Page:A Manual of the Foochow Dialect in Twenty Lessons.pdf/99

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Key to Exercises

to ask him for his “exalted longevity”.

  1. It is raining very heavily, give the chair-coolies double money.
  2. This door is very heavy, I cannot push it open.


  1. I do not recognise this man.
  2. They nailed Jesus to the cross.
  3. This is an illustration.
  4. We have all offended God.
  5. Tell him to come in.
  6. I gave my old clothes to an old man on the street.
  7. Foochow colloquial is not easy (good) to learn.
  8. Can you speak the Foochow dialect? No, I only understand a little of it when I hear it.
  9. I did not mean to offend him, please ask him to excuse me.-
  10. All the tools are in my room, here is the key you can bring them to me.
  11. I have not seen my relatives for a long time, none of them recognized me.
  12. This condensed milk is very good. I use it when I am on my journeys.
  13. How far is this place from Iong-bing? 25 li.
  14. I Have looked for the hammer and nails for half the day, but I cannot find them.
  15. Please go upstairs and bring down my Bible, it is on ny bed.


  1. What is the day of the month today?
  2. I will escort you out of the city.
  3. My book has fallen down, will you please pick it up for me?
  4. I met him on the street.
  5. As we have no merit, we must trust in Jesus.
  6. We must repent and believe on Jesus.
  7. Man is altogether wrong.
  8. Even devils, Jesus cast them out.
  9. Although he is a rich man he has not really many friends.
  10. You had better soak the oatmeal tonight, so that it can be more quickly prepared in the morning.
  11. We were playing ball and broke your glass, will you please forgive us, Sir?
  12. He will not work but sits down all the day.
  13. He is forty years old, and cannot learn a foreign language.
  14. These socks have shrunk, so that they are too small for me, you can give them to the school boys to wear.
  15. Do not imitate Mr. Li in speaking, he speaks very fast.


  1. My original intention was to go to Kucheng, but on account of one very pressing matter, I went first to Iong-bing.
  2. Although we are sinners God is still willing to forgive us.
  3. This gar-