Page:A Manual of the Foochow Dialect in Twenty Lessons.pdf/48

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着 diŏh
換 uâng
to exchange
角 gaé̤k
a corner, tenth of a dollar
季 gié
都 dŭ
討 tō̤
to seek for, find
替 tá̤
instead of, for
共 gâe̤ng
with, for
罪 cô̤i
哘 òng
a long time
肯 kīng
to be willing
番錢 huăng-cièng
要緊 iéu-gīng
一落厝 siŏh-lŏ̤h chió
a house
鐵釘 tiék-dĭng
a nail
鬧熱 nâu-iĕk
stir, bustle
遲 dì
印 éng
a seal, to print
跬 kiê
to stand
駛 sāi
to use, employ, in order that
銀 ngṳ̀ng
心 sĭng
the heart
借 cióh
to borrow, lend
信 séng
to believe
各 gáuk
every, each
贖 sṳ̆k
to atone for sin, redeem
剝 buóh
sign of future, about to
聖神 Séng-Sìng
the Holy Spirit
一橺房 siŏh-găng bùng
a room
感動 gāng-dông
to influence
得救 dáik-géu
to be saved
隴總 lūng-cūng
all, every
銅片 dè̤ng-piéng
copper cents

1. Chinese currency is in five kinds: Lump silver, usually speaken of as 銀 ngṳ̀ng; Dollars, or 番錢 huăng-cièng; Small silver coins or 番錢仔 huăng-cièng-giāng, (a ten cent piece is 一角 siŏh gáe̤k); copper cents, or 銅片 dè̤ng-piéng; copper cash or 錢 cièng. The reckoning is in decimals, usually calculated to two places. One dollar, 一塊番錢 siŏh-dó̤i huăng-cièng, literally one piece of foreign money. Half a dollar, 半塊錢 五角 buáng-dó̤i cièng or ngô gaé̤k. Twenty cents, 二角 lâng-gáe̤k. Twenty-five cents, 二角半 lâng-gaé̤k buáng. One