Page:A History of Architecture in All Countries Vol 2.djvu/614

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598 BRUNELLQSCEi, INDEX. CARAVANSERAIS. Brunelleschi, designs by, ii, 332. 330, 338. Brunswick town-hall and fountain, ii, 96. View, 98. Brussels, Notre Dame de la Chax^elle at, i, 595. St. Gudule, ibid. The belfry and its fate, 601. Town-hall, 003. View of same, 004. Buddha, Buddhism. Source of the effect produced by the Topes, i, 10. Buddhist architectiu'e whence derived, 150. Buddhism the religion of a Tu- ranian people, 159. Scandinavian Buddhism, ii, 478. Building, primary application and grad- ual develojiment of the art of, i, 4. Bunsen, Chevalier, value of his work on lloman basilicas, i, 409 note. Burgos, ii, 210, 245. 250, 289. Plan of the cathedral, 263. View, 264. De- scription, 2()5. Xave, 260. Monastery of the Huelgas, 280, 283, 284. Burgund, Norway, wooden church at, ii, 110. Burgundy, architectural province of, i, 443, 440. Ethnographic considera- tions, 490. Seat of monastic establish- ments, 490, .507. Examples of the architecture of the province, 497, 505. Culminating epoch, 507. See ii, 405. Bussorah, ii, 548. Buttresses, earliest proper use of, i, 348. Internal buttresses, 471. Extei'nal: Chartres, 541. Kheims, 541. Theory 573. Explanatory diagram and further examples, 574, 575. Combination of buttresses and pinnacles, 575. Byzantine architects, i, 348, 427, 430. Principle avoided by them, ii, 295. Byzantine style, region dominated by the, i, 396, 399. ByzanUne-Roiuan- esque style, ii, 368. Examples Rec- tangular, 370. Circular, 384. Towers, 385. Civil architecture, 387. Italian Byzantine, 387. St. Mark's Venice, 390 — 395. Southern Italy, 395, 396. True apiilicatiou of the term Ih/znn- tine, 415. Definitions and divisions, 410. 417. Basilicas, 418-428. Stone- roofed churches, 428-430. Circular or domical buildings, 439-450. Do- mestic examples, 450. Neo Byzan- tine, 452-402. Armenian, 463- 477. Eock-cnt churches, 478-480. Mediaeval Busaian, 481-496. See (under Constantinople) Sta. Sophia. See also ii, 294, 295, 328, 362. Cajcilia Metella. tomb of, i, 342. 429. Caen, churches of : Abbaye aux Hommes, or St. Stephen's, occasion of its erec- tion, i, 513. Original and altered plan, sections, vaultings, etc.. 513- 518. Its apse superseded by a chevet, 520. Spires, 578. Abbaye aux Dames, 513. Advance in its construction upon that of St. Stephen's. 518. Church of St. Nicolas, 513, 519. Its apse, 519. St. Pierre, spire and fa- cade, 577, 579. Csesars, Palace of the, i, 303. Its proba- ble character as an architectural work, 364. Cairo, baths at, i, 331. Mosques of Amrou, ii, 406, 507, 508, 512. Of Az- her, 406, 513. Of Barkook, 513. Of Hassan, 514-510. Of Kaloun, 513. Of Kaitbey, 516, 517. El Moyed, 516. Of Touloun, 509-512, 513. Calatayud, Dominican church at, ii, 280. Camljodian style, ii, 497. Cambridge, King's College chapel, i, 472; ii; 122, 148, 150. View, 180. Proportions, 179. Eoimd church, 181. St. John's College, 177 note. Col- leges, 197. Campaniles, see Belfries. Campione, Marco da, Italian architect, ii. 339. Campus Martius, tomb of Augustus in the, I, 343. Canosa, tomb of Bohemund at, ii, 396. Canterbury, French asylums for the archbishops of, i, 557. Becket's Crown, ii, 103 note, 126. Churches of St. Augustine and Cuthbert, 127. St. Anselm's chapel, 159, 160. Cathe- dral, i, 533. Plan, ii, 131. Most for- eign of our English examples, 137. Introduction of the pointed arch, 152. Chapter-house and Angel Tower, 167, 169, 172. Anomalies in style, 170. Site, 171. Infirmary chapel, 177. Dec- orative arch on staircase, 185, 186. Prior de Estria's screen, 189. Tomb of the Black Prince, 192. Area, measurements, etc., 200. Capitals and columns: Isis-headed or Typhonian, i, 35, 123, 141. Exam- ples: Beni Hassan, 110, 111. Thebes, 117. Medinet-Habou, 121. Dendera, 136. Persepolis, 197. Susa, 200. Mycena?, 235. Carnac, 242 note. Ancient Corinthian, 247. Doric, 248. Rationale of pillar construction in Egypt and Greece, 251. Ionic and Corinthian examples, 254-258. Ro- man examples, 298-300, 302, 420. Romanesque, 424. Provencjal. 457. 464, 405. Gothic: theory and dia- gram, 564. Capitals from Rheinis, 580. Gelnhausen, ii, 40. Canter- bury, ii, ISO. Lincoln, 188. Dome of the Rock, 433, 435. Ani and Ge- latin. 474. -See Obelisks, Pillars, Pillars of Victory. Capua, amphitheatre at, i, 329. Caracalla, restored idan of the baths of, i, 332. Arrangement, dimensions, etc., Caravanserais : 586. Persia, ii, 559. Peru,