An Account of the
the Merchants and ſome others, not always made acquainted with the true Cauſe of thoſe Misfortunes, have an ill-grounded Opinion of the Situation of theſe Iſlands, as well as a blind Prejudice to the Diſadvantage of the Inhabitants; not diſtinguiſhing that Ships are as liable to be loſt on many other Parts of the Engliſh Coaſt, if due Care is not taken by the ſkilful Mariner.
As to the Scillonians, whom a late [1] Author has reſlected upon for their Conduct towards the Merchant and Perſons ſhipwreck'd on their Coaſt, they are certainly much more known for their Services to Strangers, in ſuch Times of Diſtreſs, than the Corniſh, or any other Inhabitants on the Coaſts of England.
- ↑ For the Vindication of Truth, and Reputation of theſe Natives, I here think myſelf obliged to take Notice of the concealed Author of the pretended Tour through Great Britain; who, in his falſe Account of Cornwall (Vol. I. p. 413, 414.) has made ſo free with the Characters of theſe People, and Iſlands that he never ſaw, nor could poſſibly be informed of, in ſo unfaithful a Manner, except by the Dictates of his own Imagination.