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Page:A History of Hindu Chemistry Vol 1.djvu/33

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compose a special sútra for deriving the "Charakás" i.e. the followers of Charaka.[1] Then again, Patañjali, who is now generally admitted to have lived in the second century B. C., is known to have written a commentary on the medical work of Charaka, thus further proving the antiquity of our author;[2] and both Chakrapáni and Bhoja agree in alluding to him as the redactor of Charaka.[3] Indeed in such matters we would do well to set store by native traditions. It would be beside our purpose, however, to enter into any lengthy discussion on the grounds on which we are inclined to place Charaka in the pre-Buddhistic era, but we shall summarise below the salient points.

  1. कठचरकाल्लुक्। 4.3.107.
  2. आप्तो नाम अनुभवेन वस्तुतत्त्वस्य कार्त्स्येन निश्चयवान्, रागादिवशादपि नान्यथावादी यः स इति चरके पतञ्जलिः। Quoted in the "Laghu Mañjushá" of Nágesa Bhatta.
  3. पातञ्जल-महाभाष्य-चरकप्रतिसंस्कृतैः।मनोवाक्-कायदोषाणां हर्त्रेऽहिपतये नमः॥

    Vide salutation in the commentary named आयुर्व्वेददीपिका on the Charaka by Chakrapáni.