Page:A Manual of the Foochow Dialect in Twenty Lessons.pdf/27

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3. 故 refers to something additional, and is the equivalent of “further, besides, more, in addition”. Is there are any more? 故務吓毛 gó ô á mò̤? Have they any more paper? 伊故務紙吓毛 ĭ gó ô cāi â mò̤? How many more books has he? 伊故務幾本其書呢 ĭ gó ô gūi buōng gì cṳ̆ nì? Do you want any more? 汝故直伓直 nṳ̄ gó dĭh ng dĭh?

4. The preposition 着 diŏh. The noun governed by the preposition is inserted between 着 diŏh and the other part of the phrase denoting place. Your book is below the table, 汝其書着棹下 nṳ̄ gì cṳ̆ dió̤h dó̤h â. Diŏh roughly corresponds to the first half of such compound words as “under-neath”, “up-on,” but is occasionally omitted. My things are here, 我其乇着只塊 Nguāi gì nó̤h diŏh cŭ-uái. His things are not here, 伊其乇毛着只塊 ĭ gì nó̤h mò̤ diŏh cŭ-uái. There is no one there, 毛𠆧着許塊 mò̤ nè̤ng diŏh hŭ-uái.

5. The preposition “for” is included in the words 買 mā̤, to buy, and 賣 mâ̤, to sell. What did you give for this donkey? 只一頭驢是箬壞錢買其 Cī siŏh-tà̤u lè̤ sê niŏh-uái cièng mā̤ gì? What will you take for this chair? 只一張椅汝賣箬壞錢 cī siŏh-tiŏng iē nṳ̄ mâ̤ niŏh-uái cièng?

6. To trade, to do business, is expressed by 做買賣 có̤ mā̤-mâ̤ or 做生意 có̤ sĕng-é or 做生理 có̤ sĕng lī. What business is he engaged in? 伊做世乇買賣 生理 I có̤ sie-nó̤h mā̤-mâ̤ or sĕng-lī.

7. When it is necessary to explain or define something that has gone before, 就是 cêu-sê is used, rather than 是 alone. The two characters