Page:A Manual of the Foochow Dialect in Twenty Lessons.pdf/94

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nguāi huăng-ĭk cī siŏh-guó uâ, ĭng ciā é-sé̤ṳ mò̤ chĭng-chū.

  1. Nṳ̄ ó̤i nè̤ng ciŏng-iông káng-dâi nṳ̄, nṳ̄ iâ diŏh ciŏng-iông káng-dâi nè̤ng.
  2. Ià-Sŭ éng ĭ gōng, ciŏng nṳ̄ sū giéng sū tiăng gì dâi diōng-kó̤ gâe̤ng ĭ gōng, cêu sê chăng-màng â̤ káng-giéng, piāng-kă â̤ giàng, ngê-lè̤ng â̤ tiăng-giéng, sī-nè̤ng â̤ bô-uăk, gṳ̀ng nè̤ng â̤ tiăng-giéng Hók-Ĭng gì dô̤-lī.

Translate into Chinese:—

  1. First talk the matter over, then act.
  2. God’s kingdom will increase.
  3. Jesus healed the deaf, the lame and the dumb.
  4. He did not catch the ball, as the window was broken.
  5. My son’s foot is bad. The doctor says that it is incurable, and fears that he will be lame.
  6. If your teacher cuts your conduct marks you ought to be ashamed.
  7. Put the lamp on the table, I cannot see to read.
  8. The man cursed me and would not go away for a long time.
  9. He has not managed this affair at all well.
  10. I have no patience with him. He is lazy.
  11. Had I not seen it with my own eyes, I would not have believed that the would do such a wicked thing.
  12. This fish is too salt, if we eat it we shall be very thirsty.
  13. They perceived that he was not as other men.
  14. Multitudes came to hear him preach, so that he had not leisure to eat.
  15. Jesus saw the great multitudes about him thereupon he told his disciples to cross to the other side.
  16. I did not say anything about buying his clothes, I only promised to help him with his board money.