formed, or other Judgment, if neceſſary, can be procured. Wounds are ſoon cured by their ſoft Bandages and excellent warm Balſams; and all Swellings they quickly reduce by their comforting warm Pultices! very needful on ſome Occaſions in theſe remote Iſlands. Aſſwaging Inflammation, laying open, and removing Obstacles, according to proper Methods, they leave the general Work of Healing to Nature, whoſe Art is wonderful. As to the Preſident, Mrs. Sarah Jenkins, (commonly called Aunt Sarah) being a Perſon of ſingular Skill and Circumſtance, The does many Acts of Charity and Benevolence to the Poor-Diſtreſſed; to which the reſt of the younger Siſterhood, who are not a little amiable, contribute their Parts.
The Preſident is remarkable for her venerable long Beard, which ſome imagine operates miraculouſly to the Beneſit of thoſe who ſtroke it. Her Deputy in Surgery bleeds, draws Teeth, &c.
Ships being ſometimes loſt on the Coaſt of Scilly, by the Neglect, or Miſconduct of the Seamen, eſpecially in bad Weather,