Page:A History of Architecture in All Countries Vol 2.djvu/615

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CARCASSONE. INDEX. CHIARAVALLE. 599 Carcassone, church of St. "NTazaire at, compared with Diana's temple at Nimes. 451-453. Town walls, 586. <Jarlisle, eastern window at, ii, 139, 161. Carlovingian period, paucity of exam- ples of the, ii, 298. Cai'peutras, arched gate at, i, 337. Carthaiie and the Carthaginians, ii, 244,

»7. ^

Carved ornament, j^rinciple and object of, i, 31. Caryatides at Medinet-Habou, i, 121, 122. As made use of in Greek archi- tecture, 258. Caserta Vecchia, cathedral church of, ii, 368. Its architectural characteristics, 377. Tower, 387. Dome, 395. Oashel, Cormac's chapel at, ii, 203. Di- mensions, 229. View, 230. Roof, 2.32. Etceteras, 236, 237. Monastery of the Holy Cross, 227. Cathedral, 227. Seven churches, 229. Cassiodorus, elucidation of a passage in, ii, 310. Caste, nature and influence of, i, 78. Its value, 79. Castel d" Asso, Etruscan tombs at, i, 284. Peculiarities of shape, etc., 285. Castel del Monte, plan and sectional ele- vation, ii, 388. Particulars, 388. Castille^ castles in, ii, 286. Castles: St Angelo, Rome, i, 344. French, 586. Marieliburg, ii, 96. English, 197, 198. Scottish, 225. Spanish, 286. Italian, 387. Castor, S., Coblentz, ii, 29. "Castrense," the, i, 330. Catalonia, architecture of, ii, 248-250. Cathedrals, English and foreign com- pared, ii, 169. iSVf England, France. Catherwood, F., ancient tomb figured by, i, 360. Value of his Central-Ameri- can drawings, ii, 564. Caumont, M. de, map published by, i, 443 note. Cavallon, arched gate at, i, 337. Caves: Crimean, ii, 479. Cecilia Metella. tomb of, i, 342. 429. Cefalu, cathedral at, ii, 399, 404. Di- mensions, cloisters, etc., 404. Celtic races, their presumed origin, and migratory character, i, 70, 71. Their religion: dominance of their priests, 71. Form of government best suited to them, 71. Tlieir ruling passion, 72. Literatui'e, 72. Pre-eminent in art, 73, 74. Direction of their scientific jjursuits, 74. Megalithic or Celtic pe- riod in England, ii, 121. Celto-Saxon period, 122. Irish style, 228. Celto- Irish system, Celtic likes and dislikes in a church direction, 227, 228. Form and examples of their churches, 229- 232. Close of the Celtic epoch in Ire- land, 241. Ceres, temple at Eleusis of, how lighted, i, 264. Plan and section, 264. Certosa near Pavia. ii, .324. Its date, 343. Feature in Monreale cathedral surpassing it, 401. Cervetere, Etruscan tomb at, i, 286, 288. Chagga, Byzantine building at, ii, 441. Singular window, 451. Chaitya caves, ii, 426. Chaldean dynasties, period of the, i, 144, 145. State of the remains of their buildings, 146. Written charactc^-s; arrow-headed inscriptions, 148. Tem- ples at Wurka, and Mugheyr, 151. Birs Nimroud, 152, 154. Mujellibe, 156. Tomb of Cyrus, 1-56-1.58. Cliamas, S., arches and bridge at, i, 339, 453. Chambon, sejjulchral chapel at, i, 495. Champollion, i, 90. Chapels, definition of, ii, 177 note. English examples, 177-181. Roslyn, 217. Irish, 230. Spanish, 279. Fri- uli, 298. Babouda, 426. Chapter-houses, rarity of, in France and Germany, ii, 81. Peculiarly an Eng- lish feature, 172. Earlier and later forms, 172. Engraved examples, 168, 173, 174. Charing Cross, Mr. Barry's restoration of, ii, 194 note. Charite sur Loire, collegiate church of, i, 555. Choir, 555. Charlemagne, model of the tomb of, i, 436. Epoch marked by his accession; state of things at his death, 522. German architecture under him, ii, 1-3. His church at Aix-la-Chapelle, 37. Palaces, 45. Charles II. of Anjou, cathedral erected by, ii, 370. Charles V., architectural encroachment on the Alhambra by, ii, 532. Charroux, church of, i, 476. Chartres Cathedral, i, 24, .533. Date of erection .534. Area, .536. Plan, etc. .536. Northwest view, 539. Spires, transepts, and buttresses, .540, 575, 578, 579, 596. External sculpture, .542! Transitional windows, 565, 566. Cir- cular windows, 567. Proportion of solids to area, 581. Enclosure of choir, 582. Porch, ii, 62. See 167, 185, 339. Chemille, spire at, i, 489. Chemnitz, doorway of church at, ii, 83. Its extravagant ornamentation, 84. Cheops, see Supliis. Chepstow Castle, ii, 197. Clierson, ii, 482. Wooden cathedral, 483. Chevet churches in Aquitania, i, 473. Distinction between tlie apse and the chevet, 475. Notre Dame du Port, Clermont, 493, 494. St. Menoux, 5(t4. Bayeux, 520. Auxerre, .549. St. Quentin, 549. Pontigny, 556, 573. Souvigny, 572. Chiaravalle, dome at, ii, 334, 335, 345.