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■nto tg. receiving kiss Pr 24 16 cf. Ct 4 11 and (in fig.) 7'°. +b. of divine speech, '& T11SD Jb 23 12 , "5? 13"'! f 17 4 . t2. language (v. Jie6), Gn ii , * w » t -8i' j ; "& 'PD? DJ> Ez 3" Is 33",

  • V '?.$ 28"; n??? ns'f i9 ,3 (i.e. Hebrew). 3.

edge: shoreoi seaGii22 17 (J) + 7t.; bank of river Gn 41 s -' 7 (E)+ 5 t., of wady (bni) Dt 2 s6 + 7 t.; lip (bank) of n^inip i>3K Ju7" cf. GASm G4<K1 ; 6rtw of vessel 1 K 7 aa + 7 t.; et/jre of altar Ez 43"; of curtains (in pairs) Ex 26 44 (P) + 6 t.; of |^n, toward ephod 28 26 = 39" (P); of round opening in robe Vb) (nW) 'B> 2 8 32 = 3 9 23 (P). tnEtT n.[m.] moustache (cf. NSyr. ).in9im rete ; on meaning and form v. Thes 01 49a Ko "• 73 ) ;— abs. r V Mi 3 7 + , sf. io?'f 2 S 1 9 2i ;— moustaclie: 'V nk>y 2 S 19 2 "' (® hvo-t<i£) i.e. trim it; '&-i>$? ntpy Mi 3 7 Ez 24 1722 LV13 45 (P; v. I. flDJ> 1). nssto v. in. nsD . nston v. n. nDD . _ . t : * nracto 1 s 30 2 * v. 'sb. )Dto v. |BD. I. pOto, pDi? v. pBD . fH. [p3t^] vb. suffice (NH pBD m#0«, abound, so Ecclusi5 ls + ; X P'DD, pSD, Syr. ,n°im ; Ar. jui is 6e niggardly, scanty, Lane '«•');_ Qal /to;)/ 3 ms. pBW 1 K 20 10 , subj. dust, c. ? rei. T[pCU?] n.[m.] sufficiency, plenty ; — sf. ipE'r Jb 20 22 (Baer Gi; 'd van d. H.; opp.-)-|V). pto v. pp)P. tppttf] doubtful vb., Ki bind on ;— Niph. P/3 ms. Sty lpfe>? Lai 14 (fig.); rd.perh. ?$? Ip.p) watch is kept upon & © 93 Bu, cf. Thes (v. ~lp&) ; other conj. in Lohr Bi. pplC (assumed as Vol foil., but nowhere found). tpto n.m. J< " 9 4 sack, sackcloth (v.Schwally zaw.iowd.ot who conj. Egyptian origin ; NH Pp sackcloth (rare); As. sakku, sack (D1" WB687 *), sackcloth (Wkl A1,orF<> " chv1 - 44 ); Eth. !»«>: = BH ; Aram. Ni?D, Aa> ; Gk. o-d«of Lewy"""" 11 " 87 ) ; — abs. V Gn 3 7 14 + , p£ Je 48' + ; sf. *$? V 3° l: , etc.; pi. B , i?B' Jos9 4 + , sf. DIT^ Gn42 33 ;— 1. «ac£, for grain Gn 42 s5 - 27 (|| TinnDK), v** (E), Jos 9 4 (JE), perh. also Lv 1 1* (P). 2. sack- cloth : a. worn in mourning and humiliation (v. Now*"*- 1 -"" SACook Enc ' B ">- ■•"•), either loose garment like sack, or piece of similar material (of rough, dark hair), fastened round body: put (DT) on loins Gn 3 7 3 '(J), 1 K 20 31 , on (bare) flesh 21 s7 2 K 6 3 ", cf. Je 48" Jb i6 15 (c. 1BP1); 'V Ogtl^rbvhv Vf^n) Am 8">; usu. girt on pjr») a S 3 31 Is 15 3 22' ,2 Je 4* 6 M 49 3 Ez 7 19 27 31 1 K 20 32 Jo i 8 , cf. Is 3 2 '; if$ HB3 2 K 19' "= Is 37 l: , Jon 3 68 1 Ch 21", fig. of heavens (cf. -np), DrBBf B"B>K 'b Is 50 3 ; late 'B> && put on sackcloth Jon 3 s Est 4>,cf.v 2 ^ 3 5" 69 12 ; "V 0*1X3 Ne 9', cf. Dn 9 3 ; ')? nri3 loosen sackcloth Is 20 s ( + ?J9), ^3o ,2 (op P . nnr?B>), ^yp 'b Tpn Est 4 4 . b. same garment (or material) spread out (to lie on), 2 S 2 1 10 (c. nan), Is 58 s (c. TV}), cf. Est

3 ; C3 33^1 1 K 2 1 27 , 'B>3 13b Jo 1". 

t[")pt^] vb. Pi. ogle (Aram. T?D look at (£ Jb 20 9 28'), 0'?")?? looking about, ogling; iAa> eye with envy or hatred (e.g. 1 S 18 9 @); cf. De 1 ');— Pt. fpl. D?*}? nviipb'D Is 3 16 o^Zrn^ 0/ eyes (women of Jerusalem). ito v. mb. t ">2!Snto n.pr .m. in Assy r. (Bab.) (van d. H. % but v. Baer, and Str ZMOx " m<1879) ' 302 ; in As. perhaps [Asur, Bel, or Nergaf sar-usur, [. . .] protect the king! COT 2 " 19 ' 37 ; 2apa<ra( P ));— 1. son of Sennach., 2 Ki 9 37 =Is 3 f a (Schr C0T lc - Wkl KAT364 Stevenson ■«•»«■«•.«•). 2. a re- turned exile Zc 7 2 (Stevenson *■ 477 ). — Cf. also » bin) p. 669. t[J"lti'] vb. Pu. be intertwined (Talm. 2^D Pi. enmesh, weave around ; Aram, t^jjs intertwine, involve, 319 entwine; Ar. 1.jJj set in order, join, weave, mix; — Impf. 3 mpl. ^JP) Jb 4o' 7 are intertwined (of sinews of hippopot.). Hithp. Impf. 3 mpl. *H^I La 1" they inter- twine themselves (fig. of ^K'S). t[:nto] n.m. G " ,0 - M tendril, twig (from interlacing; cf. Ar.isvJ^l palm-leaf braid, etc.; Eth. aop"lC ! Y; net (Pra BA81 - 371 ); Aram. KJ'ID, J^^Zad network, lattice); — of vine, pi. D?'!?* Gn 40'", DTiy v 12 ; of fig-tree, sf. ^fifJo 1'. T^nto n.pr.m. descendant (i.e. younger branch) of Peleg Gn n M1M 1 Ch I 26 ; 2 f/ >oi- x (®LCh 2«/jovy). fl. [ I lli'] vb. escape (Ar.S^i. talce fright, shy (of camel or horse), run away ; Aram. fjLeo be terrified, ) L. Im sttnn'wr) ; — Qal P/. 3 pHT^J' Jos io 20 (JE; c. IP pers.), Benn del. as dittogr.