Page:A Manual of the Foochow Dialect in Twenty Lessons.pdf/74

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另外 lêng-nguôi
besides, in addition
守 siū
to guard, keep
隻 ciáh
just now, only, then
面 méng
a surface, side, face
住 cê̤ṳ
to dwell, an aux. verb
遮 ciă
to cover
法 huák
method, plan, law
時常 sì-siòng
一粒珍珠 siŏh-lăk dĭng-ciŏ
a pearl
才能 cài-nèng
餘剩 ṳ́-diông
the remainder
盡 cêng
失 sék
to lose, a fault
粗 chŭ
幼 éu
small, fine
實在 sĭk-câi
扼 aík
to press with the hand
鴨 ák
a duck
好處 hō̤-ché̤ṳ
除 dṳ̀
to exclude, except
仅 bô
also, again
忽然間 huók-iòng-găng
霎時間 sák-sì-găng
肘肘 diū-diū
just now, to happen

1. Chinese idioms differ widely from English idioms in many cases. At times a phrase rather than a word has to be translated, and one Chinese word may require the use of a whole phrase in English for its elucidation. Such is the case with the use of the construction involving the word 隻 ciáh, which signifies “by this means only.” Sometimes it signifies time just elapsed, as “he has just gone” 伊隻隻去 I ciáh-ciáh kó̤. 肘 Diū also has this meaning, and the preceding sentence may be rendered, 伊肘肘去 ĭ diū diū kó̤. It is always used duplicated. You must believe in Jesus then you will be saved, 着信耶穌隻⿰亻鞋得救 Diŏh séng Ià-Sŭ ciáh á̤ dáik géu. None but those who worship God can obtain true benefit, 㑚拜上帝其𠆧隻⿰亻鞋得真其好處 Nû bái Siông-Dá̤ gì nè̤ng ciáh â̤ dáik cĭng gì hō̤-ché̤ṳ.