Page:A Manual of the Foochow Dialect in Twenty Lessons.pdf/101

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Key to Exercises

will be one hundred cash a day.

  1. You had better rest here. The road is long, and before you get home you will be tired.
  2. You should not say, the sailors dragged the rope along, but you should say, the sailors hauled on the towline; this is right.
  3. He truly suffers a great deal. We pity him, but have no way of helping him.
  4. He did this on purpose.
  5. This burden is too heavy.
  6. Tell them to go on first, after a while I will follow them.
  7. Formerly there were no foreigners in China, now there are many business men and missionaries.
  8. Wait a little, I have almost finished reading this chapter.
  9. All men wondered at His teaching, for He taught as one having authority, and not as the scribes.
  10. There was ascribe who came to him and said “Master, whithersoever thou goest, I will follow thee”.


  1. There is no other Savior.
  2. I could not sleep all the night.
  3. Is this convenient?
  4. It is not certain whether he will come or not.
  5. You certainly must return home. I hear that your father so wishes, and it will be better for you to help him than to be a student.
  6. Take an umbrella when it is fine, and if it rains it will be convenient to use.
  7. It is not convenient to go today, but there is help for it.
  8. He cannot read, so I have not engaged him.
  9. 9 Were these clothes ready made? Yes, they were ready made.
  10. That child is very amiable.
  11. Perhaps those books which cannot be found, are on the top of the cupboard. Have you looked there?
  12. These plates are very precious, and you must not lose one of them.
  13. Do not press this parcel too tightly, lest its contents be broken.
  14. These boards are very dirty, you ought to wash them clean.
  15. Jesus answered them, “Do you suppose that the sin of these Galileans was greater than that of all the Galileans, that they suffered this calamity?”


  1. Will this do? No, it will not, as it does not fit.
  2. I have no time to gossip with you.
  3. There is not enough paper. Add too sheets.
  4. Be careful, lest the glass of the window breaks.
  5. Very good, just add a little salt, and it will be good to eat.
  6. It has not rained for a very long time, and the Mandarin has forbidden the killing of animals.
  7. This rice is spoilt, throw it away! Even the chickens won't