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Page:A History of Mathematics (1893).djvu/426

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Bernoulli, James (born 1654), 237, 238; ref. to, 182, 226, 229, 251.
Bernoulli, James (born 1758), 239, 356, 387.
Bernoulli, John (born 1667), 238; ref. to, 226, 229, 232, 234, 237, 243, 250, 251, 356.
Bernoulli, John (born 1710), 239.
Bernoulli, John (born 1744), 239.
Bernoullis, genealogical table of, 236.
Bernoulli's theorem, 237.
Bertini, 305.
Bertrand, 337, 340, 342, 377, 379, 380, 401.
Bessel, 373375; ref. to, 303, 309, 351.
Bessel's functions, 374.
Bessy, 181.
Beta function, 249.
Betti, 353.
Beyer, 160.
Bézout, 260; ref. to, 250, 264.
Bézout's method of elimination, 260, 331.
Bhaskara, 87; ref. to, 9295, 97, 152.
Bianchi, 328.
Billingsley, 138.
Binet, 324, 387.
Binomial formula, 195, 196, 202, 251, 348.
Biot, 275, 288, 393.
Biquadratic equation, 112, 146, 149.
Biquadratic residues, 366.
Biquaternions, 378.
Bjerknes, C. A., XIII., 357, 383.
Bobillier, 308.
Bôcher, XIV.
Bode, 341.
Boethius, 81; ref. to, 63, 72, 103, 118, 121, 134, 135.
Bois-Reymond, P. du, XIII., 337339, 362.
Boltzmann, 397, 403.
Bolyai, Johann, 302; ref. to, 291.
Bolyai, Wolfgang, 301, 302; ref. to, 291, 364.
Bolza, 350.
Bombelli, 146; ref. to, 152.
Bonnet, O., 314; ref. to, 337, 342.
Boole, 343; ref. to, 291, 325, 340, 341, 346.
Booth, 311.
Borchardt, 355.
Bouniakowsky, 365.
Bouquet, 344; ref. to, 346, 354.
Bour, 341, 377.
Boussinesq, 383, 391, 393.
Bowditch, 275, 323.
Boyle's law, 401.
Brachistochrone (line of swiftest descent), 234, 238.
Bradwardine, 135; ref. to, 141.
Brahe, Tycho, 110, 139, 168.
Brahmagupta, 86; ref. to, 92, 95, 98, 102.
Bredon, 135.
Bretschneider, IX., 97, 320.
Brianchion, 178, 288, 289.
Briggs, 163.
Brill, A., 297, 311, 356.
Brill, L., 307.
Bring, 328.
Brioschi, 327; ref. to, 325, 330, 334, 350, 353, 379.
Briot, 344; ref. to, 346, 354.
Brouncker, 197.
Bruno, Faà de, 327.
Bruns, 377.
Bryson of Heraclea, 27.
Buchheim, 378; ref. to, 306.
Buckley, 159.
Budan, 282.
Buddha, 89.
Buffon, 340.
Bungus, 155.
Bürgi, 160; ref. to, 165.
Burkhardt, H., XII., 328.
Burkhardt, J. K., 275.
Burmester, 300.
Busche, 365.
Buteo, 154.
Buy's-Ballot, 402.
Byrgius. See Bürgi.
Cæsar, Julius, 81.
Calculating machines, 220, 284.
Calculation, origin of word, 79.
Calculus. See Differential Calculus.
Calculus of operations, 292; of variations, 247, 249, 261, 265, 296, 328, 333334, 356, 366.
Calendar, 9, 81, 141, 154, 271.
Callisthenes, 9.
Canon paschalis, 79.