'N-ur" f i. tnto n.m. Je "• * survivor (from a defeat, etc.);— ahs/i? Is i 9 4- ; sf. iT-ft? Jb if* Kt ; pi. Dn-1'B' Josio 20 J03 5 ; cstr. Hnfe> Je3i s ; sf. VT-ff Ob" + Jb 27 15 Qr (van d. H. also Kt);- . survivor (oft.yB^S): esp/B'ft TN^n »nij3 iy Nu 2 1 35 Jos 8* (both JE), Dt 3 3 Jos io 33 1 1 8 2 K 10" (all D); more simply, *» '0n *6 Dt 2 31 Jos io 28S0 - 37 ' 39 - 40 (allD); t"^ I'nin "> i 8 1 9 ; rrn> Ni> |> 't? Je42 17 44" Ob' 3 ; 'J? pK Jb i8 19 ; Tagil] ■VJB '^ Nu24 19 (JE); sjn nnb ny J«3i*, pL also Jos io"(subj. of VT&), j " 3 * Ob ,4 Jb 27 15 (v. supra); sg. also Ju 5 13 (obscure, for ? "%> rd. perh. bqftr GFM Now cf. Bu), Je47 4 La2~. . of things : frs$ 1? pg Jb 2 o 21 , i.e. nothing has escaped his greed ; i^NS 1? ST? (B'N) v '-' c . f 11. T^TO 11.pr.loc . on border of Zebulun ; — 1T*IJ Jos 19'" (P; E<rc8«ycoXa, A tW 2<v>&8, ©L 2apeib), 'fr? v 1; (P; otto 2f88ouie ; A 2apt8). II. T)ttf( vV foll.,^at<, 6ratW?(Lag B! " 76ff - thinks c Avestan loan-word)). TTnB n. [m.] perhaps Aram, plaited, or braided work (cf. then Aram. NT1D lattice- work, net-work ( = BH " l3 ?'?) ) textile stuff, cur- tain (=BH D'ybip), *nnr*0 plaited or fow'tfed work; NH T13 plaiter, "I'"!?, II" 1 ? woven-work ; Hom z«G„wa89o,. ws cp Bftb farrfWj s foVj)._ a i w . abs.: 'b(n) H23 Ex 31 Il '35 ,s 39'- 49 (all P; all + EHpn '3, and last three + BH>3 Ttvfy); © 31 10 r. oroXas r. Xfiroupyiicdt (cf. 39 1 [B V 13 , @Lv"l). TTi'i' n.[m.] from context, a marking-tool for wood, stylus (so Thes al.; connexion with above -/dub.; Lewy Frem<1 " n '- cp. vapbwv as gem used in gem-cutting); — "H? 3 liTigT Is 44 13 . nilL 1 n.f. et pr. v. sub vYb TT fl. mii^ vb. persist, exert oneself, T T persevere (Ar. Jr-i persist, persevere); — Qal Pf. 3 ms. 'KTIK 'C H012 4 he persevered withGod; 2 ms. DTJN Din ITBJ nnfc> Gn 3 2 M ( J).— Ho 1 2 5 has Impf. IB^l in same meaning, as if from a (non-existent) lb; < rd.^l (apoc. fr. nn - E'>l).^ rnife> Is 28 23 v. supra, p. 965". frnt ,> ' n.pr.m. et gent. Israel (El •■ T : ■ 2507 ™ V persisteth, persevereth (or juss. Zei J?Z persist) [usu. contendeth (Nes Eg - 00,r ) or Ze< 2?/ contend (Gray rr <" ,N - 218 ), but v. Dr "*"• DB ,iC0B ""] ; on vocalization v.Lag BNmf Kit lch4,6(Hpl) ; MP' +5t - ^N1B» ; in Egypt. F-«-r-7 Steindorff """'»*
- ", cf. Breasted BlbWor " 1 " w*">,m<i. p aton 3jr. .-a r.i. a*.
As. &V-'-7ai (=»^TSn Schr KOSR " , - 364jCOTOn s».si.iKi6.»_ 0n a ^33' re i at i on f ty t o n.pr. Tjfc, rne> v. RS K25 2nd<!d: ";— cf. 0)^);— Itrpnr/X : 1. n.pr.m. second name of Jacob Gn 32 29 +28t.Gn(JE),Ex32 ,3 (JE),Hoi2 13 Jui8 29 Ex6"Nui M 26 i (allP),2Ki7 : "iChi 34 4-8t.Chr, ^105"; *•*! n ' 3 Ku 4"; ^ '3? (Ht.) Gn 4 2 s + 3t. E, 2 1. P+Ex i'(P; transition to wider use), 1 K 18 31 1 Ch 2 1 + ; =12 tribes Ex 28 9 + 7 t. P; 'b^l ppfl DrnaK 'f6.N 1 1 K 18 36 1 Ch 29 18 2 Ch 30 6 ". 2. nipr.gent. (usu. m. JU,U7f - but f. 1 S 17 21 2 S 2 4 9 [not || 1 Ch 2i 5 J, cf. Dr ,<noc - Albr zAw x,m«N».B7r.j. nameofHebrewnation; usu. der. from 1, but'!?? more common in early usage than 'fe* "33 (v. J3 p. 120b): a. (1) undivided kingdom ; '&) Gn 47 s7 (J), 49 7 (poem in J) + 108 t. JE, Dt i 1 18 6 33 10 (poem)+76 t. D, Gn 34 7 Exi2 15 + 42 t. P; Ju5 !77 + 104 t. Ju, oft.
and 2 S, 1 K 1-1 2 ; 'e^"v3 of whole people S 8 15 + , of whole army 1 1 ' + , opp. Judah 2 9 +
(so also later). (2) 'E^:=N. tribes, disting. fr. Judah, even before disruption, 2 S 2 9 , cf. v 10 3'° 4 1 5 5 12" 20 1 1 K 1" 4 20 5 5 + ; so at disruption , ,i6. 1 f,.i6. 13 .i 9 . then usu.of N.kingdom, till its fall, v 23 24 7l0 + very oft .K, Ami 1 2 6 3" + , Ho l^ 15 - 15 5"- 5 + ,Mi i 13 ,etc. (3) *V of S. kingdom, Judah, rarely bef. fall of Samaria Is i 3 8 18 Mi i" 15 , so 'V) ^3 1 K 12 17 ; after fall of Sam., fa (less oft. 'V) V. 3 ) occurs of entire people, in reference to past or future 2 K 21 8 23" Is 17 9 yjr 103" Je 2 3 50 i7.i9 + . /^j a i so _j u dah Je 2 1 " 1 4' + , Ez I3 =.4., 6 I4 i.r. 9 + ) Is 4 o 27 4i 8 4 2 24 +, Ezr 2 59 =Ne 7 61 , Ezr 2 70 3" + , Ne io 34 io 3 + , f I4 M =53« 147 2 I49 2 + , etc. (4) usage in Chr : &] of whole people 1 Ch 2 7 + 1 10 t., of N. kingdom 2 Ch ii'+i6 t., of Judah i2 G i9 8 +9 t. (5) 'J?? personif. as * 13J?, L^ 1 - 2 ^ 3 . b. ^ l '?3, (1) of undiv. people Exi 12 (J),3 9 (E)+ 72 t.JE, Dt 3 18 io 6 + 25 t. D, Gn 3 2 3:, + 327 1. P ; Ju i l + 60 t. Ju ; seld. 1 and 2 Sm, 1 K 1-12 ; in 13- 2 K 25 pass, in ref. to older hist, (rarely other- wise). (2) seldom of N. kingdom Am 2" + 9 t. Am Ho, 2Chi3 ,2 +7t.Chr. (3) of Judah (late) Ez 2 3 Ne i 6 - 6 Ezr 3 1 Jo 4 16 + , 2 Ch 31 5 . c. rV3
- &, Ex 16 3 ' 40 38 + 142 t. (v. IV3 5 d (8); 81 t.
Ez, where = Judah; v. esp. 37 16 ); *B* W V.f Is 8 14 . d. other phrases, v. sub thf, p.?' n3 , tfyta, ^3i,"in, KB?, ^», nop (no:), n-jy (iv), Dy, 02p; ' also (in epith. of '») sub "V3X, nix, DMT%, I. b»i, ^d, nipp (i. mp), 1. to (v.-nx), BHT?, I. nyn l d( 3 ). " te. ^=the laity, opp.