Page:A Manual of the Foochow Dialect in Twenty Lessons.pdf/47

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憑據 bìng-gé̤ṳ
竹 dé̤ṳk
古早 gū-cā
ancient times
駛性 sāi-sáng
to get angry
答應 dák-éng
to reply, answer
身體 sĭng-tā̤
呢 nì
脫 táung
undress, take down curtains and scrolls
泎 ciák
to shrink
to tend, take care of

Translate into English:—

  1. Nè̤ng-gă nĭk-nĭk cā-kī báik-dēng-cṳ̆ng có̤ lā̤-bái.
  2. Ĭ mìng-dáng-buŏ â̤ lì.
  3. Mŏ̤h ké̤ṳk ĭ hiēu-dék.
  4. Nè̤ng-gă hiêng-câi gōng ké̤ṳk nṳ̄ tiăng.
  5. Ĭ mò̤ niŏh-òng cêu â̤ diōng lì.
  6. Guó siŏh-káik cêu-sê siŏh-dēng-cṳ̆ng, nù-gáuk-nè̤ng siăh dáu.
  7. Hiêng-câi kò̤ gó hō̤. Màng-buŏ sê áng.
  8. Ià-Sŭ lŏ̤h lì géu nè̤ng.
  9. Ĭ miêng-âu â̤ gáu? Ciăng-nguŏk chĕ̤ săng.
  10. Gĭng-dáng gó liòng, chiāng guó lì siăh màng.
  11. Gĭng-dáng â-dáu ngô-dēng-cṳ̆ng, nè̤ng-gă sê chiāng Lì Sĭng-săng-niòng lì siăh dà.
  12. Nṳ̄ gūi-dēng gók-kī? Nè̤ng-gă gĭng-dáng-cā lŏ̤h chék-dēng-cṳ̆ng gók-kī.
  13. Dĕ̤ng-tiĕng ciā dê-huŏng chéng, lŏh hâ-tiĕng sê kák iĕk.
  14. Nù-gaúk-nè̤ng ô bìng-gé̤u ĭ gì pīng-hâing sê bàng-ciáng.
  15. Dè̤ng gì nó̤h diŏh laé̤, dó̤h diŏh gāng.

Translate into Chinese:—

  1. It was Friday yesterday.
  2. I know he does not want it.
  3. This butter is salt. I want fresh butter and fresh milk.
  4. He went the evening of the day before yesterday.
  5. Is this chair too large? Just right!
  6. I want to say a few words to you.
  7. Please give me a little bread.
  8. I have not yet eaten my dinner.
  9. It is your duty now to study. In a few years you may preach.
  10. When did Mr. Li start? He started at eight a. m. today.
  11. Please divide this pumelo. Give me one half and my brother one half.
  12. Where is the bell? I do not know, I have not seen it.
  13. Who has spilt this water?
  14. I want to buy some fresh eggs. How much are they apiece?
  15. The children are poorly today and must not go to school.
  16. This rope is poor. Where did you buy it?