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Page:A Journal of the Plague Year (1722).djvu/56

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Memoirs of

make due Search, and true Report to the utmoſt of their Knowledge, whether the Perſons whoſe Bodies they are appointed to Search, do die of the Infection, or of what other Diſeaſes, as near as they can. And that the Phyſicians who ſhall be appointed for Cure and Prevention of the Infection, do call before them the ſaid Searchers, who are, or ſhall be appointed for the ſeveral Pariſhes under their reſpective Cares; to the end they may conſider, whether they are fitly qualified for that Employment; and charge them from time to time as they ſhall ſee Cauſe, if they appear defective in their Duties.

That no Searcher during this time of Viſitation, be permitted to uſe any publick Work or Employment, or keep any Shop or Stall, or be employed as a Landreſs; or in any other common Employment whatſoever.


'FOR better aſſiſtance of the Searchers, for as much as there hath been heretofore great abuſe in miſreporting the Diſeaſe, to the further ſpreading of the Infection: It is therefore ordered, that there be choſen and appointed able and diſcreet Chirurgeons, beſides thoſe that do already belong to the Peſt-Houſe: Amongſt whom the City and Liberties to be quartered as the places lie moſt apt and convenient; and every of theſe to have one Quarter for his Limit: and the ſaid Chirurgeons in every of their Limits to join with the Searchers for the View of the Body, to the end there may be a true Report made of the Diſeaſe.

And further, that the ſaid Chirurgeons ſhall viſit and ſearch ſuch like Perſons as ſhall either ſend for them, or be named and directed unto them, by the Examiners of every Pariſh, and inform themſelves of the Diſeaſe of the ſaid Parties.
