Page:A Manual of the Foochow Dialect in Twenty Lessons.pdf/28

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Ià-Sŭ mean Savior, 耶穌二字其意思就是救主 Ià-Sŭ lâng cê gì é-sé̤ṳ cêu sê Géu-Ciō.

8. 喇 probably a corruption of 者 ciā stands for the article “a” in sentences where 務 ô̤ and 毛 mò̤ are used in the sense of “there is, there is not”. There was a man, 務喇𠆧 ô̤ lā nè̤ng. There is nothing that he cannot do, 伊毛喇賣做 ĭ mò̤ lā mâ̤ có̤.

9. The word for only 㑚 precedes the verb. He only wants one hundred, 伊㑚欲一百 ĭ nâ ó̤i siŏh báh. Only buy two sheets of paper, 㑚買二張紙 nâ mā̤ lâng-tiŏng cāi.


𠆧客 nè̤ng-káh
樓頂 laù-dīng
樓下 laù-â
拭氳塵 chék ŭng-dìng
to dust
留心 liù-sĭng
牛乳膏 ngù-nẁng-gŏ̤
condensed milk
羞恥 siēu-lā̤
排排䟰 bà̤-bà̤ giàng
to walk abreast
書院 cṳ̆-ièng
毛着 mò̤-diŏh
學生 hŏk-sĕng
遇看 ngê̤ṳ-diŏh
to happen, to meet

Translate into English:—

  1. Ô lā Siông-Dá̤.
  2. Lā̤-bái-dòng ô niŏh-uâi nè̤ng?
  3. Cŭ-uái ô gáu-dòng mò̤?
  4. Ciā lâng-buōng cṳ̆ ng sê ĭ gì mò̤?
  5. Ĭ gó dĭh sié-nó̤h?
  6. Ĭ diŏh gă̤-dŏng có̤ sié-nó̤h dâi?
  7. Cī siŏh-ciáh cê gì é-sé̤ṳ nṳ̄ â̤ huôi-é mâ̤?
  8. Sé-buōng bék gáu ng gáu?
  9. Nṳ̄ ciŏng-gì muôi chīang ĭ sô̤i nì?
  10. Ô lâng-ciáh nè̤ng-káh lì. Ĭ ó̤i giĕ-lâung lâng-lăk, lièng ngù-nèng gŏ̤ siŏh ăk.
  11. Ô săng-báh báik-sĕk ngô buōng Séng-Gĭng.
  12. Lĕ̤k-chiĕng báik-