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dertake the ſame, the ſaid parties ſo refuſing, to he committed to Priſon until they ſhall conform themſelves accordingly.

The Examiners Office.

'THAT theſe Examiners be ſworn by the Aldermen, to enquire and learn from time to time what Houſes in every Pariſh be Viſited, and what Perſons be Sick, and of what Diſeaſes, as near as they can inform themſelves; and upon doubt in that Caſe, to command Reſtraint of Acceſs, until it appear what the Diſeaſe ſhall prove: And if they find any Perſon ſick of the Infection, to give order to the Conſtable that the Houſe be ſhut up; and if the Conſtable ſhall be found Remiſs or Negligent, to give preſent Notice thereof to the Alderman of the Ward.


'THAT to every infected Houſe there be appointed two Watchmen, one for every Day, and the other for the Night: And that theſe Watchmen have a ſpecial care that no Perſon go in or out of ſuch infected Houſes, whereof they have the Charge, upon pain of ſevere Puniſhment. And the ſaid Watchman to do ſuch further Offices as the ſick Houſe ſhall need and require: and if the Watchmen be ſent upon any Buſineſs, to lock up the Houſe, and take the Key with him: And the Watchman by Day to attend until ten of the Clock at Night: And the Watchman by Night untill ſix in the Morning.


'THAT there be a ſpecial care to appoint Women-Searchers in every Pariſh, ſuch as are of honeſt Reputation, and of the beſt Sort as can be got in this kind: And theſe to be ſworn tomake