Page:A Manual of the Foochow Dialect in Twenty Lessons.pdf/80

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push, 乞伊捵一下 Ké̤ṳk ĭ tiāng siŏh-â.

8. The phrase “from this time forth” is translated by using 自 cê̤ṳ and 由 for “from”. From the beginning until now, 自起頭至仱 Cê̤ṳ kī-tàu gáu dăng.

9. 一 Siŏh one, is sometimes used with verbs to give the power of the Perfect Participle, denoting completed action, but also introducing some other action as the result of the first. As soon as I heard this voice I knew who he was, 儂家一聽見伊其聲音就曉的是俤𠆧 Nè̤ng-gă siŏh tiăng-giéng ĭ gì siăng-ĭng cêu hiēu-dék sê diè-nè̤ng.


笝 năk
bamboo towline
拔 bĕk
pull, haul
賞賜 siōng-sé̤ṳ
reward, gift
點心 diēng-sĭng
天晴 tiĕng-sàng
fine weather
雨傘 ṳ̄-sāng
生鍟 săng-sĭng
危險 ngùi-hiēng
衆 cé̤ṳng
扯 tiē
to rip, pull apart
教訓 gáu-hóng
門生 muòng-sĕng

Translate into English:—

  1. Ĭ ô bâng lâng-gá nguòk-nĭk hṳ̄ òng.
  2. Nṳ̄ gōng-uâ cī-muāng ká̤, ceû ék-dêng â̤ dâng.
  3. Cuòi mò̤ niŏh-uâi dâe̤ng, muōng ché káng.
  4. Hō̤-chiông nè̤ng-gă o̤í-dĕk ĭ gì cièng!
  5. Lâung nĭk, siŏh-nĭk siŏh-báh cièng.
  6. Nṳ̄ lŏ̤h cŭ-uái muōng hiók siŏh-â; diô cêng huông, nṳ̄ muôi gáu dó̤i ék-dêng â sĭng-kū.
  7. Ng-tĕ̤ng gōng, Sāi-sùng gì nè̤ng tuă só̤h kó̤, mì-dŭk diŏh ciŏng-uâng gōng, Sāi sùng gì nè̤ng bĕk năk, ceû hō̤
  8. Ĭ sĭk-câi kék-kŭi. Nù-gáuk-nè̤ng kō̤-lèng ĭ, nâ mò̤ sié-nó̤h huŏng-huák bŏng-câe̤ ĭ.
  9. Ĭ sê ô é có̤ cī siŏh-iông gì dâi.
  10. Cī-siŏh-dáng kák dâe̤ng.
  11. Giéu ĭ-gaúk-nè̤ng sĕng giàng, guó siŏh-â nè̤ng-gă gṳ̆ng ĭ lì.