Page:A Manual of the Foochow Dialect in Twenty Lessons.pdf/114

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Chinese Index
No. of
Les. Ex.

bìng, according to, like 13
bìng-ăng, peace 12
bìng-gé̤ṳ, proof 9
, rich 14
, also, again 16
bô-năk, to rise again 14
bŏ̤-là̤, glass 12
bō̤, to guarantee protect 16
bō̤-buói, precious 16
bō̤-hiēng, a hanging lamp, insurance 2
bô̤, nurse 12
bŏ̤h, thin 17
bók-cī, not only 14
bók-lō̤-kĕ̤ng, hungry 1
bók-ṳ̀, not equal to 11
bŏng-câe̤, to help 15
bòng-biĕng, by the side of 6
bù-sák, idols 6
bù-sìng, a house fly 20
buăk-dō̤, to fall 15
buăng, to move 10
buáng, half 9
buàng, plate 18
bùng, a room 10
bùng-diē, a bedroom 7
buŏ, evening 9
buó, cloth 12
buó-lièng, curtains 11
buóh, sign of future
buŏh, to tie up 8
buŏi, to fly 19
buŏi, a cup 3
buôi, times 10
buŏng, to divide 9
buōng, n. a. 3
buōng, native 20
buōng-hông, duty 9
buōng-lài, originally 15
buōng-sê̤ṳ, ability 14
buōng-sĭng, oneself 20
buông, cooked rice 6
buông-tiăng, a dining room 7
, to search 4
, early 8
cā-kī, morning 9
că̤, school 6
cà̤, together 18
cáh, narrow 12
cāi, paper 1
cái, again 12
cài-nèng, power 18
câi nṳ̄, as you please 5
cáik, verse, festival 4
cāng, n. a. 4
cáng-mī-sĭ, hymns, hymn-book 4
, character 2
cê-diēng, dictionary 1
cê-gă, self 1 15
cêk, to stop as a leak
cĕng, a needle 13
cēng, to cut 7
cèng, layer, storey 19
cêng, entirely 16
céng, sign of superlative 12
céng òng, a long time 10