Page:A Manual of the Foochow Dialect in Twenty Lessons.pdf/66

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being understood, but they must always be translated into English, when and cíu are found introducing the consequences of the action. If God had not sent the Saviour, we could not go to heaven, 若使上帝毛差遣救主來奴各𠆧就賣上天堂 Iŏk-sṳ̄ Siông-Dá̤ mò̤ chă̤-kiēng Géu-Ciō lì, nù-gáuk-nè̤ng cˆú mâ̤ siông tiĕng dòng. If it be so, who will employ him? 㑚是將換俤𠆧⿰亻鞋肯用伊呢 Nâ se ciŏng-uâng, diê-nè̤ng â̤ king ê̤ṳng ĭ nì? If you want to go, you can go, 汝若使欲去就莽去 Nṳ̄ iŏk-sṳ̄ ó̤i kó̤, cêu muōng kó̤.

2. “Although” and “since” are expressed by 雖然 chŭi-iòng and 既然 gé-iòng. 也 , 就 cêu and 其實 gì-sĭk with 仍原 ìng nguòng and other words, acts as complements to these phrases. Although he died, he also came to life again, 伊雖然死去其實也仅活 I chŭi-iòng sī-kó̤, gì-sĭk iâ bô-năk. Although he is a rich man, he has not subscribed largely, 伊雖然是富𠆧仍原毛題盡⿰亻西其錢 I chăi-iòng sê bó-nè̤ng, ĭng nguuòng mò̤ dà̤ cêng sâ̤ gì cièng. Gì-sĭk is also used in introducing a statement controverting a previous one, and may be translated as “the truth of the matter”. He said it was that way, but really it was not so, 伊講是將換其實伓是將換 I gōng sê ciŏng uâng, gì-sĭk ng sê ciŏng-uâng. Other phrases introducing sentences which complete or amplify the meaning of the preceding sentences, are 並且 béng-chiā also, moreover, and 何況 hò̤-huóng moreover, still more, indicating intensity of degree. If teachers fail to set a good example, how can scholars hope to set an example? 若使做先生其都毛模樣何況做學生其務模樣呢 Iŏk-sṳ̄ cò̤ Sŭng-săng gì dŭ mò̤ muō-iòng, hò̤-huóng có̤ hŏk-sĕng gì ò muò-iông nì? Not only does he excel in studying his books, but his handwriting is also excellent, 伊不止㑚書讀盡好並且伊其字也寫的盡好 I bôk-cī nâ cṳ̆ tĕ̤k cêng hō̤, bêng-chiā i gì cê ia siā-sêk cêng hō̤.