Page:A Manual of the Foochow Dialect in Twenty Lessons.pdf/67

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3. In speaking of alternatives, and using the construction “either—or” repeated is employed, with or without a negative, or we may repeat the same statement. Did you say it or did he? 是汝講其吓是伊講其呢 Sê nṳ̄ gōng gì â, sê ĭ gaong gì nì? He worships neither God nor idols, 伊是伓拜菩薩也伓拜上帝 I iâ ng bái bù-sák, iâ ng bái Siông-Dá̤. Neither has he much ability, 伊也毛世乇本事 I iâ mò̤ sié-nó̤h buōng-sê̤ṳ.

4. Such phrases as “you may as well”, “had better”, “very good”, “that will do” are expressed by the use of, ⿰亻鞋使的 â̤ sāi-dék, muōng and â̤ in different combinations. Will it do to ask him for the loan of a dollar? Yes. 𠍒伊借一塊錢⿰亻鞋使的賣⿰亻鞋使的 Múóng ĭ cióh siŏk-dó̤i cièng â̤ sāi-dék mâ̤? â̤ sāi-dék. You had better go behind and look if the dog is there, 汝莽去後斗看犬仔着許塊毛 Nṳ̄ muōng kó̤ â-dāu káng kēng-giāng diŏh hṳ̆-uái mò̤. As large as this will do very well, 只大⿰亻鞋使的 Ci duâi â̤ sāi-dék.

5. 打 to strike, is used in Foochow Colloquial as an axuiliary verb in the phrases 打聽 dā-téng to make enquiries, 打發 dā-huák to send on an errand, 打工 dā-gĕ̤ng to job out work, 打𠋡 dā-siăh to board oneself. 拍 Páh is the more commonly used word meaning to strike, and is also widely used as an auxiliary verb, and frequently as a sign of the Passive voice. 拍破 Páh-puái broken, 拍毛 páh-mò̤ lost, 拍逷 páh-dâung fallen, 拍球 páh-gìu to play ball, 拍單 páh-giêu to bring over an empty sedan chair.

6. Téng-siăh means to earn a living wage. In this business he can make a living, 伊做者代⿰亻鞋贃的食 I có̤ ciā dâi â̤ téng-dék siăh.