Page:A Manual of the Foochow Dialect in Twenty Lessons.pdf/75

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2. 住 Cê̤ṳ to dwell, is used as an auxiliary verb with 靠 kó̤ to trust, and is an example of the way in which auxiliary verbs are used with their particular predicates, not being like the English auxiliaries “can, will,” and others, which may be used with any verb. He is an untrustworthy man, 伊是靠不住其𠆧 I sê kó̤-bók-cê̤ṳ gì nè̤ng.

3. Sentences relating to inclusion, exclusion, exception. Your money is included, 汝其錢在內 Nṳ̄ gì cièng câi nô̤i. More than six thousand men besides women and children, 除伲仔哥連諸娘𠆧以外𠆧務六千零 Dṳ̀ niê-giāng-gŏ̤ lièng cṳ̆-niòng-nè̤ng ī-nguói nè̤ng ô lĕ̤k-chiĕng lìng. Including both fine and coarse ones there are twenty five, 粗連幼其合禮務二十五隻 Chŭ lièng éu gì hăk-lā̤ ô nê-sĕk-ngô ciáh. We ourselves even are in fault, 汝各𠆧也務過失 nṳ̄-gaúk-nè̤ng iâ ô guó-sé̤k. Give him five dollars extra, 另外乞伊五塊番 Lêng-nguôi ké̤ṳk í ngô dó̤i huăng. How many dollars have you left? 番錢故務剩幾塊呢 Huăng-cièng gó-ô diông gūi-dó̤i nì? I have four left, 奴故務剩四塊 Nù gó-ô diông sé dó̤i.

4. Continued action and the imperfect participle, 禮 lā̤ used with the verb, preceded by 故 forms imperfect participle and expresses continued action. He is still writing, 伊故禮寫字 I gó lā̤ siā cê. He is still speaking, 伊故禮講話 I gó lā̤ gōng uâ.

5. Simultaneous action is referred to, either by a phrase or by one or two words as “at the same time,” “meanwhile”, “both---and” e.g. “both hearing and answering questions.” Chinese idioms usually prefers the latter form or the repetition of 仅 . 莽 Muōng. is also used to denote continuous simultaneous action. He talks as he lays the table, 伊禮排棹仅禮講話 ĭ lā̤ bà̤ dó̤h bô lā̤ gōng-uâ. He preaches as he travels, 伊莽䟰路莽 ĭ muōng giàng diô muōng