Page:A Manual of the Foochow Dialect in Twenty Lessons.pdf/102

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English into Chinese

eat it.

  1. Be careful, walk lightly, lest the baby should wake up, she has just gone to sleep.
  2. Put all these things in one place; when I have leisure I shall examine them.
  3. I cannot yet fix the date, but we shall probably start next month.
  4. He has been ill for a very long time, and without help he cannot walk.
  5. If we only love one friends, we are not completely fulfilling our duty.
  6. Since I have burnt my hand, I have not been able to write letters.
  7. They all were greatly astonished and said, “what manner of man is this? Even the wind and the sea-obey him!”
  8. Thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself.


  1. The weather is about to change, I think it will rain.
  2. As soon as he had explained, I understood.
  3. I cannot translate this sentence.
  4. We should love one another.
  5. We must act according to his orders.
  6. Please do not hinder me; I am in a hurry.
  7. This cloth does not suit me at all, please bring me some other sort of cloth to look at.
  8. I am sorry, but we have no other sort. Will this be suitable?
  9. Do you know the difference between a horse and a donkey? No, I don’t know. Then it will not do to send you buying horses, lest you buy a donkey.
  10. We hope to see you again before long. May thanks, if nothing hinder us, we shall come again next year.
  11. The people were very humble in the presence of the Mandarin.
  12. This medicine is very nasty. Have you any other?
  13. Please translate this sentence for me, because the meaning is not clear.
  14. Whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you, do ye even so unto them.
  15. Jesus said to them, “Go and tell him what ye have seen:—the blind receive their sight, the lame walk, the deaf hear, the dead are raised to life, the poor have the Gospel preached to them.”