Page:A Manual of the Foochow Dialect in Twenty Lessons.pdf/81

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  1. Diŏh Dṳ̆ng-guók gô-dā̤ mò̤ sié-nó̤h nguôi-guók gì nè̤ng. Hiêng-câi ô cêng-sâ̤ có̤ sĕng-é lièng diòng-dô̤ gì nè̤ng.
  2. Dīng siŏh-â, nè̤ng-gă chă-bók-dŏ̤ tĕ̤k uòng-lāu cī siŏh-ciŏng.
  3. Céṳng-nè̤ng gì-dĕk ĭ gáu-hóng, ĭng ĭ gá nè̤ng chiông ô guòng-báng gì nè̤ng ng-chiông ciā tĕ̤k-cṳ̆-nè̤ng.
  4. Ô lā tĕ̤k-cṳ̆-nè̤ng lì gâe̤ng Ià-Sŭ gōng, Sĭng-săng ā, ng lâung nṳ̄ kó̤ diê ôi-ché̤ṳ nguāi buóh gṳ̆ng nṳ̄. (Matt. 8.19)

Translate into Chinese:—

  1. God pitied men and sent the Savior.
  2. If you believe in Jesus all the sins of the past are remitted.
  3. The street is crowded with people.
  4. How large do you want this made?
  5. He did not intend to injure me.
  6. This box is already packed full. I have no room for any more things.
  7. I am not accustomed to hear Chinese spoken.
  8. His clothes are both beautiful and costly.
  9. Measure the cloth and see if it is enough. It is several inches short.
  10. Try and make the bed nicely. I have guests coming today, and I want them to see every place looking nice.
  11. This pain is unbearable.
  12. This bedquilt is very thick. Ours are all too thin, and we are very cold at night.
  13. This child resembles its parents. It is easy to see whose child it is
  14. When you go on the street, please buy me thirty feet of rope.
  15. He therefore which heareth these words of mine and doeth them shall be likened unto a wise man which built his house upon rock.


驚 giăng
to fear
睏 káung
to sleep
准 cūng
to permit
想 siōng
to think
當 dáung
to represent, to pawn
漢的 háng-dék
to suppose
仈字 báik cê
to recognise characters
好愛 hō̤-tiáng
止 cī
to stop
店 dáing
相 sŏng
板 bēng