nab Pr 17 4 ; poison beneath (cf. P^ 5 ?) ty 140 4 (fig-)! iC y^S Pri2 l: '; 'VTwbf*; nOS'B' i 2 19 , ">ri' T 'B» ', pis 'b» 16 13 , nyV'b i 4 7 2 o 15 ; t» in 22 11 ; rqna nbb' Zp3 9 ; IrtJf) 'V ^63* i.e. lips that shout for joy ; c. vbs. : 'C nns (to speak) Jb 11 5 30 20 (Gi v sl ), cf. f 5i 17 , c nrisn Pr8 6 ; C p^B 13 3 i.e. prate; njJT «WO 'b IS30 27 ; T? subj. of 13T Is 59 3 Pr24 2 ; 4r38 Nb'3 ^16"; 'b> Hi? Pr 1 6 :t0 = backbite; tf DCK I 7 2S =keep silence, so 'V ^K-n io 19 , K^3 'b 1^40'°. t(a) lips moving in speech, c. }03 1 S i 13 , T? Jb 16 3 . t(3) transition to mng. speech, fiBO nSB""?? n?y Ez 36 s ; = ability to speak Jb 1 2 20 . tb. organ of laughter Jb 8 2 '. +c. of insulting grimace 'B»2 TCSn ^22 8 . -td. quivering in terror Hb 3 16 . +e. feature of beauty Ct 4 (scarlet). f. place of bridle 2 K i 9 28 = Is 37" (v. jriD).