Page:A Manual of the Foochow Dialect in Twenty Lessons.pdf/93

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Chinese though often derived from the book language. Though much compressed in form they are very expressive. They are best learnt in direct conversation with the people. Of the same mind, 一心一意 Ék-sĭng ék-é. Well intentioned, 好心好意 Hō̤-sĭng hō̤-é. Undecided, 心意毛定着 Sĭng-é mó̤ diâng-diŏh. A hypocrite, 口是心非 Kēu-sê sing-hĭ. Early and late, 起早睏暗 Kī-cā káung-áng. Neither one thing or the other, 不三不四 Bók-săng bók-sé. All in confusion, 七㬵八手 Chék-kă báik-chiū.


花 huă
魚 ngṳ̀
空 kĕ̤ng
染色 niēng-sáik
伙𠋡 huōi-sĭk
board (food)
岸 ngiâng
bank of river
可疑 kō̤-ngì
to doubt
欠債 kiéng-cái
to be in debt
火爐 huōi-lù
渡 dô
to ferry across
軟弱 niōng-iŏk
weak in body

Translate into English:—

  1. Tiĕng có̤ biéng, nè̤ng-gă siōng â̤ dâung ṳ̄.
  2. Ĭ siŏh gă-siók, nè̤ng-gă cêu huôi-é.
  3. Cī siŏh-guó uâ, nè̤ng-gă mâ̤ huăng-ĭk dék-lì.
  4. Nguāi-gáuk-nè̤ng diŏh cà̤ sŏng-tiáng.
  5. Nù-gáuk-nè̤ng diŏh bìng ĭ hŭng-hó gì uâ kó̤ có̤.
  6. Chiāng nṳ̄ mŏ̤h dăng-gó̤h, nguāi cêng gék.
  7. Ciā buó nù mâ̤ dé̤ṳng-é, chiāng cái dò̤ bĕk-iông ké̤ṳk nù káng.
  8. Kō̤-sék nè̤ng-gă mò̤ bék-nó̤h iông-sék gì buó, cṳ̀i â̤ sāi-dék mâ̤?
  9. Mā gâe̤ng lè̤ gì hŭng-biék nṳ̄ â̤ hiēu-dék mâ̤? Mâ̤ hiēu-dék. Ŏh-ciŏng-uâng ng-tĕ̤ng sāi nṳ̄ kó̤ mā̤ mā, miēng-dék nṳ̄ mā̤ siŏh-tàu lè̤ lì.
  10. Nù āi-uông mò̤ niŏh òng cái giéng nṳ̄. Siâ-siâ, nâ mò̤ nó̤h dăng-gó̤h, màng-nièng cái lì.
  11. Báh-sáng lŏ̤h Lō̤-diă gì méng-sèng sê cêng kó̤ kiĕng-hṳ̆.
  12. Ciā iŏh cêng kū, ô bĕk-nó̤h iông mò̤?
  13. Kī-dâe̤ng nṳ̄ tá̤