Page:A Manual of the Foochow Dialect in Twenty Lessons.pdf/98

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English into Chinese

wants to borrow four dollars. Don’t lend them to him.

  1. He says that he will return one dollar on the 7th of the 7th month, and will return three dollars on the 6th of the 12th month.
  2. I lent him three books last year, he has not yet returned them.
  3. He has gone a long time.
  4. Please undress the children.
  5. The washerman has washed my flannels badly, they are all shrunk and are useless
  6. He wants to borrow more nails, but he has not yet returned those he borrowed last year
  7. Divide this dollar betwen them.
  8. Mr. Li's son is very naughty, he will not go to school.
  9. Please tell him that I am in a hurry.


  1. Tell him to come a little earlier.
  2. I do not remember when he came.
  3. This year’s tea is better than last year’s.
  4. He is not acquainted with the doctrines of the Bible.
  5. Those two men have come to an understanding (have spoken peace).
  6. It is a myriad times better to worship God than to worship idols.
  7. The cook has not bought enough rice.
  8. These lamps all need repairing. Tomorrow you must use the (hanging) lamp that is in the church, but there is no hurry about repairing the hand lamps.
  9. My fruit is riper than yours, but neither are fit to be eaten raw.
  10. Take down the curtains today, and brush them; afterwards put them away in the cupboard.
  11. This wall is not firmly built.
  12. He has come so very late, that I shall cut his cash.
  13. Travelling on about is not as quick as riding in a chair.
  14. That thing is very beautiful, I want to take it te my mother for her to see.
  15. Please sweep this room very clean, it is very bad to have cobwebs in the house.


  1. This does not accord with my intentions.
  2. There are many false gods.
  3. He is very young.
  4. It rains today.
  5. Push the door open.
  6. Those who believe in Jesus have perfect peace.
  7. These are very excellent words.
  8. It has rained, but our garments are not at all wet.
  9. The sources of many rivers are in high mountains.
  10. Why do you undervalue his scholarship?
  11. Mother is in her room, she is very busy today.
  12. Do not forget me.
  13. You must not ask that old gentleman “How many years” just as it he were a child. It is better