Page:A Manual of the Foochow Dialect in Twenty Lessons.pdf/115

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Chinese Index
No. of
Les. Ex.

cêu, at once 7
cêu-sê, is, namely, 4
cê̤ṳ, to dwell, an aux. verb 16
cê̤ṳ, from 17
cê̤ṳ-iòng, of course 15
cê̤ṳ-lài-cūi, water laid on 12
cê̤ṳ-lài-huōi, matches 4
cé̤ṳng-nè̤ng, all men, multitude 17
cĭ-cé, exceedingly 12
, to stop 18
, to point with the finger 13
cī-bĕng, this side 5
cī-ciáh, this one 2
cī-muāng, so very 11
cī-nàng-cĕng, compass 13
cī-siŏh-ciáh, this one 3
ciă, to cover 16
ciā, this 3
ciáh, n. a. 3
ciáh, just now, only 16
ciák, to spill 9
ciăng-nguŏk, the 1st month 9
ciāng, insipid 7
ciáng, upright 9
ciáng-sê, Yes 4
ciék, to fold 14
ciék, to catch 19
ciék, a joint, verse 4
cièng, money 1
ciēu, less 4
cĭng, true 6
ciō, n. a. 3
ciō, Lord, master 2
cióh, lend, borrow 10
ciŏng, a chapter 4
ciŏng, sign of direct object 7
ciŏng-gì, why? 5
ciŏng-iông, how about 8
ciŏng-muòng, solely 20
ciŏng-uâng, thus, so 2
ciū, wine, alcohol 15
cō̤-bĕng, the left side 15
có̤, to make, do 4
có̤-diò, a cook 4
cô̤, n. a. 10
cô̤h-dâi, to throw away 19
cô̤i, sip 10
cŏng, to load 17
cŏng, agreeable, nice 11
cŭ-uái, here 5
cṳ̆, book 1
cṳ̆-iéng, college 5
cṳ̆-niòng-giāng, daughter 1
cṳ̆-niòng-nè̤ng, woman 1
cṳ̄, son 4
cṳ̀-pĭ, merciful 11
cūi, water 8
cūng, must, all, general 13
cūng, to permit 18
cṳ̆ng, clock 9
cuòi, this 5
chă, to differ, less than 9
chā-bók-dŏ̤, almost 13
chà, wood 7